Category: Personal Development

  • Food Revolution Summit

    food revolution summitThe John and Ocean Robbins Food Revolution Summit 2016 is coming up soon and in preparation for it there are a few quizzes you can take.  While these are not necessary we think they are worth taking because not only do they prep you for the summit but they test your knowledge about how much you know about the food you and your family eats.

    GMO Online Quiz

    While no one wants to spend their days focusing on the negative that still does not mean one should not be educated.  If you are desiring to change your life and your thoughts or body are in the way becoming aware of genetically modified organisms as well as the food you buy can help.  This quiz only takes a minute and measures your GMO IQ, we were quite surprised to find out how wrong we were about some things.  The GMO quiz only takes about a minute and was created by John and Ocean and after you take you get an invite to the Food Revolution summit.

    Is Your Food Aging You Quiz?

    This fun quiz was developed John and Ocean Robbins as well, both of them have written about the relationship between food and aging. It you have ever looked at either of them they look quite young and John is nearly 70.  Now if you are like most people if your looks are going down you make think it is all genetics, but it turns out it has a more to do and don’t eat.  This is another chance to get some wonderful education on how what you eat affects your ability to look and feel and how your current eating habits are working for or against you.

    The Food Revolution Summit 2016

    Now to the big event, this is the 5th annual summit and during the event you get to hear John Robbins interviewing many extraordinary speakers such as

    • Christiane Northrup MD
    • Mark Hyman, MD
    • Joel Fuhrman, MD
    • Jane Goodall Ph.D
    • David Perlmutter, MD
    • Vani Hari
    • Plus many more

    You will be educated on pesticides, hormones, GMOs, chemical concoctions, factory farms and more and although this may sound scary you will also learn practical information that helps you with current issues.  Now most know that sugar effects the mind and body but other foods you eat cause or exacerbate things like:

    • Poor sleep
    • Anxiety and Stress
    • Depression
    • Your ability to lose and gain weight
    • Your memory
    • And more

    You will also discover some amazing things like:

    • How to prevent cancer with mushrooms
    • The healthful Quality of nuts
    • The 100% organic state
    • Healthy food at lower prices
    • Plus more

    Now we must be honest in the past we were not interested too much in the truth about food, we ate healthy and thought was enough. However after learning more about the foods that are available it has become a most interesting and beneficial subject.  To learn how to improve your health of yourself and love ones check out the John and Ocean Robbins Food Revolution Summit 2016 here.


  • Elevate Your Life Course

    Jennifer Mclean Elevate Your life courseThe Jennifer McLean Elevate Your Life course was offered as part of her Spontaneous Transformation healing week and I decided to go for it.  It is only the first week of the course and I must say if I had to review it right now I would give it an A+++++.   If you did miss the healing workshops here is some great news she is offering the content again at no charge!  If you are in need of healing whether spiritual, emotional, or physical or desire to have more balance in your life I highly recommend watching these workshop shows and video workshops.

    If you miss my past post or our past newsletter notification system we did share the information about the free week of healing. If you would like to be notified of all the free events we share on this site as well as those we do not and our exclusive then take a look at our newsletter. Moving on, what is the Spontaneous Transformation Technique? In short it consists of 7 steps and provides a quickening, which, in minutes that can actually make a dramatic impact on things that seemed insurmountable moments before.   By doing the technique you can connect with the universe and bring forth your truest dreams. Now we write about many healers and companies that we love and Jennifer McLean is one of them she is considered a top healer in America and has helped many, what I like about her is that she is not only effective but down to earth and fun to listen to.  When you attend her week of healing you will not just hear a bund of woo woo stuff but a fun, practical way to listen to yourself to heal.

    Jennifer McLean Elevate Your Life Course

    As mentioned I did sign up for this course after attending the week of healing which consisted of the Spontaneous Transformation movie, 3 coaching videos and 2 workshop shows.  After that week I felt so different and one of the biggest things I noticed was my creativity, now you may be thinking what does that have to do with healing?  Well, I am not very creative or at least that part of me was not ignited, however I also noticed many other things:

    • I am sleeping better
    • I am handling issues much more effectively and calming
    • I am actually looking for the positive purpose of things that are happening to me instead of going straight to the negative
    • I am more focused

    Now all of that was just after the free Jennifer McLean Healing week and after this last week of the Elevate your Life Course it has strengthened.   I also signed up the Spontaneous Transformation certification which begins in June which I am pretty excited about, so I will keep you posted on that as well.  Do you have to sign up for the Jennifer McLean Elevate Your Life Course, no, however it is so dang reasonably priced I could not say not after attending the free week.  If you would like to no more you can register for  this powerful, personalized healing encore and claim here new book  for free,  she bought early from her publishers  free book you just pay the shipping and handling.  If you have any questions about the free week, the course etc. pop us an email through our contact form and I (Jenny) will get back to you.

