Tag: best brainwave entrainment

  • Brainwave Entrainment What Is It?

    what is brainwave entrainmentThis short what is brainwave entrainment overview was prompted by a few messages we received about a past post we wrote entitled Zen12 meditation review. Some wanted to know what exactly what this was as well a few other questions. In this article we will cover what it is, the science behind it and how you can benefit from it.

    What is Brainwave Entrainment?

    Brainwave entrainment is a method to guide you into a specific state of mind using sounds, lights, and an electrical activity. It is an area of science that has been studied for years and is also known as neural entrainment. To make it quite easy to understand in regards to using an mp3 or audio it is like copying a file, the audio has the frequencies of a certain state such as Delta or beta and by listening to an audio your mind copies that state. Right now, you’re alert and conscious, and so you’re most likely operating in the beta range when you’re asleep at night, you’re in the delta range. An example of coping would be in the article we wrote about zen12, their free download contains frequencies of deep meditation and by gaining access to it you can experience those to help guide you into a deeper state. Now there is much more science to this area which you are free to research on your own but we will not cover all of it as we are not scientists.

    Does Brainwave Entrainment Work

    While people still debate over the effectiveness of it we still have to say yes it does. You can go ahead and read through all the differing opinions but the best answer to this question it to really try it yourself. When you do give it a full month and you will see just as we did that the long term benefits of less stress, better health, more balance, and more.

    Brainwave Entrainment for meditation

    We can only speak for the ones we have tried and of course they are all different. In this case we will stick with the one that prompted this article which is the Zen12 meditation free download. This is a 12 minute meditation mp3 that contains the frequencies required to reach a deep state of meditation so instead of taking 45-60 minutes a day you can gain the benefits in a much quicker time. Now we are not saying that meditating for an hour is unnecessary but for those who have trouble with calling the mind and body this is a great option. Not only that but you also get to try it and answer the question of what is  brainwave entrainment for yourself and noting the benefits you gain.

    In the future we will create a full list of all the different audios that we have tried and reviewed so make sure to check back with us.