Category: Personal Development

  • What To Do When Life Falls Apart

    what to do when life falls apartMany search for the answer of what to do when life falls apart, it may seem like everything is lost but there is more hope than you realize and you can put your life together. There is a new Soulvana Masterclass that is free and online, this event is entitled The Secrets to an Unsinkable life with Sonia Ricotti, however before we get into the review of the webinar let’s examine how many people had their life fall apart and bounced back bigger than ever.

    Steve Jobs Apple Founder was fired from his own company only to return and make the single most valuable company in history. Then there was Or Andre Agassi, who went from ranked number one tennis player in the world, only to drop down to rank 141 with no love or passion for the game at this point it may seem like life has fallen apart but then is went right back to the top, creating his legacy as one of the tennis greats. Also, Abraham Lincoln failed in business and was defeated in eight elections, and yet he would later become the 16th President of The United States of America. These are all examples of people who seemed to have lost it all but these individual knew how to recover when your life has fallen apart and each one recovered better than they were before.

    The Sonia Ricotti webinar is all about what to do when life falls apart and how to put life back into perspective. She is fully qualified to speak on this subject because she at one point was faced with adversity and struggle, losing her health, her relationship, her home and her money, yet despite all this hardship, she managed to turn her life around. She will share with you how to recover and the strategies and tools are complimentary, she will explain that although there may be events outside of your control that may happen it doesn’t mean you need to accept the circumstances and struggle. If you have read Unsinkable by Sonia Ricotti you are already aware that what she teaches if from true life experiences and from the heart, if you have not read the book or are unfamiliar with here is short overview of what she will share during the Secrets to an Unsinkable Life:

    • The 3 step proven formula to bounce back from everything life could throw your way.
    • How to shift your energy allowing you to release fear, stress, and worry instantly.
    • How to master this shift which raises your vibration
    • How begin manifesting your dream life.
    • The one thing everyone should know that is damaging when faced with major obstacles, and by not recognizing it and stopping this it guarantees you will continue to suffer
    • Your three-sentence statement that increase your self-esteem and self confidence
    • And More

    When everything seems to crumble you may think “help my life has fallen apart” however after attending this event you will begin to see things in a new light. Sonia will not only share with you what to do when life falls apart but also show you exactly how you put your life back on track and become better than before. To learn more about this Soulvana Masterclass or to attend you can go HERE.


  • Secret To Maximizing Your Life

    secret to maximizing your lifeThe Secret To Maximizing Your Life is a new video presentation by Andy Shaw Saltori System for Structured Thinking creator. This video presentation is complimentary and shows you How to get everything you ever wanted from life easily. Within it you will discover How to go from failure to success and learn to simplify achievement and maximize your results.

    Instead of just putting up with life like so many do, within this training you will learn how to increase your potential so you can enjoy your life fully within the next 90 days. We are taught to believe to just be happy with what you have and while this is true there is nothing wrong with desiring more. Andy Shaw teaches you in this presentation how to get from where you are to where you want to be in the shortest time possible.  The Secret To Maximizing your life is a 40 minute presentation that which contains techniques and methods that easy to understand and implement.

    But why should anyone listen to Andy? Well if you have already taken his free Discovering Happiness quiz or have read any of his Bug Free Mind Books then you already know this is one man who knows what he is talking about, If you have not you can take the quiz and grab some of his books at no charge. Andy is a story you may have heard before, he was successful, lost money, and came back better than ever. Andy and people who have done this are exactly the type of people you want to listen to because they have the mindset and know how to recover after life has fallen apart.

    If you have been searching for the best way on how to increase your potential the Secret To Maximizing your Life video presentation is for you. It is rare to get this kind of self-improvement training at no charge, Andy could easily charge for it, but for now it is free so watch it while you can. The training will enlighten you to why people cannot get what they want and how to remedy it. The Andy Shaw training also goes into:

    • Why all your Shelf Help books (personal growth etc.) are not working for you and you can take them all and make them work
    • How your mind works and why many times it seems to be working against you
    • Uncontrollable Thinking and how it sabotages your ability to get what you want from life
    • How an easy goal setting process and simplify your achievement
    • Learn to embrace your natural born language that almost guarantees success
    • Plus more

    This breakthrough training does explain how you can shift your potential by using your mind’s natural language, plus it reveals some unique insights into why it becomes harder for people to make progress in life as they age. We found this part to be very interesting because despite all the knowledge individuals’ gain throughout their years it should make success and potential easier, Andy explains why this happens. To learn more or to watch the Andy Shaw Saltori Secret to Maximizing your life video presentation go HERE to the main site.


  • Saltori Happiness Quotient Quiz

    saltori happiness quotientThere is a new Andy Shaw Saltori Happiness Quotient Quiz that is complimentary. This quiz is different than many others that you have seen before because it gives much more accurate and detailed results. Shaw has created this test and allowed it to be at no charge so that you can see for yourself how accurate is it and how it can help you increase your level of joy.

