Death of Wayne Dyer – Honoring His Memory

death of wayne dyer

We were deeply saddened to hear about the death of Wayne Dyer, if you have not heard already he died late Saturday or early Sunday morning of a heart attack. Wayne was incredible in the self-improvement and self-help arena and his is going to be missed by all who were helped by his incredible insights, books, and so much more that he contributed.

Many are honoring Wayne in different ways, Hay House is offering the opportunity to watch The Shift for free and they are offering all his eBooks on Amazon for 1.99. Wayne Dyer books include The Power of Intention, I Can See Clearly Now, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, and several more.

The Healing with the Masters Teleseminar which Wayne appeared on in the past are having a very special tribute to him. Jennifer Mclean and many of the speakers in this season knew Wayne Dyer well so Instead of what they were planning to do they are going to be replaying the “best of” Wayne Dyer workshop shows from previous seasons of Healing With The Masters, to honor his life and work.

Although we did not know Dr. Wayne Dyer personally, we know his work well and his teachings are some of the most powerful that have come along in years. He made incredible contributions through his books, lectures, live presentations and more. If you are a fan and have not read his latest book “I Can See Clearly Now.” It is wonderful and truly inspiring and we recommend it.

Although after hearing about death of Wayne Dyer we were grief stricken his death was a reminder to hold close what you cherish. It was time for him to leave his body but his incredible teachings remain, reminding us to change our thoughts, live in the present, and inspire like he inspired so many. If you know of anyone or anything that we have not noted above about how others are honor Wayne Dyer’s memory please comment below and let us know


5 responses to “Death of Wayne Dyer – Honoring His Memory”

  1. Sharon j Avatar
    Sharon j

    So very sorry you’ve transitioned so soon. You did an ABUNDANTLY GREAT JOB here. Thank you for your shared wisdom and life lessons.
    Priceless job well done.

    I will miss you.

    Thank you Wayne Dyer

  2. admin Avatar

    Thank you Sharon, we received you email and as requested here is a Wayne Dyer Quotes and Affirmations For You 🙂

  3. Brunner Avatar

    Dr. Dyer Profoundly changed my life. 10 years ago I awoke at 3 in the morning and turned on the TV. I never do that. He was on PBS. I watched in awe for hours and then watched it again. I am now living my life on purpose and will Honor this great man by continuing to do so. Peace my friend. Although I never met you, You are with me. Thank you, Thank you , Thank You!

  4. Susan Avatar

    Always, listened, loved and practiced many of his teachings. You will be sorely missed my friend. Soar with the Angels you wonderful man of God.

  5. Drea Avatar

    My story and thoughts replicate the comments of those who wrote before me.
    Wayne first got my attention a decade ago with his PBS program which I has recorded and listened and let absorb as I began to transform.

    I continue expressing my own lessons and awareness in writing on google during my spiritual journey.
    His energy lives on. I hope his family is well