Category: Personal Development

  • Three Keys To Feminine Power

    three keys to feminine powerThe Three Keys To Feminine Power Claire Zammit webinar is a complimentary webcast offered by Evolving Wisdom.  Claire is co-founder of Evolving Wisdom and is leader of the Feminine Power global community. During this event you will learn techniques to immediately bring more meaning and joy to your life.

    We love Evolving Wisdom course event for many reasons.  They have some of the best teachers and are always packed with content.  Claire is one of those wonderful instructors who has helped thousands around the world.  Ask yourself this question how important is it for you to succeed this year?  Not just in the normal context of success but in creating and bringing forth a greater more meaningful vision. Are you on a path where you feel that you are living your true calling? Do you feel there is meaning in your work, relationships, and life overall? If you answered no to these then the Feminine Power course is an event to attend.

    Three Keys to Feminine Power

    Claire Zammit will be sharing with what she has discovered while working with herself and other throughout the years.  While there are many important things you will learn there is one that applies to many:

    So many of us have been living and striving for the external measure of success.

    What does this mean for you? By just trying to create success as the world sees it you may be missing out on your unique wisdom and power. You suppress your unique treasures that lie in your inner feminine when reaching for traditional success with the masculine system. What is Feminine Power?  Many ask this question and this is one area Claire Zammit will share with you as well as:

    • Why you must embrace this power to create the life that you were born to live
    • How to connect with your intuition
    • How to use your intuition to guide you on your true path
    • How to combine the life you are living with your true potential
    • Plus more

     Unsung Song Syndrome

    You will also learn about this which Many women suffer from . You may be experiencing this if:

    • You want deeper connections with people but have trouble letting them in
    • You desire partner who has the same passions and visions but are unable to find them
    • You have deep concern about the state of the world today but feel powerless to assist in any way
    • You know that you have gifts and talents to share with the world but feel suppressed.

    The above are just a few examples of the Unsung Song Syndrome.  The Three Keys to Feminine Power course review event will share more.  You will not only learn about this but how you can break free from self-doubt by proven practices. You can use these tools right away for empowerment to unleash and express who you truly are.

    To learn more about the Evolving Wisdom Claire Zammit 3 Keys to Feminine Power webinar you can go to the main site.

  • Power Of The Enneagram

    power of the enneagramThe power of the Enneagram is a tool for self-understanding, during a complimentary webinar you can learn more. This event is  entitled Three Keys to Unlock the Power of the Enneagram in Your Life: Understanding Your Personality, Awakening Your Soul. The Enneagram is a tool for understanding yourself, your personality, and even your soul. It is  more than you’re a number and the different types express their strengths and gifts in unique way. These gifts are revealed by this system and  Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb will share.

    Russ is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute and co-author of many books. Some of these books are The Wisdom Of The Enneagram, and Understanding the Enneagram. Jessica Dibb is founder of the Inspiration Community School. Together  they will share with you insights that will assist you with harnessing the power it in a transformational way.

    The Power of The Enneagram

    This system actually maps the ego-driven fears, desires and motivations that fuel your behavioral patterns.  This system reveals a way to deeper knowledge of your personality as well as offering you a new path to liberation.  It allows you to go past your darkest fears and limitations and opens you up to the strength to express your true self and your gifts. During this free Enneagram workshop Russ and Jessica will enlighten you to:

    • Your personality fixation point relates to your core fears.
    • Understand how the Enneagram system can relieve you from your fears
    • How every Enneagram type has a different  call that opens your full potential.
    • You will learn what this call looks like based on your Enneagram type.
    • You will discover what your type holds as gifts from your soul that are really unique .
    • You will learn Techniques that address aspects of your personal and spiritual development.
    • Plus much more

    Using the Power of the Enneagram as a holistic system can open you up to new way of thinking, and Feeling.  Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb are excellent instructors and well educated in this system. They teach you during this  seminar will allow you to discover more about the ways in which you create your identity and access creativity. If your schedule does not align with the time of the event you can still access the replay as long as you register.


  • Concept of Love in Sufism

    concept of love in sufismThe concept of love in Sufism is a topic I am pretty excited to write about today for a few reasons. First, this is brand new to me and second of course there is a free webinar coming up that answers the question Could Sufism be the path to love.

    Sufi true love is an area that many study and discover that perhaps mystics hold the key to how to surrender to true love. As mentioned there is an event coming up which is called Discovering the Sufi Way of the Beloved: Ecstasy & Surrender through the Mystical Teachings of Islam with host Andrew Harvey.  Many know his work with Rumi Sufi Mystic who is one of the most loved poets today and one reason for that is love.  Andrew Harvey Rumi Expert and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism believes that the Sufi way of love holds the key to lasting peace in the world. By the way if you follow the news at all Rumi is now a more powerful subject because a producer wants to Leonardo DiCaprio to play Rumi. People are getting quite upset using the hashtag #rumiwasnwhite ,this of course is just a side note but makes it another great reason to attend the event!

