Shamanism Death and Dying

Shamanism Death and DyingThe Shamanism Death and Dying course is for anyone. Whether you are interested in Shamanism or require new answers to what lies beyond.  Death is a guarantee and one of people’s biggest fears. To have the opportunity to learn a new view of it can be quite liberating.

While many to don’t think of death on a daily basis or try not to, others are constantly haunted by it.  This affects all areas of life and while living your goal is to live! Robert Moss Shaman offers a fresh perception of the shamanic belief of the afterlife.  Luckily you do not have to jump right into the course. For a limited time you can learn about it by attending a free Shift Network live webcast.

Before going any further I will share a bit about myself which is something I do not normally do. I used to be paralyzed by the thought of death. I was one who thought about it daily.  Ever ache and pain led me to the thought that I was dying.  Now there were reasons why I adopted that mindset that I will not go into now however one thing that did help me was learning the many different beliefs about the afterlife.

Shamanic Journeying to the Other Side: Communicate with the Departed & Make Death Your Ally

This event is one hour long but within that hour Robert Moss will cover a wealth of information.  You will learn advanced Shaman dreaming techniques to journey into other realms. Sound unbelievable? It would too many, that is exactly why you can attend this Robert Moss Dream workshop at no charge. You will learn in depth about Shamanism Death and Dying Approaches.

Shamanism is something I and the group do not usually cover.  Out of the many things we do it is an area that we are not as well educated in.  That is one of many reasons I will be attending this event.  During you he will share how journeying to the other side can create courage and inspiration for life. You will learn about to heal you past by engaging with the departed and much more.

Shamanism Death and Dying

This course may not be for you but you will never know unless you attend the event.  I believe this webinar is good for anyone with:

  • The Fear of death
  • Have Questions about the afterlife
  • Have unhealed relationships with those who have passed on
  • Those who need more zest in life
  • Anyone who has interests in dreams and their meanings
  • And those who desire insight into the souls survival after dying.

From the afterlife to dreams this workshop will be powerful.  It is coming up soon and if you cannot make the time of the event you will receive a recording afterwards if you register.  To learn about the Robert Moss Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife course and to attend the event you can go to the Shift Network  website.