Five Steps For Stopping Procrastination

Have you ever felt bad or had undo amounts of stress and were unsure of the cause? Many people have and if they would look at the tasks they have to do they will often find the answer.

Procrastinating on anything you need to do will fester inside you whether you are aware of it or not. Many people put off what is uncomfortable or too time consuming to do and the next thing they know they are a pile of stress and depression. Luckily, there are ways to avoid these horrible feelings and one answer is to stop procrastinating.

Here are 5 keys that one can put into practice to avoid the procrastination killer:

1. Do It Now! – By getting the dreadful things out of the way, there will be no chance for stress to creep in.

2. Assign Duties – If there is a task that you do not necessarily need to take care of yourself assign it to another, and as in step 1 do it right away.

3. Avoid Avoidance – Avoiding a problem or task at hand will prolong your agony so become aware of when you are avoiding.

4. Picture and Feel Success – Imagine how good you will feel when the job or task is done.

5. Afform – Using Afformations is probably one of the most powerful ways to avoid procrastination. A few you could use would be “Why am I so on top of everything?” or “Why do I feel so good when I finish a job?”

Procrastination is deadly. The amounts of stress, strain, and confusion, that it adds to your life is completely unnecessary. Start using these keys and releasing the strain.