Category: Summits and Events

  • Thriving in Your Third Act – Fulfillment After 50

    thriving in your third act summitThriving in Your Third Act in an online event designed for women. Offered by the Shift Network this event is designed to share direction on how to find fulfillment after 50.  This is a 3-day online webcast where you will Draw Inspiration from Women who are Redefining Life After 50

    The third act of life definition is the last 3 decades of life.  Many when they reach a certain age may feel like feel like they don’t know which direction to go. Society has a message that once you reach a certain age you have reached the top and have done what you are meant to do in this life.

    This message can be disheartening but for many this phase of life is a time to flourish.  If you want to continue to fulfill your true purpose and share the wisdom you have acquired then this event is for you.  By attending you will hear tools, tips, and practices that will help you manifest your highest potential.


    Thriving in Your Third Act Summit

    You’ve already lived a rich life, and now you may be thinking “What’s next?” if this is the case for you or you know what you want to do next but don’t know where to begin this is one training not to be missed.

    There is a full line up of speakers that have all gathered together to guide and support you on your personal journey of transformation at whatever stage of life you’re in. you’ll discover a clear path, with easy-to-pick-up-and-run-with and fulfill your wildest dreams

    Some of the Speakers include Jean Shinoda Bolen, Annie Kay, Anodea Judith, Yeye Luisah Teish, Grandmother Flordemayo, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Cynthia James, Katie Hendricks, Reverend Deborah Johnson, Camille Maurine, Sarah Marshank, and many more.

    Women Finding Fire and Fulfillment After 50

    You will learn that your life experience is only the beginning.  It is the time for you to embrace this time of life and a chance to enrich the lives of others and make a difference in everything you do.  During this 3-day gathering, you’ll discover:

    • discover the Goddesses and Archetypes that are active in the postmenopausal phase of your live
    • Learn Practices for retraining your brain to stay happen and not fall into hopelessness or depression
    • Learn about your body and the energy it has and how to bring more life to your energy body
    • Discover many ways to change and enhance your focus, and your passions
    • Learn how you can renew your life and reinvent yourself
    • Create a supportive, thriving community of your choice
    • How to maintain optimal health during your wisdom years
    • Learn express yourself spiritually
    • Practices to increase empathy and intuition
    • How to revitalize every area of your life
    • Step into the fullest expression of yourself
    • Embody your inner boldness
    • expand your capacities in standing for Love

    Your passion and your wisdom are not only vital for your life they’re also key to solving the issues facing our world today. The Thriving in your Third act however will give you new ways you can use your unique gifts to help create a thriving world for future generations. You’ll also be able to join Women who have found Fulfillment, Passion, and Purpose After 50.


  • Plant Medicine Summit with David Crow

    plant medicine summitThe Plant Medicine Summit with David Crow is hosted by the Shift Network. During this webcast you will Discover personal, spiritual and ecological wellbeing. You will also Restore Balance and Experience Deep Healing.

    This summit has gone on for a few years and hugely popular. Hosted by David Crow if features leading botanical medicine experts and educators. You will learn about a wide variety of different things including, herbs, essential oils, flowers, and mushrooms. Along with information about how embracing these things can increase your health and vitality.


    This event is perfect for anyone. Whether you are new to the different arenas of medicinal plants or a veteran. The information shared by the presenters will give you the latest research, along with new tips and techniques. You can use this to incorporate flowers, essential oils, herbs and more into your life.
    The speakers during the Plant Medicine Summit with David Crow include:

    • Dr. Jill Stansbury
    • David Winston RH(AHG)
    • Sara Crow
    • Arjun Das
    • Acharya Shunya
    • Michael Tierra
    • Holly Bellebuono
    • Dr. Robert Pappas
    • Dr. Trupti Gokani
    • Deb Soule
    • Ron Teeguarden
    • Margi Flint
    • Rowen White
    • Jeff Lee
    • Tamara Wolfson
    • Paul Bergner
    • Dominique LivKamal
    • 7Song
    • Mary Bove
    • Dr. Zee Lo
    • Plus, many more

    What Will You Learn During the Plant Medicine Summit?

    During this event you will learn about:

    • The healing power of plants more and more.
    • conditions that herbal medicine can treat
    • adaptogens for treating a wide variety of conditions
    • how detox programs are key to vitality, health and wellbeing
    • herbs that can be grown in the garden and the home
    • How to promote mental clarity and a good memory
    • Plus, much more

    Why Attend?

    Along with the above the event is free of charge. You get all these speakers in one place and you can learn from the comfort of your home. you will also learn about:

    • How herbs can help the brain
    • Different ways you can use plants and essential oils for sleep issues
    • Herbs oils and flowers for anxiety and stress
    • Recipes to assist you with memory and overall brain well-being
    • Learn how Aloe can help almost all of your senses including seeing and hearing
    • How you can use Kava for stress relief
    • And more

    Overall the Plant Medicine Summit with David Crow provides a wealth of information. Having all these speakers gathered together is quite rare. The presenters have depth of their experience with plants and being able to hear the wisdom, knowledge and experiences of some of the top medicinal plants experts in the world today is a must to Revitalize your health with nature.


  • Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao

    Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar RaoAfter attending the Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao Masterclass, I felt compelled to leave a review. The title of the class was Developing Extreme Resilience.  In this review I will cover the class as well as a bit about the course.

    Who is Srikumar Rao?

    Professor Srikumar Rao is quite well known for his creativity and personal mastery course.  This course is so popular there is actually a set of steps individuals have to go through to get in, not to mention be on at least a year long waiting list. This is not the case for the Mindvalley Masterclass however which is free.

    One amazing this about him is that one of his speeches on finding happiness made it onto  It was a non-Ted speech and he is one of only seven people who has had a speech featured. Rao is also   one of the most popular MBA lecturers in America.

    Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao

    This course is not confined to just Resilience.  It is a 45 day course that takes place on the Mindvalley Quest platform. This course uses micro-learning, so instead of spending hours a day you spend minutes.  It has been shown that this technique of learning allows individuals to absorb and retain much more.

    This program covers areas such as:

    • Releasing Disempowering Thoughts
    • Unstoppable Tenacity
    • Get The Lifestyle You Desire
    • Scaling Your Energy
    • Attract Even More Abundance
    • Plus much more

    This are not just lectures but techniques and practices and you’ll be guided weekly for 7 weeks to create a life where unexpected good fortune- and a miracle or two-is a regular occurrence for you.

    Developing Extreme Resilience Masterclass

    As mentioned above I felt compelled to write about the class itself because I believe it is for everyone.  At one point or another we will face stress, hardship and so on.  This class shows you five different ways you can bounce back.

    The areas covered during the Masterclass are

    • Good thing Bad Thing?
    • Benevolent Universe
    • Investing in the Process
    • Be Grateful
    • Reframing

    Srikumar Rao goes through each of these topics explaining how you can develop extreme resilience in any circumstance.  These 5 hacks can apply to any or all areas of strife if you put it into practice.

    Why Attend?

    While I enjoy most of Mindvalley’s trainings this one stuck out.  Not only because people struggle is everyday but because of the way the world now. People are becoming more and more upset and stress with the state of our world.

    You can apply each of the techniques taught during the training to your personal issues as well as your stresses and worries that are outside your control.  All too often we take the many things out of our control and internalize them.  With this strategies you can address your current state as well as whether comes up in the future.

    The Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  To learn more you can attend Developing Extreme Resilience at no charge.

  • Diamond Dowsing Home Study Course

    You can now take Diamond Dowsing Home Study course by attending a complimentary event. This event is called the Diamond Dowsing fest, it is complimentary, online, and for 6 days you can have access to the sessions with Marie Diamond.

    What is Diamond Dowsing?

    Many do not know much about Dowsing and when they think of it they think it is just for finding water. You can use dowsing to locate sources of issues such as geopathic stress, interference lines, or negative energy vortexes.

    That may sound complicated but they are really naturally occurring phenomena of energy that can have a dramatic effect on you. The knowledge that Marie shares will help with the Earth’s energy.

    Dowsing is the process of locating this problems within your environment.  By doing so you can resolve physical, emotional and even financial issues.

    Many want answers to the problems they are having but are stuck in the traditional way of finding those answers.  Dowsing is just another way to heal areas of your life where you may feel stuck or out of flow.

    diamond dowsing home study courseDiamond Dowsing Home Study Course

    Of course usually you have to pay for this course but as mentioned during this 6 day event you can learn it all at no charge.  Marie Diamond will show you how to use dowsing rods and You will learn:

    • The causes of energy disturbances
    • How these affect your surroundings and environment
    • How to use dowsing rods
    • How you can find energy disturbances, energy lines, zones, and vortexes.
    • How to remedy the disturbances you do locate
    • How you can enhance positive energy fields.
    • How to measure the energy in any room
    • how to increase the energy level of an environment
    • How to access a higher energy field
    • How to clear and protect your personal energy
    • How to release stuck energy.
    • Plus much more

    Why Attend the Diamond Dowsing Fest?

    Well first is free and the course itself is usually quite expensive.  Secondly you will learn about the Earth’s natural vibrations and how if they are disturbed, their energy turns negative.  This can affect many areas of life from health, relationships, abundance, and more. Marie Diamond will address this and goes beyond just telling you about it but also how to remedy it.

    If you are a skeptic about EMFs this is also an event you may want to look at.  You will learn about electromagnetic fields studies from power lines, cell phones and towers. These can impact our bodies and affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Again, Marie will explain it all Diamond Dowsing Fest.

    When you learn this technique you can find stress lines, negative vortexes that can greatly affect your mood, your families, or your work environment. By finding these you can create harmony.

