Porter Vision

Patrick K. Porter, PhD is an award-winning author, consultant, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker.

With 24 years of experience operating one of the largest self-help franchises , he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry.

Dr. Porter has personally trained, instructed, or certified over 35,000 people in Psycho-Linguistics and Neuro-Linguistics and CVR (Creative Visualization and Relaxation). I was one of the many to have the honor of being trained by Dr. Porter.

Dr. Porter is my mentor and an expert in mind technology. I am thrilled that Dr. Porter now has a website dedicated to helping others achieve their personal goals. The site is called Porter Vision.

Within in his site you can find products and a series of programs allowing you to read your full potential.

Check out some of the programs Porter Vision has to offer:

Accelerated Learning Series
Catalog & Free Downloads
Freedom from Addiction Series
Golf Mental Coaching Series
Smoking Cessation
Weight Loss Program

These are just a few of many programs Porter Vision has to offer. I have worked with the knowledge and resources that Dr. Patrick K. Porter has taught me throughout the years. They have made a personal change in my life and in hundreds of clients I work with.

Take a look at Porter Vision for yourself and see what it has to offer you.