Category: Personal Development

  • Sonia Ricotti Reviews

    Sonia Ricotti ReviewsHave you have been reading all the Sonia Ricotti reviews? Perhaps you’re just looking for a review of what she teaches. Either way there are now several ways to learn what and how she teaches.

    For those unfamiliar with Sonia she is a bestselling author, mentor, and a skilled law of attraction expert. Her books include Unsinkable:How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down and The Sonia Ricotti Law of Attraction Plain and Simple.

    She has helped millions improve their lives to where they desire them to be.  With her resources and event she not only shares with you the 3 step proven formula to bounce back, but much more. This successful formula will help you turn problems in your life to opportunities very quickly.

    Sonia Ricotti Reviews

    This event and resources covered below is a wonderful way to stop sifting through all the Sonia Ricotti Reviews. By gaining access to them you will discover if what she teaches if right for you.

    This event is for everyone however if you are going through tough time right now or unhappy with your current situation this life changing training is a must.

    Now if you are thinking what does she know about hard times well she does and she is no stranger to adversity. In fact, you will get to hear her story. With her own methods she is now living a life of abundance, success, and most importantly happiness.

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    Living an Unsinkable Life is one of her books. It is designed to help you navigate through difficult times with ease.

    This book shares:

    • How to overcome challenges extremely quickly with her proven bounce back system
    • the 3-sentence statement that will boost your confidence and immediately raise your vibration
    • The one thing that most people automatically do when faced with major obstacles that is severely damaging and guarantees failure and suffering, plus how learn how to shift this with a simply method
    • Discover how to allow greatness to flow effortlessly and easily into your life immediately
    • Learn how Manifest miracles into your life by using a simply energetic shift
    • Learn the 10-fold maverick goal-setting method that actually works
    • Plus much more

    Unsinkable Movie The Secret to Bouncing Back

    Once you grab the book you will get access to the Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back Movie. This film has stars such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff.

    Additional Resources

    Besides the above mentioned you can also grab:

    Plus you can attend the online event.

    Sonia Ricotti Reviews – All you need

    Sonia Ricotti is held in high regard by many and is considered one of the top transformational teachers.

    In fact people such as Bob Proctor, Loral Langemeier and many others all recommend her the Unsinkable bounce back program.

    No matter what you are going through whether it be related to finances, emotions, health etc. these can help.

    You will discover how to release the negative and open yourself to the Universe so your desires automatically come to you. You’ll learn all these strategies and tools and you’ll begin using them right away.

    By attending the Super Conference and grabbing yourself a copy of one or all of her resources you can really understand Sonia’s methods. By doing so you can make up your own mind of if they work instead of reading all the Sonia Ricotti reviews.

  • Train Your Brain For Weight Loss


    By learning to train your brain for weight loss you and quickly and easily lose unwanted pounds and keep them off forever. Weight issues are a big problem for many; in fact weight loss programs online searches are some of the highest searches today. While there are many reason people gain weight or have trouble losing weigh in this article we will cover how a weight loss brain retrain program is most likely the best option for many.

    People gain weight for a plethora of reason but most of the time people who gain weight and have trouble losing or keeping it off is largely due to thought patterns and emotions. This of course does not include those who are on medications that cause weight gain however if you do learn to train your brain for weight loss it can help.   Now before we get into the programs and methods available for losing weight we must mention if you are not fully dedicated to sticking with a program for 90 day or more than your true desire is not there and looking any further for this information is worthless. We do not say this to be harsh but one must keep in mind that you did not put the weight on overnight so one should not expect to lose it overnight.

    Hypnosis for weight loss, weight loss brain wave subliminal audios, and many other method are very effective ways to change your brain to lose weight, however one of the best weight loss brain retrain program that you can learn about for free is the Winning the game of weight loss John Assaraf program. We say it is the best for a few reasons, first when deciding on a program to lose weight you must know the method and what is expected from you. John Assaraf offers a free event with a full panel of experts in the field that explain why you are not losing weight and how you can not only lose it but keep it off and not to worry this is not some type of crazy diet or exercise program.

    During the John Assaraf Winning The Game of Weight Loss free event he and the world’s leading brain, diet and fitness experts share with you evidence-based scientific teachings that you can immediately use to help you permanently achieve your weight loss goals. This weight loss brain training event is different than other methods of dropping the pounds so be prepared, because during it you will learn the Neurological Findings the science behind the secret to permanent weight loss and what makes it different from all the tricks out there.

