Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0

Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0The Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 the Miracle of Direct Awakening is an upcoming webinar.  If you are new to meditation or interested in taking your practice to the next level this is for you. This Is Presented by Evolving Wisdom at no charge.

Craig Hamilton is a spiritual teacher and a highly respected meditation teacher. Craig will share the surprising truth he’s learned in his decades of meditation teaching and research–and the unexpected discovery that is challenging all of our assumptions about spiritual transformation

Too many meditation can be boring. For others they cannot find enough time to do the practice.  Through his research and work, Craig has developed a way of meditating that enables you to tap directly into  awakened consciousness every time you practice.


Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 Webinar Why Attend?

Even if you think you have your meditation practice where you want it this event will reveal some powerful information to transform your current practice.

If you are new to meditation this is exactly where you want to be so you can start your meditation practice correctly and in the most powerful way.

This powerful transformational methodology will be shared with you at no charge in a 90-minute global online seminar.

Craig Hamilton The Practice of Direct Awakening

If you have experienced of spiritual awakening you know how exhilarating it is.

However many have not had these experience. If they have they have been fairly short-lived.  This leaves people wanting to feel this again but are not sure how to achieve it.

Thisonline seminar with  Craig Hamilton that will help you bridge that gap.

Instead of spending decades doing “indirect” practices like repeating mantras, watching your breath or being “mindful” in an effort to prepare for a future moment of Enlightenment, you can literally practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment right now.


Craig Hamilton Meditation Course Review

Here is an overview of what he is going to share:

  • A simple shift in attention that can open the door to wisdom and creativity
  • The most common obstacles to deep meditation
  • the one key that enables you to bypass the obstacles
  • How to ensure that meditation is never boring but always a journey of awakening to higher possibilities and potentials
  • Why short periods of meditation can be more effective than long sessions and how to make every moment of meditation a moment of awakening
  • How to bring your spiritual practice off the meditation into your daily life through the use of “engaged inquiry” practices throughout your day

The Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 will change your practice forever. To register at no charge you can go HERE.  If you cannot make the time of the event as long as you register you will receive the recording.