    If you are not familiar with Andy Shaw he is the creator of the Bug Free Mind books, author of Saltori Structured Thinking, Footsteps through your mind, and many more as well as the quiz creator. His books and course are highly sought after because they are easy to understand¸ they take information you may have heard before and put them into techniques and methods that are easy to apply and actually work. The discovering Happiness quiz is brand new and just like many of Andy’s creations he has made this free so you can see how accurate this results are and how you can use them to increase your Bliss.

    Now you may have heard this before but there are several reasons why the Saltori Happiness Quotient quiz is different. This quiz not only gives you an overall happiness score, but you also get a score out of 100 in these 6 key areas that affect your overall happiness in life: Attitude, Awareness, Confidence, Fulfillment, Outlook and Connection. Many tests or polls like this may give you simplistic results and sometimes even silly like “you are Eeyore”. While these types of results may be entertaining this quiz actually measures your level of happiness and how happy you can be from thirty to ninety days from now.

    If you have been struggling with how to be happy then actually knowing where you sit in these 6 areas is crucial. Instead of just taking a Happiness Quotient Questionnaire you will get personally customized results in the six areas of life that affect happiness. This can help you because if your confidence is low but your connection is high you know that spending more time on you level of self-confidence will also increase you happiness. When results are measured that can be improved and that is exactly what this quiz does, it pinpoints where you need to focus your energy to increase you overall outlook on life.

    There is no need to struggle endlessly with despair or indifference especially when there are so many free ways to change it. The Andy Shaw quiz is a great place to start if you have been wondering why it is hard to be happy or if you feel you have exhausted your options and that a content life is not in the cards for you.   If you are a skeptic and think you have taken every quiz, poll, test, etc. out there don’t give up and give this one a shot, when you discover how it pinpoints areas that you can improve and forecasts how you can be a month to three months from now you will begin to have hope for the future and hope foster joy.

    To learn more or to take the Saltori Happiness Quotient Quiz you can go to the main site, and if you have already taken the quiz tell us what did you think of the results?


  • How to Be Happy In Life

    how to be happy

    How to be happy in life is part 2 if you have not read Part 1 please do so. Happiness is the goal of all goals for many people but for many it is the most difficult thing to achieve. Being sad, in despair, lacking joy and feeling lonely are some awful feelings; they can consume ever area of your life and no matter how hard to try to change you still struggle.

    Why is it hard to be happy? Of course everyone’s situation is different but there is one thing that remains the same no matter who you are, where you’re at, or what has happened to you, and that is you can reframe your thoughts. Most people have control of their thoughts, some may say they do not because of constant negative messages that go through their mind, but if happiness is a goal these messages can be changed. When stuck in the pit of despair changing your thoughts can be a quite difficult task, depending on how unhappy you are many things can become quite difficult.

    When it comes to how to be happy in life start small but aim high, if you are unaware of what is brining you down identify that first. After you have identified it releasing these blocks to happiness is the next step, the task may sound difficult but if you just focus a bit more on joy verses despair you will begin to see a shift in your negative thoughts. There are crucial areas that affect your happiness which are:

    • Awareness
    • Fulfillment
    • Attitude
    • Outlook
    • Confidence
    • Connection

    By finding out where you rank in these areas by using a Happiness Quotient quiz or test can greatly assist you in changing your mood. You can actually learn quite a bit from the right test that can gauge your happiness, by taking the results you can find out where your level is good and where you need to focus your attention. When stuck in the much of unhappiness one may be unable to identify where exactly it is coming or be able to recognize if they are out of balance, that is where these types of quizzes and tests coming in. By taking a reputable one that gives your personally tailored results and your personal happiness score, you can gain deep insights and strategies for living a happier life.

    If you have been searching on how to be happy in life then a great place to start is a Happiness Quotient test. There are a few goods ones around and there is a brand new one created by Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Author. This quiz is called the Discovering Happiness Quiz this Saltori Happiness Quotient test consists of 40 questions about how you feel about life as well as how you react to life. The entire quiz although 40 questions is quite fast and you can get your personal results within five minutes of completely the quiz. To learn more about this tool or to find out where you rank on the scale and how you can shift your level you can go HERE

  • Why Is It So Hard To Be Happy

    why is it hard to be happyMany struggle with the question of why is it so hard to be happy. The truth of the matter is it can be very difficult to find joy in life, but there are reasons for this most do not want to hear. Before going deeper into this I will make our disclaimer that we are not medical professionals or therapists, if anyone who is reading this is suffering from depression or another kind of severe mental issue please contact a health professional.

