Childhood Affecting Future

childhood affecting futureThe Childhood affecting future theory is denied by some but accepted by most, it is pretty difficult to deny that your upbringing affects your life. The way you were raised and the people in your life greatly impacts who you are today, although those people in your life probably did not mean to the things they said and did left negative childhood imprints.

Childhood Affecting Future

Your upbringing affects you in many ways such as:

  • How successful you are
  • The income you make
  • Your self-esteem and confidence
  • The way you relate and treat others
  • It can even affect your weight!

Luckily you do not have to live this way for the rest of your life stuck in old patterns and beliefs but there is a wrong way and a right way to go about changing the areas of your life that you desire. First, you do not blame the people in your life they were doing the best they could with the resources they had at hand. Now you may not believe that but if you took the time to look at where they came from you will gain great insights into how they treated you. But let’s not waste time on that right now, first let’s find out what your biggest negative childhood imprint is.

You see once you can identify your number one subconscious success block you can then take the steps to remedy it. Here are some additional ways on how does your upbringing affect your life:

  • Co-dependent
  • You can become stubborn
  • Have difficulty accepting others and yourself
  • You can become and liar or a teller of tales to protect yourself
  • You always have to have something wrong to focus on
  • You can lack money
  • Have trouble with groups and jobs
  • Plus much more

So how can you fix this? First find out what is holding you back and you do not need to delve into all the areas of your past to do this. In fact there is one free quiz we know of that not only shows you your number one negative block but also shows you how to overcome it. This Mind Movies Natalie Ledwell quiz is called the mental trap quiz it is short and takes less than a minute but it takes the for main success blocks and give you your main one. Is it scarily accurate and can help you move forward by allowing you to quit looking back.

Many people want to look back and search and search for who did what to whom and that is why I am the way I am. While this may benefit some it is not the cure all if it was people would not need to go to therapy for years on end. Don’t get us wrong here we believe therapy is beneficial but we also believe that focusing on the present to create a brighter future has to be part of the recipe. If you would like to more about childhood affecting future and take the mental trap quiz you can do so by going to the Mind Movies quiz website.