Tag: Abraham Hicks

  • Anxiety and The Law of Attraction

    Anxiety is a very terrifying thing to suffer from.  Anxiety disorders range from general anxiety to social and so on.  People who suffer from anxiety may have mild symptoms while others are completely incapacitated by it.

    There are many self-help books, therapies, and medications to take for anxiety.  However, there is an additional way to help individuals cope with the dreaded anxious feelings.

    The Law of Attraction states that we get more of what we think about.  By focusing on our anxious feelings or even focusing on the fear of becoming anxious, we worsen our symptoms.

    The next time you feel anxious, take notice of your thoughts.  Do you feel dizzy, do you focus on that and then the next thought is that you are going to pass out?   You will notice that the more you focus on the feelings the more like thoughts will come into your mind.

    That being said, how can use the Law of Attraction to cope with anxious feelings?  One technique is using the emotional scale found in Jerry and Ester Hicks book “Ask and It Is Given.”  This emotional scale shows you different feelings and the better feelings you can reach for.

    For example if you feel anxious the feeling you could reach for is to focus on the feeling of guilt. While guilt is not a positive feeling it is less restrictive then the fear you may feel from anxiety.

    The key is not to stay in that feeling of guilt for long.  If you feel guilt about not being able to control you anxiety, at least you have a new focus and it is not on the anxious feelings.

    You should continue to do this with each emotion that is less restrictive and climb the emotional scale.  You can even create your own emotional scale to customize it to your own anxiety needs.

    By creating your own scale you have automatically given yourself a sense of power that you are now beginning find a new way of improving your anxious feelings.

  • Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale

    Below is The Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale taken from “Ask and It Is Given” pg. 114

    The Emotional Guidance Scale

    Positive Expectation/Belief

    This is a great tool to reach for a better feeling and bring yourself to the top of the scale!!

  • Abraham-Hicks Setting Your Vibrational Tone

    As some of you may have noticed some of my post were deleted due to a host issue.  Therefore I am posting this Abraham-Hicks video again because I believe it is so powerful.  I am sorry for the repost but for those of you who may have missed it , watch it, and for those of you have seen it enjoy it again!