Hypnosis Downloads Do They Work

hypnosis downloads do they workAfter covering Brain Entrainment I thought I answer the question Do Hypnosis Downloads work? As a Hypnotist I get asked this question quite often, while practicing hypnosis in Sioux City Iowa, I was told by a person who came in for an evaluation that they do not work and neither does hypnosis. I proceeded to ask the person why they came to the office and they stated that their family wants them to quit smoking. I asked him if he had tried hypnosis before and he yes just some recording but of course they did not work. The purpose of this story is to point out the first of several reasons why hypnosis may not have worked for you.

After the person told me that their family wants them to quit smoking I proceed to ask them if they wanted to quit and the answer was no. Here lies the first issue, if YOU do not want to lose weight, quit smoking, or relieve stress consciously your results will be slower and many times there will be no results. In the example of the person who wanted to get smoking cessation sessions I sent them away with some recordings and did not take them on as a client. I suggested that he listen to the free hypnosis mp3s for smoking I gave him morning and night for 30 days and see if it made any difference and if so we could revisit the in person sessions.

Hypnosis Downloads Do They Work?

The person did come back to me in 30 days and told me he was doing quite well, he was down to about 1 to 2 cigarettes per day but felt he needed a bit more. He apologized to me about stating that hypnosis does not work and I took him as a client for a few sessions and today he is a nonsmoker. In this case hypnosis was not working for this man because of a few reasons:

  1. At the time he came to the office he did not WANT to quit his family wanted him to
  2. He had listened to free hypnosis downloads but only about twice a month

I already touched on the number one reason but I will one more time whether you are requesting a session with hypnotherapist or trying some free full hypnosis mp3 downloads you have to WANT results. If you feel you do want results and are not getting the results you want it more than likely is because you are not listening enough to your mp3s. Which leads me to answering the second reason, you should listen to your sessions twice a day morning and night, if you cannot commit 30 to 60 minutes twice a day to your desired goal then maybe you should revisit if you REALLY WANT it.

There is one more reason that you may not be getting results and that is you may have some kind of emotional block. For example if your goal is to lose weight, it the excess weight keeping you safe in some way? Does it keep people from being attracted to you which may make you uncomfortable? Do you feel lost and food fills that void? There could be many reasons because each one of us is different and if this is the case hypnosis mp3s or visiting a hypnotherapist can help if you are willing to dedicate the time and you have the desire.

By going HERE you can access some free hypnosis mp3s and after listening to them as recommended you can then no longer have to ask Hypnosis downloads do they work because even if you do not lose all the weight you will not great changes. Let us know your results in the comments we would love to hear them!