Category: Personal Development

  • Jennifer McLean Book

    Jennifer McLean Book – Spontaneous TransformationThere is a new Jennifer McLean Book entitled Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps To Coping And Thriving In Extreme Times. This is not available in stores quite yet but in preparation for the big event Jennifer has put together a stellar healing package that is 100% complimentary.  If you are looking to heal any area of your life from health to wealth you are going to want to take advantage of this.

    The Spontaneous Transformation Technique is a system is a healing modality that system that quickens the whole process of healing into 7 steps and 5 – 10 minutes. This method connects with your inner spirit to strengthen you and move you forward quite quickly. Sound hard to believe?  While it may be difficult to think that such a technique exists Jennifer wants to show you the power behind her method, as well as celebrate her upcoming book.  To do so she is hosting a healing marathon that will enable to channel the power of this time-tested technique to create a quickening, to rapidly move through the seeming obstacles of life.

    Jennifer McLean Book – Spontaneous Transformation

    The launch of this book is so life changing  that Jennifer went out of her way to put together one of the best free healing events we have seen in quite some time.   Here is what she has in store for you:

    • 3 healing video workshops which created I instant and spontaneous change in those who’ve watched them
    • 2 live, interactive healing shows where you can raise your virtual hand and receive your very own, personal healing session working directly with Jennifer.
    • Plus a free screening to her Spontaneous Transformation Movie

    This free week of healing is so powerful that afterwards we would love to hear your results.  In fact we have put together a little healing package of our own, anyone who leaves a comment on this post with their results will be put into a drawing of some of our most powerful healing books, audios, and more. Now that we have said that back to the Spontaneous Transformation week:

    • The video workshops themselves, are encoded with healing energies, with teachings and processes that will guide you to a new place of flow, alignment, vibrancy, health and possibility.
    • The Jennifer McLean healing shows are a rare chance to work directly with her and this does not come around often
    • We have seen the movie and if you have not we promise you will not be disappointed
    • Last but not least you will be able to get the Jennifer McLean Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps to Coping and Thriving in Extreme Times book if you choose for free and you only pay shipping and handling.

    The Jennifer McLean Book Healing week is one we will be attending and hope you do to, so that your dreams, hopes, desires, vibrant health, vitality, money, or Whatever you’ve been wanting, can finally be within reach. To attend this event and learn more about Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps to Coping and Thriving in Extreme Times you can go to her website.

  • Body Intelligence Summit

    Body Intelligence Summit 2016After attending the Body Intelligence Summit last year we knew we had to cover it when it came around again and it is coming up quick. This is a complimentary 3 day event that is presented by one of our favorite companies which is The Shift Network. We love several companies however the Shift Networks excellent presenters, diverse subjects, and the fact that all the events are free makes it one we love to cover.

    What Is Body Intelligence?

    It is also known as BQ and in short according to Katie Hendricks and Lamara Heartwell it is a conscious direct feeling of being alive, from all body sensations to attitude and mentality and it includes all feelings and connection to the body. Your body tells you things ever day however in these days we live in so many are disconnected from the senses and deep wisdom your body shares with you daily. People are so caught up with the to do lists and with everyone so connected to technology it is easy to become detached from your inner wisdom. That is why this event is so important to everyone it will share with you how to reconnect with your body to hear what it is trying to tell you

    Body Intelligence Summit 2016

    As mentioned this is a free three day event offered by the Shift Network, there is a stellar panel of speakers during the event who have all gathered together to share powerful practices and insights to help you elevate your Body Intelligence (“BQ”). These speakers include:

    • Philip Shepherd
    • Sophie Chiche
    • Alana Shaw
    • Dean Ornish, M.D.
    • Daphne R. Scott
    • Diana Chapman
    • Daniel Cordaro
    • Susan Stiffelman
    • Marc Brackett
    • Amara Pagano
    • Randy Masters
    • Martha Eddy
    • Shems Heartwell
    • Gillian Ferrabee
    • DJ Mark Ameeba
    • DJ Tom Simonian Thump
    • DJ Lamont
    • And More

    By attending you will discover how you can live a body-centered life by mastering Body Intelligence the benefits are endless you will Learn to live every day more present, Work more productively, Relate better to others around you ,Have more energy and intuition, Feel less tension in your body. Be able to make decisions easily, plus so much more that cannot be covered in just article. That is exactly why this event is free you were born with BQ but with day to day living we lose a bit of our spark. By remaining detached from this innate knowledge not only do we lose a spar that makes us feel alive but also might experience chronic stress and health issues and more.

