Tag: can you really have it all

  • Can You Have It All In Life

    Can You Have It All In LifeCan You have it all in life, in you have been in the personal growth study for some time this thought may have crossed your mind. When talking about reality, reality is what is held in each individuals mind, since each person’s reality is different than the answer to the question is yes you can have it all but we need to go a bit further on this.

    A perfect relationship, the ideal weight, excellent health and wealth are many things people want and they are in everyone’s reach. When we say that each person’s reality is based on their own beliefs there are a few exceptions so we want to clear those up to be proactive. You may not be able to travel to Pluto or stay underwater for 10 hours with no gear but if your desire it to create a life by design that is let us say physically possible then yes you really can have it all. This may seem a bit funny that we mentioned the above but if you read some of our comments you would understand.

    Can You Have It All In Life

    • Again the answer is yes, but that does not help anyone if they do not know how to have it all in life. Now if you have found this article more than likely you are lacking in some area or perhaps even all areas of your life. If this is the case there are a few things you can do:
    • Look at where your life is in all areas not just one, look at finances, relationships, your personal skills and emotional balance and so on
    • Note which areas are going well and which are not
    • Take note of what you think on a daily basis about the areas that are lack. What are your thoughts, what are you telling yourself?
    • Finally, look back briefly at where the thoughts and negative things you are saying to yourself came from. We say briefly because there is really no need to go back long, the present it what will create the future, but for some getting an idea of where their beliefs came from helps a great deal

    After you have done the above it is time to do a bit of thought and belief reconstruction there are slow ways to do this and quicker ways. For the purpose of this article we will cover the quicker ways that show you how to have it all in life. The quickest way is retraining your brain and one of our favorites are the Neurogym Programs which include Win the Game:

    • Money
    • Weight Loss
    • Fear
    • Having It All

    The first 3 programs come with a full free webinar to explain to you what and how you can have more money, lose weight, and eliminate fear. The Can you have it all in life is a free video series, you can attend all of these complimentary webinars and watch the videos or you can pick and choose to fit your needs. Now if you do not feel the above is what you want to improve or change in your life then you will want to attend the Brainathon 2016 which is also a free webinar offered by Neurogym. This event shows you how your thoughts and past experiences have put you where you are today and how you can change it.

    You can choose a webinar HERE

    You can Watch The Video Series HERE