  • My True Purpose Life Quiz

    my true purpose life quizSo many search for an accurate my true purpose life quiz, but sadly they find many of them will silly answers and a simple rating.  When it comes to knowing what you are supposed to do in life there are many different ways to discover it, and a proper assessment is a wonderful tool to start with.  While there are several wonderful ones out there today we will cover just one which is a 3-Minute Purpose Assessment Quiz.

    How Do You Find Your True Purpose?

    As mentioned a quiz is one way however there are a few other ways that you can do which are quite valuable and despite how easy they are to do many do not do them.

    1. How happy are you currently, do you wake up each morning dreading your daily routine, your career, and just wait around for the weekend?
    2. Do you find yourself thinking that there is something bigger you are supposed to be doing but you are unsure of what it is?
    3. Do you look at others success and have negative or jealous emotions towards it or them
    4. Do you feel like something is missing in your life and look at every single area such as relationships, career, family, etc. but still cannot pinpoint what it is
    5. Do you suffer from daily sadness, emptiness, or loneliness?

    If you answered yes to one or more than you more than likely are not on your life path, and this is not even the quiz!

    My True Purpose Life Quiz

    This assessment does not take long only about three minutes but within the few questions come some powerful answers about your current path in life.  If you feel like you do not know what you are supposed to be doing this quiz can direct you and if you know that you are following your life purpose it will tell you if you are correctly aligned with it.  It is easy when someone knows that something is missing to seek out purpose but for those who are happy with where they are at you still may not be on the straight path.  If you bump in to many roadblocks you need to overcome or find that although you are satisfied with you state in life but keep running into issues you may not be fully connected.

    What this test does is give you a detailed assessment on how aligned with your life’s true purpose. It also reveals to you if you are using your given talents in a way that will make you happy and fulfilled. As mentioned this is not a you’re here quiz or here is your rating, you actually get a personalized assessment based on the questions.  Taking this or any quiz that is accurate is a wonderful way to test yourself, your beliefs, and find out if your alignment is where it needs to be.  To take the My True Purpose Life quiz you can go to this site and let us know if you were surprised at the results.

  • Jean Houston Quotes

    We have gathered together some Jean Houston Quotes, these are about spirituality, love, laughter, consciousness and more.  If you are not familiar with Jean she is a bestselling author, speaker, advisor and world-renowned scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities.  Some of her books include “The Wizard of Us” and “Mythic Life” and she is a joy to listen to and learn from, we hope these help to inspire your day.

    jean houston quotes

    Jean Houston Quotes

    I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience, heightened creativity, or exceptional performance by athletes and artists, we harbor a greater life than we know.

    Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid.

    The illuminated ones can take any form — a man, a woman, a child, an elder, or even a dog. It is not inconsequential that the English language allows for the dyslexia of the spelling of the word dog: God spelled backward.

    We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.

    The shift in consciousness mediated by fusion music is paralleled by provocative trends in recent literature and theatre.

    Engaging it produces an intense force, which in turn produces a mutation in consciousness. You become who you really are

    No solid ground anymore. We are riding a river of changes that is unlike anything we’ve experienced before.

    You are not a passive observer in the cosmos. The entire universe is expressing itself through you at this very moment.

    When we are calling forth the depth and genius of the other, then we grow.

    At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

    I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience, heightened creativity, or exceptional performance by athletes and artists, we harbor a greater life than we know.

    Resurrection is essentially a remembrance of one’s true nature and a waking up to this remembrance.

    Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity.

    Design and launch your boat, the organization and containment for your visions. You’ll see where its strengths and weaknesses are.

    The tendrils of a new, deeper form of spirituality are growing.  It’s the greening under the surface crust of consciousness and social paradigm.

    Your brain has one function-to do exactly what you tell it to do.