    One big thing that is great about this John Assaraf webinar is that it explains that to lose weight you have to lose the fear and for many whether they know it or not the fear is what is holding you back from shedding the pounds you desire. Another pro about this event is gender neutral so many programs are weight loss programs for women but Winning the Game of weight loss is also weight loss programs for men. Finally, you will also discover that your state of mind is keeping you overweight or at a weight you are uncomfortable with and how you can quickly and easily change that by learning to Train Your Brain For Weight Loss.

    To access the John Assaraf Winning the Game of Weight Loss Free Event you can go HERE

  • Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols

    creative visualization lisa nichols reviews

    If you have been reading all the Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols reviews out there you no longer have to get a full overview of what her course is about. There is now a creative visualization for manifesting free download 9 part guide that will not only show you what she teaches but how she teaches. Just knowing the content is not enough in many cases, know the teaching methods is also key. If you are someone who has just been searching wonder if this really works below is a short overview of what the guide will teach you.

    You can continue reading or get it HERE

    Lisa Nichols is considered the best rated teacher of from the movie the “The Secret” and now in her nine part ground breaking course she shares with you the key to a life of inner peace, health, and sustained. In the free download she will also debunk the biggest myths to becoming successful with manifesting. Some of the free creative visualization techniques she share in her guide are aligning all your subconscious resources, how to finish projects faster and easier, trigger healing within your body, how to avoid the ruts that many people have and more.

    Well the above is great how that gets you out of reading all the Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols reviews. Here’s how, as mentioned the guide consists of nine parts, by spending at least two to three days on each part learning it, absorbing it and putting into practice you will be able to answer the question does creative visualization work. Since Lisa Nichols is considered one of the best teachers around if you actually spend the time with the creative visualization workbook free pdf and put into practice what you learn and do not see your own results then you know the product is not for you. That however does not mean it is for someone else, because creative visualization does work.

    If you have ever been thinking about someone or something with positive thoughts for a while and then they pop up out of nowhere you have mastered visualization. The difficult part is when you are trying creative visualization techniques for a certain area of your life where you have beliefs that go against what you are trying to manifest. Or you have success with manifesting your desire but other areas of your life fall apart which is all too common and that is where this guide comes into play. In This free creative visualization workbook Lisa Nichols master visualization without stress and without hurting other areas of your life. Plus this course is not just geared towards a certain area you can use the techniques taught in the guide in area of your life as you see fit.

    In the Mindvalley Creative Visualization course (the mini course) it states that Lisa will show you will discover how to attract the experiences and success you choose. You will also experience more self-confidence, abundance and success, as well as discover your true purpose. Now is it true? Well, yes to question does manifesting using creative visualization work, and as far as I am concerned yes her guide is priceless, whether you are looking for creative visualization for beginners or have manifested successfully this guide will teach you things you more than likely were not aware of.

    So not only do you get a 97 dollar nine part guide free but you can also put the course to the test so you can stop reading all the Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols Reviews. If you have gone through the guide I would love to hear you thoughts in the comments below.

  • Tapping Meditation Overwhelm To Calm

    In my last post I wrote about the Tapping World Summit  and mentioned that there is Tapping Solution video series that has been released in preparation for the event. The latest release is 3 different EFT meditations that you watch and download for future use! One is the ever popular tapping meditation from overwhelm to calm designed to have you feeling calm in minutes.

    This tapping meditation video has been one of the most popular of the Tapping solutions. It guides you through the different meridian points while using positive affirmations to release tension and stress. The other 2 free videos are “Releasing Feelings of Not Being Enough” and “Overcoming Procrastination”. If you are looking for an EFT meditation for anxiety then all of these address that issue, after just doing the first one in minutes you feel relief.

    The Emotional Freedom Technique is known by many names such as EFT, Meridian tapping, but for most just tapping. It one of the quickest ways to reduce, stress, ease pain, improve thoughts, and more that I have ever used. I have recommend this technique to many and they have found great relief, now with the Tapping World summit coming up, not only do you get free downloads but also get to attend the event at no charge.

