Tag: conversational hypnosis indirect manual suggestion

  • Conversational Hypnosis

    Throughout the years of practicing hypnosis I have gotten one question often. My clients have asked me how to use hypnosis in everyday life.

    Some people have the knack for speaking, writing, etc. hypnotically. There are many books on the subject, however the reality is that using hypnosis in everyday life is automatic once you master it. Using hypnosis techniques in your daily life can become part of your personality if you so desire.

    Before I go any further, I want to clarify that using hypnotic techniques are not evil or manipulating. They are a way to establish great rapport with and individual based on how they think.

    Since I do not have a page dedicated to him, I would like to introduce Steve G. Jones he’s a world renowned, super-educated hypnotherapist. Steve is an expert on how to use hypnosis in both everyday life and therapeutically. After all, that’s just about the only thing Steve has done with his life, professionally speaking, for the last 24 years.

    Steve has created an 18 module system to give you almost-absolute control in everyday situations. You can find out more about his program by going to http://www.hypnosistocontrol.com.

    There are two limiting factors when it comes to conversational hypnosis with Steve’s program:

    The individual must have an IQ of 90 (which goes for hypnosis, not just conversationally) and the use of conversational hypnosis can be used on one individual at time.

    If you want to get an edge in everyday communication, lead other people towards your goals and you promise to do it ethically… I urge you to find out more about Steve’s program.

    There are others out there if you want to do the search but from this hypnotist’s standpoint, Steve really provides some great information.