Near Death Experiences and Source Energy

While reading a book entitled “Life After Life” by Dr. Raymond A. Moody Jr. I came across a passage that was so enlightening I just had to share it.

There is much talk when speaking of the Law of Attraction about Source Energy. How we are all source energy and because of that we can ask for what we want and allow it to be given. When I came across this quote from an individual who had a near death experience I thought it related very well. The man explained what it was like when he while near death like this:

“Things that are not possible now, are then. Your mind is so clear. It’s so nice. My mind just took everything down and worked everything out for me the first time, without having to go through it more than once. After a while everything I was experiencing got to where it meant something to me in some way.”

This quote amazed me, it is read so much in many of the different Law of Attraction books out there that you only need to ask once and believe that it will come to you.

In this quote, the man shows that by saying that his mind just worked everything out. He did not have to go over it and over it for it to be clear.

In many of the Abraham-Hicks books, Abraham speaks of how we, as humans, have the need to go through things that have happened over and over. This passage from the man that almost died shows clearly that when you let your physical body go, things become clear.

This is a good lesson for anyone who wants to experience full fulfillment now. Knowing that many have had accounts such as this man did near death, teaches us to let go and allow.

This near death experience of this man shows how wonderful it is to let go. There is really no reason why we with our conscious mind cannot make the decision to let go and allow. If we decide something once, and let the rest work itself out. Imagine how much happier we could be.