    What I really love about the summit is that there are no real pitches during the event; it is one hundred percent content. You learn the meridian points, as well as get guided tapping meditations from experts in the field. You also learn about the history and the science behind the process. Although it is not a big part of the event, Emotional Freedom technique research is shared with you which for some if very important. For myself, the research is wonderful, but what really matters to me is does EFT really work, and for me it does.

    The tapping meditation overwhelm to calm and the other 2 are available HERE , you can also find the tapping world summit registration as well. I wrote in the past that this blog will be having a big change and obviously I have not gotten around to doing it. I was not planning on writing until I did but I am such a fan of the summit, and believer in the benefits of EFT, that I had to share it now. Plus, the fact that everyone gets the free tapping meditations.

  • A Bug Free Mind

    bugfreemindSome have heard of a Bug Free Mind by Andy Shaw and many have not, but there is great news for either. Andy Shaw is giving away a free 4 Part A Bug Free Mind Starter Kit. That way if you have been sitting on the fence about Andy Shaws book or program you can now try it at no cost.

    The title of the 4 part kit is Breakthrough To A Bug Free Mind and it containd everything you need to get rid fo the “bugs” that are holding you back.  There is another Bug Free Mind Review in the description in the video below so I will not go into alot of detail here. However, if you would not like to read a full review you can go here to get your Bug Free Mind free kit right now.  Otherwise go to review beneath the video below.

  • The Healing Codes

    Click Here To Go Straight To The Official Healing Codes Site

    the healing codesI have not written in a while and there is a very good reason why, I have been reading and working with The Healing Codes.     I have reviewed some things on this site but I must say none as powerful as the Healing Codes.  Many of you may already know about this book written by Alexander Loyd with Ben Johnson, but for those who have not heard of it or are still debating on it here is an honest Healing Codes review.

    The Healing Codes book is a manual to explain and instruct what the healing codes are.  The healing codes are a form of energy medicine….but if you do not believe in that do not stop reading yet.  These codes do not interfere with any religious belief nor are they some sort of voodooish practice.

    The codes are actually a set of sequences that  work on the four healing centers of the body.  The way to do the codes is described as your fingers pointing at these healing centers and imagining as if they were little flashlights.  There is a universal code which is presented in the book that can work for almost anything and then there are sets of different sequences for whatever ailment you want to heal.

    When talking about the healing codes and ailments it is not just physical ailments that are addressed however there are testimonial after testimonial of the codes helping with all types of physical ailments.  The codes also work for mental an emotional issues as well.  In fact in the book it points out that memories we have that we may have thought we have gotten over or healed may be still affecting us today.

    I must admit when I was first introduced to the healing codes book I was very skeptical.  I had read about people asking if the healing codes scam was true or not.  If I have learned anything so far it is not to listen to complainers, that being said I found no complaints about the healing codes upon my search (there may be some, but I did not find them) I found only good things.

    I read the healing codes and then did the universal code and I was shocked.  After six minutes of doing the universal code I had a sense of peace I had not experienced for ages.  I was not really working on an issue at that time but simple stress reduction, after that I had to do more.

    I started working on issues I had tried to work on in the past with doctors, mental health practitioners, acupuncturists, reiki practitioners, massage therapists with no luck.  The results I got were phenomenal!  I lost weight, I had less depression, I was calmer, I started becoming more motivated (started a rigorous exercise routine).  I have just recently started on some physical issues and will of course keep you updated.

    Now to answer some questions I have gotten:

    Are the healing codes as scam? –  No, No, No….the book states the only way they do not work is if you do not do them and that is correct.

    What Are the Healing Codes? – A form of energy medicine that works on the four healing centers of the body.  They are hand positions based on what one is trying to work on and they do not interfere with any spiritual beliefs.

    Should the Healing Codes take the place of any medical treatment I am getting now? – Of course not and the healing code book states that.  Do they help YES,  but you should never stop any type of medical or mental health treatment, unless your professional advises you to.

    How to do the healing codes?– Get the book if you want to learn the universal code, proceed to the manual for advanced codes for specific ailments or contact a healing code instructor.

    Alex Lloyd’s The  Healing Codes is one of the best books and methods of healing I have come across.  If you are suffering from anything get the book or contact a certified healing codes instructor.  Keep in mind that my Healing codes review is what I have experienced however if you want to read more about the healing codes and their successes to can go HERE for instant access.

    Click Here To Go Straight To The Official Healing Codes Site