Energy Medicine Summit

Energy Medicine SummitThe Shift Network Energy Medicine summit is free. It is designed to teach you how to Activate, Revitalize and Restore Your Body’s Natural Healing Energies. During this event you’ll discover techniques that you can practice to transform your health and well-being.

Many people that you can heal yourself.  While there is always a need for western medicine people claim that they only focus on a few things.  Western medicine focuses on symptoms and treatment. While energy medicine focuses on healing you from the inside.


Energy medicine dives into the causes of the ailment.  According to many you can prevent disease and treat your illnesses through many different healing techniques. Western medicine and energy medicine work well together. By learning about both ways of healing you can heal your mind body and spirit.

Why Attend the Energy Medicine Summit?

During the Energy Medicine Summit you will get to listen tom many healers and teachers. Many of the speakers have different modalities. Some of the experts include Donna Eden, Dr. Sue Morter, Mingtong Gu, Holly Tse, Dr. Crystal Jones, and many more.


Each of these experts have gotten together to show you how to Unlock Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal. During this 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How to support your physical and emotional needs
  • Get an understanding of the role of energy between mind and body
  • Learn about Reiki and other modalities  as tools for healing
  • Learn what is acupoint tapping? Also discover how it works to retrain the mind
  • How to find an internal place of stillness before responding to anything
  • A new way of hearing your heart and what it is feeling.
  • create an energetic link to your intuition and potential
  • How Chinese reflexology can assist you will healing
  • Hear about Native American approach to energy medicine such as the medicine wheel
  • Experience a meditation technique to help you help strengthen you during difficult times
  • Be guided through a qigong practice
  • how you can heal yourself when no one else can
  • Plus, much more

Along with the above you will also learn about meridians, shamanic medicine practices, healing touch and more. If you are already familiar with energy medicine or are a healing practitioner or a coach this event is for you as well.  You will learn new techniques you can use with your clients.

The Energy Medicine Summit Schedule

Here is a short overview of what the experts will be sharing with you:

  • Donna Eden will share simple exercises to get the energies of your body aligned
  • Alberto Villoldo will share how to change the brain so that you can restore balance. This balance allows the body to heal naturally,
  • Sue Morter The Energy Codes® creator will show you how you can go inside to find your inner physician
  • Mingtong Gu will guide you through a practice for your next step of self-healing, and empowerment.
  • Anodea Judith will talk about the energy body. She will share how if the energy body is not aligned it can lead to anxiety or depression.
  • And more!

The Energy Medicine Summit will give you the latest energy science and new techniques for working with your body, mind and Spirit.