Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf

The Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf is an event where Assaraf an a panel of guest’s show you how to train your brain. The event is free of charge when you register, you’re also going to get a bonus pre-training from John.

What do neuroscientists know about your finances? Surprisingly a lot. There’s a belief pattern that will ATTRACT wealth, and others that will repel it. If you’ve fallen victim to the 11 Money Mindset Myths, there’s a chance you may be repelling.


Success means different things to different people. While some want wealth others want perfect health.  These techniques work for any area of your life no matter what your idea or desire for success is. Once you watch the video and sign up for the 5ht annual Brain a Thon you will be notified when the following videos are available:

  • A short video where Sharon Pearson reveals 3 Key Mindset Shifts that completely changed her. She was stuck in self-sabotage and when she used these mind shifts her life change drastically and for the better.
  • In the Dr. Daniel Friedland video you will learn one technique that reduces stress, anxiety and overwhelm in 10 seconds. You can better handle your emotions and what comes your way in life.
  • In the Dr. Srini Pillay video he will share a few simple and easy ways you can examine your own thought patterns, recognize what’s holding you back and reprogram your nonconscious mind to move you closer to success.

All of the above are just in preparation for the 5th annual Brainathon.  If you have never attended this event in the past it is must.  The information and practical techniques you learn from this live webcast alone are gems.


Who is the Brain-A-Thon Event For?

Everyone really.  But if you:

  • Felt stressed and negative thoughts start to flood your mind and would like to be able to control your mental and emotional state whenever you start to feel that way
  • If you want to never had to worry about feelings of stress getting in the way of you achieving your dreams
  • activate more of your inner genius
  • If you truly believe you are capable of accomplishing your goals, but they have not happened yet

If you can relate to any of the above then this is for you.

Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf

Along with John Assaraf there are many experts in the area brain science.  For this event they will each share with you how you can improve your entire life with brain retraining.

Scientists are discovering new things every day and they work.  If you are a skeptic about these areas this life webcast is a great place to learn more.  Also, if you feel stuck, are not happy, or anything else you wish to change learning from these experts will empower you.

Thanks to the latest brain science research, a small group of doctors have discovered a few powerful, evidence based techniques you can use to reduce, control and even eliminate stress anxiety, and overwhelm from your mind and body. Now you can learn how to as well at no charge.

For more information or to attend the Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf you can go here.