    If you have not had the pleasure of reading any of her books or attending any of her free events we will be covering them in the future.  Many of her webinars have a replay so if you see one we have written about and cannot make the time, we usually register for them anyway so we can listen to the replay later on.  Take in and reread these Jean Houston Quotes and see if any one of them truly resonates with you and let us know by leaving a comment we love to hear from you!


  • Inner Guidance System

    Inner Guidance SystemDo you ever wonder if have an inner guidance system or have heard people talk about your inner GPS? We are talking about the internal you that knows exactly where to go and what to do at the right time and in the right way.  Well, Dr. Jean Houston says you do have a system inside of you that can guide you to your true purpose

    Imagine knowing where you want go in life and without question or hesitation you just start heading in that direction without question and without hesitation? This does not happen for many of us we either do not know what are purpose is or if we do we don’t have the foggiest idea of how to get there.  You may look at many successful people who all discovered their unique genius and are living the true purpose of their lives and wonder how they did and why can I not.  So how did these people who have reach a place where they impact the lives of millions of others, and are living prosperous and fulfilling lives?  The answer is your Inner GPS System and if you are like most you sense somewhere inside you that you have the capacity to lead a bigger life.

    What is Your Inner Guidance System?

    This Inner GPS System can guide you through every obstacle until you get where you want to go. It allows you to figure out where we’re meant to go, how to get there, and clarifies for you if what you are doing at any given time is even helping you reach your destination. The problem for most is that no one has ever taught them how to connect to it but now Jean Houston will with her free online event entitled “The 3 Keys To Discovering Your Life’s Purpose.” She has shared this process before with many and many people have discovered how to find their life purpose and live it. Her proven process for transforming your life by discovering what you’re truly meant to do is for everyone who desires to live from the heart and true self.

    You are not alone when it comes to the desire to find out where you are truly meant to go and how you are to get there. In fact many people at one time or another go through this issue and while some find the answer many do not. This Jean Houston webinar will reveal to you the 3 keys that will transform your life.  These three keys to discovering and living your life purpose include:

    • Holding New Beliefs
    • Developing New Skills
    • Staring New Habits

    Now these may sound elementary but there is much depth to each of these keys, such as breaking free from the past, calling upon your inner intelligence, discovering new perspectives that match your inner self, and so much more.   By attending this event you will discover unique insights into how to truly live your purpose in life, and then align everything. To learn more about your Inner Guidance System aka Inner GPS System, register for the free Jean Houston “The 3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Life’s Purpose”


  • April Fool’s Day

    April Fool's DayHappy April Fool’s Day! While this is a day for pranks and fun we decided to come after it a different way. So many seeking out personal growth and self-development has low self-worth, low self-esteem, and often feel lost in life, making some feel like they are a fool or just cannot get it right. This April 1st we have put together a stellar list on how you can boost your life and never feel the fool again and for fun of course we have added some quotes.

    April Fool’s Day– How not to play the fool

    This list is full of free personal growth tools that will help you boost and enhance your life in all areas. In fact there could not be a better time to kick that inner fool because there are a lot of wonderful events going on online that are completely complimentary:

    • Jean Houston Your Life Purpose– this webinar event is call 3 keys to awakening your life purpose and during it Jean will teach you how to connect with your Inner GPS also known as your Inner guidance system to not only discover your true purpose but know exactly how to get there.
    • Jennifer McLean Spontaneous Transformation Technique – Imagine ridding yourself from scary diagnoses or healing your inner self almost instantly. With Jennifer’s new book, her Spontaneous Transformation movie, and her week long healing marathon you can do just that.
    • Winning the Game of Fear and Money – When people don’t have money they often have fear and even when people read their financial goals they still have underlying issues that paralyze them. Both of these Neurogym John Assaraf webinars address areas of brain retraining where you can overcome your financial issues and fear.

    Now what to all of these have to do with April Fool’s day? Well although a day for fun which we encourage immensely you can also take advantage of these free personal growth tools to kick your inner fool in the butt once and for all.

    April Fool’s Day Quotes

    • Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. – Chinese proverb
    • Let us be thankful for the fools.  But for them the rest of us could not succeed.  – Mark Twain
    • If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings.  – Welsh Proverb
    • “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool.” — William Shakespeare
    • Take all the fools out of this world and there wouldn’t be any fun living in it, or profit.” — Josh Billings
    • Men would not live long in society, were they not the mutual dupes of each other. ~François VI de la Rochefoucault

    From all of us at Desire and Belief have a fun-filled April Fool’s Day!