    The Body Intelligence Summit presenters will share with you powerful ways to reignite this connection which will transform your daily life, your relationships, and allow you to contribute to the world around you. This as well as the event will allow you to be more connected, more alive and engaged version of yourself. Not only can you attend this event at no charge and hear from these caring knowledgeable individuals but there is also a registration bonus  which is the  Body Intelligence Assessment from Katie Hendricks and Lamara Heartwell.

  • How To Build Your Confidence

    How To Build Your ConfidenceSo many search and seek out how to build your confidence, in fact online it has a very high search volume. Feeling unsure of yourself can affect every area of your life from family to finances, work to health and more. Fear is the number one underlying cause of low self-esteem and no matter what life issues you are facing  if you were to take a look at one of the issues you are facing right now you will more than likely find an underlying fear that it is associated with. Within this article we have compiled several ways to increase your confidence and overall outlook of success.

    Audios for Confidence are one very effective passive way to increase your self-esteem. There are hypnosis, subliminal messages, audio meditation for confidence, binaural beat music, and other downloadable mp3s. Here is a list of the ones we have tried and are free of charge:

    • Subliminals – This site offers 2 free subliminal messages downloads, one of them entitled Rocket your Self Confidence
    • Hypnosis – This site offers you a choice of 1 out of 6 different sessions, when it comes to how to build your confidence we recommend “Feel Happy Now” or “Eliminate Stress”
    • Meditation– This site offers a 12 minute meditation download that will reduce your stress and build your self esteem

    How To Build Your Confidence

    Another way is to check out a Build Self Confidence Program here are several that have free webinars that are designed to explain what their program does and how it works:

    • Neurogym offers a webinar and program to Overcome Fear Build Confidence their program is teaches you to retrain your brain for confidence, you can read the review here.
    • Sonia Ricotti has a webinar that show you How to bounce back when life knocks you down  which explains how you can take whatever issues that are going on in your life and turn them around and become more self-assured and successful

    A Confidence building eBook is a great way to start increasing your self-esteem is a conscious way here are some:

    • Bounce Back Big is Sonia Ricotti newest eBook that is only available for a certain length of time, the insights and tips she shares are amazing
    • The Andy Shaw Saltori Structured Thinking a method of removing all illusions and obstacles from life which include fear, not good enough thoughts, and many other things that contribute to low self esteem. The Saltori Life Breakthrough kit is also offered by Andy and it contains No-Mind Exercise, the 6 Essential Rules to Life Design, How to Make Yourself Happy Anytime, and insights into changing your thought patterns

    Now there are many more how to build your confidence resources but for now we thought all of this will give you a great start. All of these are free of charge and available for immediate download so whether you more confidence at work, in life in general or eliminate low self-esteem these will get on the path quickly. We will be covering more on this topic so stay tuned a happy confidence building!

  • Start The New Year off Right

    Start The New Year Off RightIn honor of 2016 we wanted to let you know one way you can start the New Year off right. It is phenomenal event that will take you on a transformational journey, not just for 1 day but for a full 60 days. This event is the Shift Network Winter of Wellness 2016 Summit from January 19 – March 18, 2016 you can attend this virtual online series at no charge where the top online teachers and experts in the holistic field will share with you information tools and techniques to enhance your entire being.

