Tag: christie marie sheldon 2016

  • Unlimited Abundance Live Webinar

    unlimited abundance live webinarThe Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance Live webinar event is back.  Presented by Mindvalley Academy this is one of the highest attended events and for good reason. Christie’s methods work.  No matter what type of abundance you wish you increase you can gain valuable knowledge by attending this free event.

    Christie Marie Sheldon private sessions are quite expensive. When a complimentary training comes along it is best to take advantage of it.  You may have read are post what are the 24 Abundance blocks.  If you have not, not to worry you will learn what they are during this webcast. Christie is an intuitive coach and energy healer.  So far identified 24 unique blocks after working with more than 20,000 people one-on-one. During this event she will help you discover what yours are and help you to eliminate them.

    Unlimited Abundance Live Webinar

    This event is not only educational but also a free energy clearing event. Earlier this year, a similar clearing webcast was attended by thousands of participants.  The results that some of them experienced in the following days were amazing.

    This new Unlimited Abundance Live webinar is only 60 minutes long. It is designed to help you tackle one of the biggest problems you may be facing: How to Earn a Bigger Income Doing What You Love. By attending you will:

    • Learn how these blocks prevent you every day from manifesting the wealth you deserve
    • Participate in a group clearing called “getting paid for being you.”
    • Access your personal energetic field
    • Discover your hidden talents
    • Clear the Abundance Block that stops you from earning a great income
    • Listen to Vishen Lakhiani Mindvalley Academy founder ask Christie a series of questions on Abundance Blocks
    • Hear real-life stories from past participants of this session
    • Plus much more

    What Are Abundance Blocks?

    Skeptical?  Many would be, that is why this event is complimentary. You can gauge the results for yourself.  Christie Marie Sheldon knows her methods work.  After identifying these blocks she has found that having any one of them can through you off course. But what are abundance Blocks? In short, they are subconscious barriers that stop you from achieve your dream life.

    The Christie Marie Sheldon Energy clearing for abundance blocks is reason enough to attend. However, with everything that is out there today we know you need more. It is your time you are dedicating. So if the above is not enough here is why we personally recommend attending:

    • We have been in the personal growth for decades.  After attending this event we were shocked when we saw how much our abundance blocks were costing us.
    • When we attended the last Unlimited Abundance Live webinar we discovered huge epiphanies, feeling of total bliss, and incredible new ideas.

    When it comes to creating income or having great abundance you must do several things.   Financial strategies and taking action are all important. But without being vibrationally aligned to your financial goals, you will face hurdles for every step you take. Once you remove your abundance blocks, your vibration will automatically align with your goals. To discover what your blocks to abundance are or to attend the free Christie Marie Sheldon seminar training you can go to the Mindvalley Academy website.

  • Christie Marie Sheldon Seminars

    Christie Marie Sheldon SeminarsIf you have never had a change to attend one of the Christie Marie Sheldon seminars then you have been missing out on the quickest way to raise you Abundance Frequency, which a little known technique called Energy Clearing. The good news is that there is an event that happens usually only once a year that is completely free called Unblock Your Abundance.

    If you are wondering what are abundance blocks in short they are energetic blueprints that you learned from as far back as childhood especially between the ages of 3 to 8. People who have abundance in their live have a higher abundance frequency which is the energy that governs the abundance each person receives in life. People have a tendency to believe these people are lucky or special but the truth of the matter is that they have trained themselves to be that way and you can do the same. It does not have to take years to do so either, if you have an open mind and heart you can Christie, energy healer will share with you how to clear your blocks and open your abundance.

    Christie Marie Sheldon Seminars

    What makes the Unlimited Abundance Live event so important besides the obvious is that this is massive online energy session on Abundance Blocks at no charge which rarely happens. Last year over 70,00 people signed up for her class and results these individuals had were amazing, If you want to finally rid yourself of any money and other Blocks that are secretly holding you back from the life of your dreams, this is the event you have been searching for.

    Christie discovered 24 blocks which we have cover before, and these are keeping your Abundance Frequency down. By attending the Unlimited Abundance webinar you will get to learn her technique of Energy Clearing for clearing these Abundance Blocks that effectively rids you of them without you even trying and you will see results in hours not years. Here’s a short review of what will be covered during this Mindvalley Masterclass:

    • What are Abundance Blocks And Why are they Holding You Back From Wealth
    • How Does Energy Clearing Work
    • A Christie Marie Sheldon free energy clearing 2016
    • Find out how much your blocks are holding you back
    • Hear real-life stories from past participants of this energy clearing session.
    • The Hot Seat- this is for the skeptics where Vishen Lahkiani will be asking Christie some really important questions on every aspect of Abundance Blocks
    • Plus much more

    By learning what Abundance blocks are and why they exist as well as which ones could be sabotaging your ability to manifest the abundance you desire will greatly impact your life even if you are a skeptic. You will learn how to tap into your energy field, and directly remove Abundance Blocks from it plus Christie will share with you an abundance calculator to instantly see how far you are to being financially healthy. This is one chance to attend one of the Christie Marie Sheldon Seminars at no charge so you do not want to miss this breakthrough way of energy management which combines both timeless wisdom of the east and years of testing with individuals from all walks of life.