Category: spirituality

  • What is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?

    What is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?When you hear about it the first thing you wonder is what is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?  I know when it crossed my path I wanted to know and I also did not know who St. Germain was.  In this brief post I will cover what the Violet flame is and who is St. Germain

    Before I get into that I will let you know about an event you can attend with Deborah King. This event is called The First Step to Becoming a Modern Master.  It is offered at no charge and will teach you how to rid yourself of past traumas and emotional wounds.


    Who is St. Germain?

    St. Germain is an Ascended Master even though the name implies Christianity.

    St. Germain is an ascended master he is also called Master Rakoczi. His origins come from Theosophy and post-Theosophical teaching which mystical philosophies are.

    Ascended masters are people who once were on earth and are now enlightened spiritual beings.  Some examples would also be Jesus Christ and Buddha.

    In New Age beliefs He is a master of ancient wisdom and is associated with the color violet, the amethyst crystal or jewel, and the Maltese cross.

    Saint Germain is known as “The God of Freedom for this system of worlds.”

    What is the Violet Flame of Transmutation?

    The Violet flame is a spiritual energy. This energy can help heal emotional and physical problems. The violet flame can transmute your past whether it be past traumas or mistakes of yourself or others.

    Transmute means change in form, in the case of the Violet flame it can erase these past events.  The flame turns the negative into the positive, erases bad karma, and can even help the body heal.


    How Does the Violet Flame work?

    The flame works by changing the vibration of energy. It takes the negative energies and turns them into light.  This leaves you with a higher vibration and more energy spiritually.

    The Violet flame is invoked by a prayer most often by doing a Violet Flame of Transmutation meditation. Depending on the meditation it may just be the flame or also contain St. Germain and a Maltese cross.

    It goes past just mediation, you can use it to help others by visualizing it around them.  You can use it for spiritual protection as well as releasing traumas and negative emotions.

    There is a bit more than we can add to this post, in fact a lot more.  Like always I have a free resource for you.  As mentioned above the Deborah King Be a Modern master masterclass is free. This class not only answers the question what is the Violet Flame of Transmutation but you will also be guided by Deborah through a full meditation so you actually get to experience it.



  • Secrets of A Spiritual Millionaire

    Secrets of A Spiritual Millionaire

    If you have heard of the Secrets of a Spiritual Millionaire T Harv Eker is now having an online event it is the Mindvalley spiritual millionaire masterclass. This live webcast is complementary and is entitled Spiritual Laws of Money. During the event he will cover the how you can undo the 8 spiritual money blocks. If you are not familiar with Mr. Eker below is a brief overview as well as a review of the event.

    T Harv Eker Secrets of The Millionaire Mind author is also the creator of the Millionaire mind intensive. He is not just “some guy” who decided to write a book, he struggled for years with money and made a vow that if he ever truly became rich he would help others do the same. Even Tony Robbins Money Master the game author asks his students to commit to memory Harvs teachings. Whether you are currently struggling financially or think you are in a good monetary place the information that he will share with you during the event is much different then finance information that you may have heard of before.

    Eker combines both money and spirituality when it comes to wealth hence the name Secrets of a Spiritual Millionaire. If your first thought while reading this is that you cannot be truly spiritual and be rich, then this event is a must for you. If you believe there can be a balance of wealth and spirituality attending the spiritual millionaire webinar will still be worth attending because during it he will reveal what he calls the 8 millionaire blocks also known as the 8 spiritual money blocks to some. Harv details every one of these blocks and how they effect from becoming both spiritual and wealthy.

    During the spiritual laws of making money webinar not only does Harv share the eight most common money blocks of becoming very rich and deeply spiritual but shares how you can overcome them. He explains these types of limiting beliefs keep you believing that being both financially successful and a good, spiritual person cannot happen but in his teachings they are mutually exclusive. During this T Harv Eker training you will Learn A Proven Way To Eliminate Scarcity, find your true Purpose and tune into it fully , while still making the money you desire and yes still being a good person.

    Now if you have read secrets of the millionaire mind by T harv Eker you know he does not teach fluff and even though this event is free of charge, it is filled with quality content. Whether you are looking to Eliminate Your Financial Stress or not by attending this Mindvalley event you will come away from it Happier and full of knowledge you did not have before. If you are in a place wondering how to deal with money stress what you gain from this webcast will help you Eliminate Failure and Experience Financial Success.

    To attend the Secrets of a Spiritual Millionaire T Harv Eker Spiritual Laws of Money event you can go HERE

  • Read Akashic Records

    If you want to learn more about the akashic records then you came to the right place. The akashic records are a universal filing system where every thought, emotion, action, and experience is recorded. The records are written on a substance called ‘akasha’ or soniferous ether. Akasha, combined with earth, water, air, and fire represent the five human senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste.

    The akashic records can be accessed by reaching certain states of consciousness. Hypnosis can help you explore the akashic records. You don’t have to be a psychic or have ESP in order to read the records. Anyone can read and learn from the akashic records.

    The possibilities are endless. You can learn about everything that has ever happened in the history of the universe. You can hear any thought that has ever been conceived. You can feel any emotion that has ever been felt. Everything that has ever existed is at your finger tips.

    Think of the akashic records as a super computer that has existed for millions of years, or since the creation of the universe. Everything that has ever occurred has been recorded. Every thought and emotion of every person in the universe is contained in the akashic records.

    The akashic records are meant to be explored. You can learn so much about the past experiences and history of the earth and of the universe. You can explore past lives, learn about ancient relatives, and learn the truth about different events in history. The truth is written out clearly in the akashic records. They were meant to be read and you deserve to know all the various pieces of information.

    The only thing more omniscient than a supercomputer and the human mind, are the akashic records. The akashic records store every event, thought, feeling, word, experience, and intent in the existence of the universe. The records connect every person and soul that has ever lived.

    The information is non-judgmental and unbiased. For those who learn to read the akashic records, it is supposed act as a guide for the future. We can learn from the past and from others experiences. The history and acknowledgement of the existence of the akashic records has been around since ancient times. Ancient cultures believing in the akashic records include the Egyptians, Himalayans, Persians, Chinese, Greeks, Christians, and Mayans.

    The use of the akashic records has been passed down through folklore and is mentioned several times in the bible. Rumor has always been that there is a celestial tablet that contains all information that has ever existed. It is often known as “The Book of Life.”

    “Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic, or spiritual; and contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine Spirit.”

    –Alchemy and the Secret Doctrine