Tag: depression and desires

  • The Belief of Depression Can Stand In The Way Of Your Desires

    One common illness that plagues millions is depression.  I have read numerous times how people can “get over” depression by changing their thoughts or beliefs.  While some of this may be true, it may not be entirely true.

    Many believe that depression is only caused by negative thoughts or thinking patterns.  Many also believe that it is not an illness nor does it exist.  It is possible that this is true, but many who are able to change their thoughts still suffer.

    It has also been said that many suffer from depression or any illness due to stress.  Stress is the cause of many illnesses and their recoveries.  While this also may be true, once again what about those who suffer from depression after eliminating stress and doing their best to change there thoughts.

    There is no clear cut answer to this, if there was then no one would have an ounce of depression at any time.  Does depression come first leading to negative thoughts or vice versa?   Once again, this is not easily answered, especially by those who do not suffer from depression.  There is one clear cut truth dealing with depression and that is it is a roadblock for peoples’ desire.

    When the black cloud of depression is hanging over an individual’s head it is hard to even have a clear thought, let alone try to manifest their desires.  So what does one do when depression is so bad that they cannot focus on reaching their full potential or changing their mindset?

    Well this is not a medical opinion, for I am not in anyway qualified to make any such statement.  My first gut reaction is that if the depression is bad enough an individual should seek help.  If that step has already been taken then the following may help you:

    1. Make a list of your desires in those moments where you feel mild relief of your depression.
    2. Make a list of goals, but make them flexible
    3. Establish your core belief system, for example is it God, Universal Laws, etc.  Then begin to study that way of thinking and put it into practice
    4. Make a list of what you did accomplish throughout the day

    Just implementing this short list may lift depression a bit to help someone solidify their desires.  With solid desires locked in place, even when depression hits, these desires will not be forgotten.