How To Overcome Procrastination

how to overcome procrastinationhow to overcome procrastination

A build up of stress can easily cause anxiety, depression, and many other negative side effects.  These stressors may be unknown consciously; they could be as simple as having to return a phone call that you have put off.

Many times people don’t realize the effects that procrastination has on the mind and body.  I have found myself many times in the past stressed and could not figure out why.  When I really took a look at those times I realized there were many tiny things that I wanted to get done and just kept putting them off.

People procrastinate for many reasons.  Perhaps it is a tedious job they have to accomplish, or maybe fear is getting in the way of achieving goals.  With these factors as well as others, that may not be apparent, one can end up with a load of unknown stress.

This stress can lead to fatigue, depression, and a wondering of what is wrong.  Eventually it becomes a vicious circle of I need to get this done, I am to tired to do it, I will do it later and then it starts all over again.

This procrastination greatly affects the work of positive thoughts that one desires to attract the things in life that they want.  The law of attraction can be frustrating to many and those many may not be aware that their own procrastination is causing the frustration with the law of attraction.

To remedy this let’s break down the cycle of procrastination with the teachings of the law of attraction.

One procrastinates due to inconvenience or any other negative reason.  They do this to protect themselves from discomfort or other negative emotions.

The Law of Attraction teaches that if you are feeling negative emotions you are in resistance of what you truly desire.

I think you can see where this may be leading.  You procrastinate to avoid, when if you just got the job done you would feel relief.  This relief would then lead to a positive outlook which would make it much easier to attract the things in life you desire.

So what should you do?

Take care of things when they come to you, when you do this, you are acting on inspired action not a chore of some sort.

If you dread something, focus on the end result of getting it accomplished, is it a good feeling?  Is it something you desire to be achieved?  In many cases, by getting the inspired action done, you will feel a relief.

As the teachings out there on the Law of Attraction say, reach for that feeling of relief and in many cases that means taking care of things as you are inspired to do so.