The words and phrases we think and use in daily conversations can greatly affect our future. If speaking in past tense with a sense of regret or longing can put any future dreams on hold.
When using past tense words and phrases without a feeling of joy attached our dreams for the future can take much more time to achieve. Looking back has never done much good for anyone. You cannot change the past and you cannot get it back.
There is only one real reason to remember the past briefly and that is for learning sake. If you look at your past for a brief moment and remember something you learned that can shape your future in a positive way, which will more then likely not hinder your future intents.
Words and phrases that we are so used to using are a habit for many. The benefit to eliminating them will be an increase in forward thinking and a decrease in negative emotion. This short list below is an example of phrases that could be easily eliminated from your vocabulary to create a brighter future.
Used To
I Didn’t
I Miss
I Regret
I Wish It Would Have
As you can see by using these phrases and many others creates that sense of loss. They give a sense that you did not get what you wanted or did not achieve something. There are many other phrases that one uses on a daily basis that promotes a sense of lose or underachievement all of which can be very damaging to future creation as well as self esteem.
When one uses these types of words or phrases they feel as if they missed something or that they were not good enough. A spiral of other negative thoughts will be attached to these and they will keep on coming until your self esteem is in the toilet.
Correcting these thinking patterns can be relatively easy but one must watch out for one key factor. That one factor is over monitoring there thoughts. Over monitoring with cause much more stress and greater negative emotions.
The best way to correct this pattern is just to catch and reverse. Do not monitor every thought but when you come upon one that is using negative, past tense phrases simply reverse it to positive, future phrases.
For example, “used to” could become “I am” or “didn’t” could become “I will.” There are many ways to reverse negative phrases and you change them to whatever is most comfortable for you. After a month of practice your mindset will greatly change.