    Concept of Love in Sufism

    During this event Andrew will take you into the heart of Sufism to receive the blessing of this ancient sacred lineage. If you have ever wondered what Sufism is or wondered about the power of the Sufi path, Andrew Harvey is an ideal guide who can bring it vividly to life. By attending this free event, you will discover:

    • Celebrate the Sufi quest for a more universal understanding that embraces all paths
    • Develop an appreciation of the Prophet Mohammed beyond modern history’s propaganda
    • Discover the centrality of the divine feminine to Sufism
    • See how integrating divine intelligence into how we design society can unite us through common spiritual ideals and the guiding principles for a peaceful world

    Andrew Harvey is not just a mystic but also a scholar of many major faiths, he’s been a long-time student, translator and initiate of Sufi lineages. After attending the Discovering the Sufi Way of The Beloved event you will not only understand the concept of love in Sufism but your entire understanding of Sufism will shift as you learn to  understand into polarizing Islamic concepts such as “jihad” in a whole new way. Now this may sound odd to some of us but for most of us all we hear is what is presented to us, Andrew Harvey will go beyond what we have learned and help us open to the love at the core of the Sufi path. You will discover teachings and practices that can liberate your soul through a profoundly intimate relationship with the Divine.


  • Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora

    tantra touch psalm isadoraThe Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora Mindvalley Masterclass is a complimentary online event designed to take your relationship and intimacy to the next level. Now this may not be for everyone but we wanted to cover it because so many people long for a deeper level of intimacy in their relationships, it this sounds like you read on for a brief review of the event.

    Psalm Isadora is an internationally renowned  Expert and Relationship Guru who is the star of Playboy TV’s reality show Cougar Club and founder of the coaching program Urban Kama Sutra. The full title of this event is Tantra: The Art of Sacred Sexuality and during it you will discover the Psalm Isadora Tantric teaching on the 4 techniques to take your to the next level.  You will also learn the essence of tantra which is that true love starts from within, from loving yourself. No matter where you are in your relationship this event will enhance and assist how you are with your partner and what you will discover are things that you have never been taught before.

    Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora Training Event

    During this Mindvalley Masterclass you will discover how to connect with your sexual Shakti by doing this you will

    • Experience more energy
    • Discover deeper intimacy
    • Become more fearlessness in your life through simple practices

    Psalm will help you Understand how the mind-body-spirit aspect of Tantra can transform not only your intimacy but also every other part of your life.  By embracing your this aspect you can enhance your career, your finances, your friendships and more.  It is rare to come across tantra classes that are free and this event share with you how you can Break the pleasure barriers in your mind to unleash more passion and more drive in your life which not only helps your relationship but surprisingly slows down aging.

    By attending this event Psalm Isadora will take you through The Tantric Heart Exercise. This Tantric exercise has 2 parts that are quite simple and will allow you to release your heart from your mind and turn your dominant thoughts from fear-based to intimacy-based. She will also take you through 2 more experiences which are:

    • The Transformational Sound Breath Exercise
    • The Bliss Breath Exercise and Featherweight Touch Massage

    The Sound Breath Exercise is designed to liberate you from your intimacy blocks and activate your intimate right brain. The Bliss Breath and the Featherweight touch are a wonderful combination Tantra technique that will rid you of intimacy blocks such as trust issues, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, insecurity, traumas and other harmful patterns from childhood.  This is going to be a powerful event for anyone and the fact that it is free of charge is quite surprising many trantra classes cost a bit.  If you are desiring to take your relationship deeper then you will not want to miss the Tantra Touch Psalm Isadora  The Art Of Sacred Sexuality Mindvalley Masterclass.




  • National Tell a Story Day

    April 27 is National Tell a Story Day this day was created to share stories whether it be fictional, nonfiction, a life memory, or even a tale you imagined. We are unsure how this day originated and no matter how to choose to celebrate we suggest you use this day to change your own story.  By taking the time to rewrite your life story you open your mind and life to endless possibilities.

    national tell a story day

    How to Celebrate National Tell a Story Day

    As mentioned above you can celebrate with any story you like, however we would like to point out the benefits changing your life story and claiming it.  Most people struggle with past, with letting go of memories or issues that keep coming back to haunt them.  These memories or beliefs affect your current state whether it is finances, health, relationships and so on, by shifting your story on paper and aloud you will begin to view things much differently and things that you desire in life will simply show up.  These may be subtle at first but the more you read that story and tell it the quicker these things will manifest in your life.

    How to Change Your Life Story

    To recreate your life story we first look at what you are telling yourself and what issues in your life trigger negative or unpleasant emotions.  For example:

    • Did you have an unpleasant childhood and these memories keep bubbling up in your life?
    • Were you abandoned or rejected at some point and now find yourself needing others around constantly?
    • Were you’re brought up poor and find yourself with “not enough” today?
    • Are your suffering from health issues that plague your daily life?

    By simply taking the examples above or your own thoughts and beliefs and changing them completely on paper you make your first shift. Now some say that is not reality, but take a look at your life now can you see any circumstances in your life that you have created? Here is an example:

    “As a child to get out of school or anything else you did not want to do you had to be ill, so you did whatever you could to pretend you were sick.  Are you sick today?  Do you have an illness?  If you spent years trying to get out of things pretending you were sick it would certainly explain why you may be sick today.”

    Take your life past present and future and write it down as you would like it to be:

    “I had a wonderful childhood, my parents were loving and attentive, we always had what we needed, and I felt secure. Going to school was a wonderful experience everyone was so kind to me, I learned so much and made positive lifelong friends.  I now have the career I love and always make enough money, I am surrounded by positive encouraging people and have the mate of my dreams.  My income will double by next year and we are taking my dream vacation as well as purchasing a new home with cash.”

    If you can recall as a child your imagination was endless, you never questioned as much as you do now.  As we grow older we do not lose that imagination we just focus so much on what we believe to be reality that we stop using that dream imagination that was so magical. On National Tell a Story Day recreate your life story and tell to someone you love and don’t let it end today, keep adding to it, make your dream life into a book, you may be surprised at what happens in your life!