Tag: Belief Mastery Program review

  • Belief Mastery Program

    Belief Mastery Program ReviewThe Lion Goodman Belief Mastery Program is all about clearing and shifting your beliefs.  When it comes to clearing ideas and beliefs from the past there is no one better than Lion Goodman, if you have been struggling to overcome limiting beliefs there is a free live webcast you are not going to want to miss.

    The event is entitled Shifting Your Beliefs: 4 Keys to Clearing What’s in the Way of the Life You Desire, it is presented by the Shift Network and its host is Lion Goodman.  Lion is the creator of the Clear Beliefs process and during this event you will discover more about that process as well as how you past as far back as childhood has imprinted upon your ideas and thoughts that effect your life drastically today.  No matter what areas of your life you may be struggling with from weight loss to relationships to finances the way your beliefs are structured at this point in your life is one of the main reasons you struggle.

    Belief Mastery Program

    To get a good  review you need to do more than read other people’s opinions and that is why this Shift Network live webcast is a must.  Not only do you get a full hour of quality content from Lion Goodman himself but you also get to learn about his program.  By taking his teachings and teaching methods from the event and combining it with what the course is all about you can make an educated decision about his course and if it is right for you. Even if you’re true interest may not be getting a review of the program the information that Lion shares during this educational hour can be applied right away to your life. Some of the things you will discover are:

    • Learn what your belief set point is
    • Recognize how your beliefs actually reinforce themselves
    • Discover how letting go of the beliefs  that are holding you back can open your manifesting ability
    • Establish a new foundation of empowering beliefs
    • Get a full understanding that bad timing or bad luck are not responsible for your current issues
    • Learn about the belief closet process
    • Plus much more

    As you can see the event in itself is worth attending however if you are looking for a Belief Mastery Program review here is a bit of information. The Program is an online virtual course where you will learn how to go further with your belief clearing by learning to replace negative core beliefs that sabotage your life with positive core beliefs that love and support you in all aspects of life.  There is a much more complete explanation during the Shifting Your Beliefs webcast and it is best to hear straight from the mentor what the program is all about.

    If you are reading this after the webcast has aired or you cannot make the time of the event as long as you register for it by going to the Shift Network Course website you will receive a recording of the replay after it has aired.