Tag: buddhist

  • Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    Embracing the Unknown with Pema ChödrönEmbracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön offers a free teaching on living with uncertainty.

    There are always life’s uncertainties that can leave you feeling restless and distracted? You’re definitely not alone.

    In this unpredictable world, it’s easy to get caught in the in-between a state of uncertainty.  According to the teachings of  Pema Chödrön, this seemingly chaotic restlessness is nothing new. In fact, in the realms of Buddhist philosophy, every moment is inherently uncertain. It’s all about how we ride the waves and fully embrace the  groundlessness of existence.


    Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    This teaching session with  Pema Chödrön will share wisdom on finding serenity and living life to the fullest amidst the thrilling ups and downs of existence.

    Pema’s teachings will open your eyes to the hidden magic that resides within those tiny gaps between moments. The moments we often overlook or take for granted. Even the so-called “normal” times are in constant flux, slipping away as soon as we try to hold onto them. 

    Pema knows that recognizing life’s inherent groundlessness is the key to unlocking unparalleled value and discovering the extraordinary within the ordinary.


    Unraveling the Mysteries: Dancing with Uncertainty and Fear

    This is your  ticket to a conversation between Pema Chödrön and Tami Simon. They will discuss the journey through the depths of uncertainty and fear.

    You will learn about the heart of impermanence which is a core concept in Buddhism. Plus, they will talk about  the secrets of how our attachments to material things intensify our suffering.

    Through their dialogue, you’ll gain insights into embracing change and finding your inner peace.

    Secure Your Spot for Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    This is a  chance to expand your mind, confront your deepest fears, and cultivate  resilience in the face of uncertainty.  Amidst the whirlwind of chaos finding solace and meaning becomes crucial.

    Through Pema Chödrön and Tami Simon guidance, you’ll not only learn to embrace the impermanence but also rid yourself of attachment. Watch the session with Pema Chödrön,  and begin a journey of self-discovery. One that will give you insights into the lessons that can be extracted from contemplating the enigma of death. 


  • Ancestral Wisdom For Walking The Path of the Holy Being

    The Ancestral Wisdom of the Holy Being To understand the Ancestral Wisdom For Walking The Path of the Holy Being there is a complimentary event.

    This webcast is Applying Radical Presence to Become an Agent of Blessing.

    During it, Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and it will show you how to Transmute Darkness Into Light With Jewish and Buddhist Wisdom Practices.


    The Power of Ancestral Wisdom in the Modern World

    Discover the resounding echoes of ancient wisdom as they reverberate through the winds of change.

    Rabbi Tirzah Firestone will explain the power of sacred technologies. These are capable of creating transformation in your life and the lives of others.

    The teachings between Judaism and Buddhism,will be explained by Firestone. This similarities will allow you to  walk a path of personal and collective healing.

    The Relevance of Ancient Traditions in a Changing World

    Firestone will actively highlight the power of sacred technologies. Technologies that possess the potential to transform our lives and the lives of others.

    By actively understanding the synergy between Judaism and Buddhism, we can intertwine the teachings of these traditions. By doing so we become a catalyst for personal and collective healing.


    Ancestral Wisdom For Walking The Path of the Holy Being to Cultivate Clarity and Deepen Awareness

    Guided by Rabbi Tirzah’s you will embody a spiritual practices rooted in time-honored Jewish rituals. As these practices resonate within you, your brains and nervous systems shall ignite. This will allow  an unbreakable bond with your innate goodness.

    Within this transformation, you can sow seeds of hope and goodness, nurturing our alignment with sacred purpose

    Transmuting Darkness Into Light

    During this event you will embody the profound wisdom of Jewish and Buddhist traditions. Through the process derived from ancient Jewish rituals you will see darkness surrender. This allows you to access the essence that dwells within, empowering you to spread love and light to all.

    In the embrace of these ancestral healing practices and ancient spiritual teachings, you can expand personal growth and purpose. As we ardently embrace radical presence, you will effortlessly embody your true essence as agents of blessing in our world.

    Ancestral Wisdom For Walking The Path of the Holy Being

    Don’t miss the chance to embark on an enlightening journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Through your participation, you will  gain invaluable tools, insights, and practices.

    These will allow you to to transmute darkness into luminosity and empowering you to embody your true essence.

    Secure your spot today and join Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone as she illuminates the path of becoming.