    What is very unique about this event is that many webinar just cover one area and for one day. The Winter of Wellness Summit covers the whole you meaning mind body and spirit. There is not greater event you can attend to get your new year started right especially since it is free of charge! The speakers during this sixty day long summit cover four main areas with include Food for life, Integrating Mind and Body, Nourishing Heart and Soul, and Experiencing Longevity and Vitality. Each speaker will share with you new insights and the newest breakthroughs in each of these key areas. You can register to attend all the days which we recommend or pick and choose which ones you wish.

    How to Start the New Year off Right

    The Winter of Wellness 2016 is hosted by Dr. Robyn Benson and the event speakers include Hyla Cass,Norm Shealy,John Gray, Ph.D.,David Crow,Gregg Braden,James Maskell,Ocean Robbins,Jamie Wheal,Sedena and George Cappannelli, Dr. Nalini Chilkov, O.M.D., L.Ac., Dr. Tom O’Bryan, and many more. With this lineup of experts you can already tell that you will definitely walk away from this event with some very valuable knowledge. Last year’s event was highly attended and the reviews were amazing, this year they anticipate the numbers to be even higher, so reserving your spot early would be best.

    By attending this Shift Network co-sponsored event you will discover:

    • Ways to use prana and chi
    • How to have boundless energy and a vibrant body
    • Shamanic healing practices
    • Ways to strengthen your intuition
    • Mindfulness meditations & exercises
    • The power of Qigong to heal
    • Nutrition for boosting immunity and preventing illness
    • Plus so much more

    Also just for registering for the Winter of Wellness Summit 2016 you will receive a bonus gift along with the 60 Days to Optimal Health, Healing and Wellbeing. In the coming weeks we will be sharing with you a few of the most powerful, reputable free events, downloads, tools, and resources that will help you start the New Year off right. As mentioned in a previous post the best way to keep track of these is to register for the complimentary webinars straight away and create new folder for named “personal growth toolbox” for the free gifts. All of us here at Desire and Belief want to journey into 2016 with you so together we can grow and become greater than ever before!

    You can register for the Winter of Wellness Summit 2016 here and we wish you a Happy New Year!




  • Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process

    michael beckwith life visioning processThe  Michael Beckwith Life visioning process webinar will assist you in finding purpose in your life. If you feel as if you are just going through the motions. Or perhaps, dragged down by the day to day  tasks that need to be done. Or  Simply feel like you have lost your zest for life this event is a must.

    It is a very popular Mindvalley Masterclass which are completely free of charge. Whether you desire a life change or are just looking to improve some areas of your life the information you will learn from this event is priceless.

    Register Here

    This is a wonderful time of year for an event like this. During the holiday season people begin thinking about how another year is already gone. Then they realize they are still doing the same thing or not in a place they want to be.

    Whether you feel that way or not Michael Beckwith is a man that shares life changing knowledge. This can shift your life in any direction you want to go. Beckwith is an author, founder of The Agape Spiritual institute and known around the world as a wise spiritual teacher.   He helps people unleash their soul’s true potential as well teaching them how to gain clarity on their life purpose. Although his tips and guidance is deep his teaching is easy to understand and his methods are easy to apply if one puts effort towards it.

    What is the Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process?

    The answer to that question is not out of our realm to explain however since this event is free and obviously Beckwith can explain it so much better we will leave it to him. That being said here is a bit of what you will learn during the event:

    • How you can experience unrestricted joy and happiness every single day
    • Discover a little-known transformative process for activating your unique gifts and highest potential
    • Learn how to go beyond traditional goal setting and instead be pulled by a powerful vision.
    • Discover the friendly universe and live your highest calling
    • Raise your consciousness and live a purposeful life
    • Experience a guided meditation and prayer that will allow you to uncover things deep within you that you may not have event know was there.
    • Plus much more

    Life Visioning is a deep spiritual development which opens limitless possibilities to those who embrace it. Michael Beckwith will share a simple framework that will let you diagnose which parts of your life are going well, and which need more of your attention to live a balanced life. You can learn to live life without thinking so much and instead being “knowing” by paying attention to your soul’s highest calling and you can begin to live on purpose instead of living day by day just to get things done or reach a goal (Michael will expand upon this during the event).