    This is only 6 days and quite the opportunity to Diamond Dowsing Home Study Course at no charge so   By attending this event you can learn to  fix problems that might be showing in your life and take advantage of naturally occurring positive energy vortexes.


  • Unlimited Abundance Live Webinar

    unlimited abundance live webinarThe Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance Live webinar event is back.  Presented by Mindvalley Academy this is one of the highest attended events and for good reason. Christie’s methods work.  No matter what type of abundance you wish you increase you can gain valuable knowledge by attending this free event.

    Christie Marie Sheldon private sessions are quite expensive. When a complimentary training comes along it is best to take advantage of it.  You may have read are post what are the 24 Abundance blocks.  If you have not, not to worry you will learn what they are during this webcast. Christie is an intuitive coach and energy healer.  So far identified 24 unique blocks after working with more than 20,000 people one-on-one. During this event she will help you discover what yours are and help you to eliminate them.

    Unlimited Abundance Live Webinar

    This event is not only educational but also a free energy clearing event. Earlier this year, a similar clearing webcast was attended by thousands of participants.  The results that some of them experienced in the following days were amazing.

    This new Unlimited Abundance Live webinar is only 60 minutes long. It is designed to help you tackle one of the biggest problems you may be facing: How to Earn a Bigger Income Doing What You Love. By attending you will:

    • Learn how these blocks prevent you every day from manifesting the wealth you deserve
    • Participate in a group clearing called “getting paid for being you.”
    • Access your personal energetic field
    • Discover your hidden talents
    • Clear the Abundance Block that stops you from earning a great income
    • Listen to Vishen Lakhiani Mindvalley Academy founder ask Christie a series of questions on Abundance Blocks
    • Hear real-life stories from past participants of this session
    • Plus much more

    What Are Abundance Blocks?

    Skeptical?  Many would be, that is why this event is complimentary. You can gauge the results for yourself.  Christie Marie Sheldon knows her methods work.  After identifying these blocks she has found that having any one of them can through you off course. But what are abundance Blocks? In short, they are subconscious barriers that stop you from achieve your dream life.

    The Christie Marie Sheldon Energy clearing for abundance blocks is reason enough to attend. However, with everything that is out there today we know you need more. It is your time you are dedicating. So if the above is not enough here is why we personally recommend attending:

    • We have been in the personal growth for decades.  After attending this event we were shocked when we saw how much our abundance blocks were costing us.
    • When we attended the last Unlimited Abundance Live webinar we discovered huge epiphanies, feeling of total bliss, and incredible new ideas.

    When it comes to creating income or having great abundance you must do several things.   Financial strategies and taking action are all important. But without being vibrationally aligned to your financial goals, you will face hurdles for every step you take. Once you remove your abundance blocks, your vibration will automatically align with your goals. To discover what your blocks to abundance are or to attend the free Christie Marie Sheldon seminar training you can go to the Mindvalley Academy website.

  • Bend Reality To Your Will

    bend reality to your willCan you Bend Reality to your will? Is it magic? These may be questions that have run through your mind if you have heard anything about this topic. The words themselves sound like something out of a movie but reality bending is not what you may think in fact it can be done and it could be looked at as magic if you call using your mind to create your reality magic.

    Vishen Lakhiani Mindvalley Academy founder and personal growth expert is an expert in this area. He draws on his years of personal development and evolution and there is an upcoming masterclass where he will explain this technique. The title of this training is Bending Reality: How To Influence The World With Your Consciousness and is 100 percent free charge. This is an advanced class that will allow you to see things much differently and at deep level as well as experience deep shifts in the way you view reality.

    Can you bend reality to your will?

    Before we go any further we want to first note that although you may be thinking this is all about the Law of Attraction it is not. According to Vishen your thoughts do not create reality which may seem pretty controversial but it more complex than that. During this webinar he will share with you 5 things you need to know about how you can create your ideal reality:

    • Your thoughts don’t create your reality but your beliefs do
    • Most of your beliefs are unconscious and you have to be able to shift those beliefs.
    • You can speed up or slow down how your beliefs create your reality based on your state of happiness.
    • You must be solid in what you desire and what you want to create in your life experience
    • Family, friends, and others around you create your reality for you as well which is termed unconscious group creation.

    Applying some basic principles in the art of bending reality can completely change your life. You will no longer settle and you will become the best you can be. When you become aware of where you are in human consciousness you will experience an expansion of consciousness and realize how malleable the world around you is. During this event you will learn about you a daily tool that you can use so you can become limitless by becoming a successful reality bender. You get to learn the Vishen Lakhiani 6 phase mediation that will allow you to feel calm, resourceful, find and fulfill your life purpose. Finally you discover a 5-minute creative visualization technique to permanently fix problems in your life which will help you see results within anywhere between a few hours to a few days.

    This is a very powerful masterclass and if you desire to expand your consciousness and create a life of your dreams you are not going to want to miss this. With everything Vishen will share with you during the Becoming Limitless webinar you will learn to bend reality to your will as well as experience a deep profound shift in understanding.