    When answering the question how to be happy there is one simple answer which is:

    Make The Choice To Be Happy

    I know you have heard this before and may be tired of it but hear me out here. There are many things in life that you may not have a say in for example the weather, if it going to rain it is going to rain, but you can choose your thoughts. Easier said than done you may say and that can be very true because:

    You Have Trained Yourself To Be Unhappy

    Again something you might have heard before and very frustrating I know, for years I suffered with the question of how to be happy in life. I read many books, listen to webinars and so on and was still left with an enormous sense of unhappiness. What makes this even worse is that what I had read and studied on happiness DID WORK but I simply was not doing it. So why are people, including myself (at the time) unhappy, why do so many struggle with how to be happy in life? The answer which is make the choice is so simple it hurts and so simple that for many it is difficult. Being the bullet point fans that we are here are reasons why you may be unhappy:

    • Issue 1- The fact that you searched for why is it so hard to be happy is a big sign that your focal point is on unhappiness. Fix- When you are chronically fixated on feeling bad you will continually feel bad.
    • Issue 2- You know what to do but your mind gets in the way, you say positive affirmations, you make your gratitude list and so on but you still have that overwhelming sense of despair. Fix- Don’t stop your gratitude list, keep going with repeating what you desire in your life, by doing so you just make it stronger whether you realize it or not. People have a tendency to quit doing something when they do not results immediately and by quitting these types of lists and practices you are losing sight of what you do have and your future hopes.
    • Issue 3 -You have made your brain a “should would could” mind, everything that you should do is a pain; everything you would or could do “IF” is depressing. Fix: Don’t should on yourself and replace would with will and could with can.
    • Issue 4 -You are focused on the outside, the people you don’t have in your life, the things you can’t attain, the money you don’t have, etc. Fix- Be happy with what you have and if you have a chronically negative mind here is one thing you do have to start you off – If you are reading this you have computer and internet access. Shift your words, shift your thoughts, your life WILL change.

    “But I have tried all that and nothing works so why is it so hard to be unhappy?”

    You want to be unhappy – think about it, does being unhappy benefit you in some way? Did searching for this article allow procrastinating or avoiding a fearful activity? If you search hard enough you may find an answer. You will gain things and give away things, people will come into your life and they will leave, you were born and you will die, there is simply no way around these things and these thing but they are absolutely wonderful things. When losing one person at some point in your life grief is natural but you lost them for a reason it could be to grow and or to gain new people in your life. These new people can change your life in ways you cannot event imagine and the growth lessons you gain from losing someone may surprise you.

    Now there are many time where some need a grieving period , but stagnating in it and allowing it to control your life hurts no one but yourself. I have gone on long enough however there is much more to be said on this I will create a Why is it so hard to be happy Part 2 so stick around. In the meantime restart your gratitude, stop searching for why, get up, get out and get active.

  • Give Up Your Shoulds Day

    give up your shoulds dayNovember 1st is Give up Your Shoulds Day, this is a great day to remove all shoulds from your speech and thought. Should is a horrible word because when you think and speak that nasty little word you are consciously or unconsciously putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.   There are plenty other substitutions you can use in your thoughts and speech that can take will ease what you think you “should” do and still get the job done.

    You have probably heard the phrase “Never Should on Yourself”, a wonderful phrase that if put into practice can release negativity and stress. Here are some examples of what people naturally think they “should” do:

    • I should clean the house today
    • I should send my friend a card or gift
    • I should take out the trash
    • I should work harder
    • I should be a better person
    • And so on….

    So how do you correct these statements and thoughts even if they need to be done? That is exactly what Give up Your “Shoulds” day is about learning how to reframe all the necessary tasks into a desire. Here are examples how you can reframe those thoughts and statement into ones with less resistance

    • I want to have a clean house because I feel better when it is less cluttered
    • I desire to send my friend a card because I miss her/him and want them to know I have been thinking about them
    • I like to take out the trash so I can have a sanitary home
    • I want to increase my productivity and organization at work so I can work less and make more
    • I am a great person, I want to give more to others because when I do they know I care and I have feel like I have made a difference

    Now these are just a few ways to reframe the statements and in most cases it is best to Desire vs Want. By learning to stop think and saying should your entire outlook on life as well as your sense of peace will change for the better. National Give Up Your Shoulds day it a great place to start ridding yourself of the “shoulds” forever. We are conditioned with these words from childhood so depending on upbringing and current life situations it may take more time for some than others. Here are some great techniques that will help you never should on yourself again:

    • Write down every time you say the word and then write down the reframe- there is a lot of power in writing and can quicken the process of ridding the negative words from your life
    • Counter your “should” with a “desire” instantly, the second you should on yourself reword it in your mind
    • Tell others what you are trying to do and why and ask if they can help you – so many times we are unaware of when we say the word so having the extra assistance can be quite helpful

    If you have any techniques or tips for Give up Your Shoulds Day 2015 please share them with us below!