    No matter what you desire for the now or for the upcoming years the Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process Mindvalley masterclass is one event that will give you new powerful wisdom for your personal growth arsenal that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

    Learn More

  • International Aura Awareness Day

    International Aura Awareness Day 2015November 28th is International Aura Awareness Day, this day was founded created in 2002 and its purpose was to raise awareness of the aura and how it affects your health and well-being. Below is a bit about information about it and how you can celebrate.

    What Is an Aura?

    According to Wikipedia and Aura is a supposed field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object like the halo or aureola in religious art. All living things and objects are thought to possess an aura.

    History of the Aura – Summarized

    Many different religions and belief systems embrace the Aura including Buddhism, western mysticism of Neoplatonism , the bible, Islamic traditions and Kabbalah. Hindus and Buddhists often link the colors of the auras to Kundalini energy and chakras and The Bible and Islam refer to is as a body of light.

    Today the aura is largely embraced by holistic healers such as energy medicine practitioners, Chakra healers and many more.

    What Does the Aura Mean?

    For International Aura Awareness Day we did just some Brief research on the aura has different meanings below are some of them:

    Paul Lambillion clairvoyant and author of “Auras and Colours” explain three layers of aura that can be seen whether someone is in the presence of someone because it is not 3 dimensional and no bound.

    W.E. Butler from Britain suggested that auras are linked to clairvoyance as well as emotions. According to research He named two different types which were etheric auras and spiritual auras. He said auras were a way to measure health of the body.

    Author Robert Bruce and Australian Mystic classifies them as etheric, main, and spiritual, according to him Auras are not light but are actually an unknown sensory reading .

    What Are the Aura color meanings?

    Based on our research there are some differences on Aura colors but the base colors seem to be the same:

    RED – physical body, heart or circulation.

    DIFFERENT SHADES OF RED- Deep Red -Grounded, realistic, strong will-power, survivalist, Muddied red: Anger, Clear red: Powerful, sexual, passionate, Orange Red: Confidence and creativity, Bright Pink: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, Dark and murky pink: Immaturity or dishonest

    ORANGE AURA COLOR: Reproductive organs and emotions.

    Shades of Orange Orange-Yellow: Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, scientific.

    YELLOW: The spleen and life energy.

    Shades of Yellow Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness Bright yellow: Struggling to maintain power Clear gold metallic: Spiritual energy, inspirational awakening. Dark brownish yellow or gold: fatigued or stressed from studying or trying to learn all at one.

    GREEN AURA COLOR MEANING: Heart and lungs.

    Shades of Green- Bright emerald green: A healer, love-centered, Yellow-Green: Creative, communicative Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, blaming self or others; low self-esteem;

    Turquoise: Relates to the immune system

    BLUE: Throat, Thyroid.

    Shades of Blue Soft blue: Peaceful and truthful and intuitive Royal blue: Clairvoyant, generous, new opportunities Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future and fear of self-expression

    INDIGO: The third eye and pituitary gland.

    VIOLET: Crown, pineal gland and nervous system and the most sensitive of colors.

    LAVENDER AURA COLOR MEANING: Imagination, vision, daydreamer

    SILVER: Spiritual and Physical Abundance

    Shades of Silver Bright metallic silver: intuitive; nurturing Dark gray: Fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems

    GOLD: Enlightenment and divine protection.

    BLACK MEANING: Pulls, captures, and transforms energy related to unforgiveness which can lead to health problems

    WHITE: Reflects other energy and protection

    EARTH TONES: Soil, wood, mineral, plant.

    RAINBOWS: Rainbow-colored stripes, like sunbeams from the hand, head or body a healer

    PASTELS: Sensitivity and a need for serenity.

    BROWN: Self-absorbed, closed minded and greedy

    DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY – holding on to negative energy


    How To Celebrate International Aura Awareness Day:

    Search Around and learn more about the aura

    Try to see if you can see others Auras

    Open Your Mind To The Idea!


    This is a very, very short overview of Auras if you would like to learn more there are many free resources  about them or you can pick one of the many aura books or guides and have a Happy International Aura Awareness Day!