Category: Personal Development

  • How To Heal Past Wounds

    how to heal past woundsWhen it comes to how to heal past wounds there are numerous ways to do so.  However deep emotional childhood wounds are powerful. Many people struggle with how to overcome them.  On top of that many patterns that are in are life today are created by these past issues.  So how do you go about healing emotional childhood wounds?

    If you have followed this site for some time you already know there are different events we cover. Many of these events and resources are geared towards this subject.  While there are many healing modalities some work better for some than others do. By taking advantage of the complimentary tools available you can embrace many different types of healing and find the perfect fit for you.

    By clearing the past you open up your life for success and overall balance. You clear away the issues and the current core patterns of acting and thinking shift.  You can use EFT, Hypnotherapy, or any other modality that fits you best.  We suggest you learn about a few and go from there.  We use many modalities depending on what issue we are working with.

    How To Heal Past Wounds

    There is an event coming up that is complimentary and will teach one way to pack away those hurts.  This event is offered by the Shift Network and is hosted by Tim Kelley and Jeffrey Van Dyk.   Tim Kelley Higher Purpose expert you may recall from past articles.  Jeffrey Van Dyk is an international speaker, strategist and guide. These wonderful teachers have joined together to share with you a way to heal your childhood wounds as well as any other wounds you may have.

    The title of this event is Getting Your Wounds Out of Your Way: How to Heal Your Deepest Patterns & Liberate Your Purpose.  By attending you will learn that there is a Gift that Your Deepest Wounds holds.  You will learn how to identify not only the wounds but also what gifts they provide you.  Our lives are a journey and things happen to us for a reason.  It is not bad luck, it is not unfair it is your life’s path. That being said if you found yourself reading this then part of your path it to heal.

    The process you will learn during this hour long webinar will move you beyond your earliest and deepest wounds.  You will finally discover the relation between these past wounds and your true purpose. As well as break free of your deepest, most persistent mental and emotional patterns that are holding you back.

    Now you may already be aware of the patterns and wounds but just because you consciously know what they are does not mean they are easy to heal.  By attending the Getting Your Wounds out of Your Way event or taking advantage of any of the resources we share will move you away from the search on how to heal past wounds and into liberation.

  • Do Essential Oils Actually Work

    do essential oils actually workMany ask me do essential oils actually work?  I answer a quick yes, they work and they work well. However, people need to know how to use them. There is a wrong way and a right way. A safe way and unsafe way.  Just like anything too much or too little can lead to ineffective results or dangers.

    If you get a pill from a doctor because it will cure what ails you take it.  You do not take over the dosage and you follow the directions.  That pill may make you will or you may be allergic to it.  The same goes for essential oils.  You need to know the correct way to use each individual oil to get the best results and to be safe.  When you do learn how to use essential oils safely you can then reap the benefits.

    Do Essential Oils actually work?

    When I answer this question I am not coming from a place of expertise. I am not an aromatherapist but have been using oils for decades.  I have taken courses and read books and of course have a manual.  I attend ever event I can to learn how to use them more safely and effectively. That being said here is what I have used essential oils for:

    • Chronic Pain
    • Lyme Disease and the issues that come with it
    • Sleep – this is a big one, I sleep so much better when I use aromatherapy
    • Swelling
    • Cleaning
    • Emotional issues such as stress, anxiety , and releasing trauma

    The above are just a few ways I use oils.  There are many, many benefits to using them.  As mentioned the proper training is imperative.  There 2 wonderful free events coming up that you can attend to learn how to use essential oils:

    The Essential Oils Revolution 2 – This is the 2nd year of this event and it is very highly attended. More than 165,000 people attended the 2015 Essential Oils Revolution. This year, experts in aromatherapy, medicine and research will deliver in-depth discussion, debunk common myths and help you learn about the possibility of regaining your health using essential oils.

    David Crow Essential Oils for Healing– As you know David and the Shift Network are one of our favorites. David Crow is one of the most respected expert’s botanical medicine and a great teacher to listen to. During this free event you will learn how to take your use of essential oils to the next level.  Not to worry if you are new to the area David will cover it all.

    I will be attending both events.  When you use essential oils it is always a good idea to hear from the best.  During both of this events you will learn:

    • How Essential oils work scientifically
    • How to use them safely
    • What oils are good for what
    • How aromatherapy can help with emotions
    • Plus so much more

    So besides by opinion do essential oils actually work?  You can attend the events above to find out and please share with us your experience.



  • Soulvana Review

    soulvana reviewBeen looking for a Soulvana review? If so you are in luck, Mindvalley Academy has created a sneak peak. This will  enhance the connection with your soul.  By watching this series of you can get a full understanding of what Soulvana is all about.

    The Soulvana Circle only stays open for a limited time so if you have been curious now is the time to learn. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is to ignore the voice of your soul.  But so many times we wonder is it our soul speaking to us or it is are imagination. There comes a time in many peoples live where they feel like there is more to your life than just earning a living. Perhaps other times you feel like you deserve a better life or you may feel you have a message to share with the world. When you have these moments this is your soul speaking to you.

    Soulvana Review Series

    The Path to Awakening Soulvana Review series reveals a new paradigm for educating your soul.   Mindvalley Academy’s goal is to educate and enlighten you on the importance of tapping into their soul.  You will discover many things such as How to reveal the power of your soul and more.

    This series give you gives you different videos that will help you many areas. Perhaps a goal in life, a purpose or new potential in your life. The entire Soulvana Channel brings together the world’s most enlightened spiritual teachers to elevate spirituality. It has a new course released each month that will give you key insights and enable you to grow spiritually in different dimensions of life.

    The Awakening video is absolutely wonderful. It will enlighten you to many things including the adventure and importance of awakening. In face once you sign up to learn about the Mindvalley Academy Soulvana Circle you will get more information. This valuable and powerful knowledge comes in the form of emails, videos, and more.  If you feel yourself being pulled but are unsure if it is your soul. Or if you know it is your soul but are unsure how to proceed then learning about this program is for you. By gaining access to the videos and other resources you will not only get an understanding of your souls calling but also a full Soulvana Review.

    You can start today and cultivate a better relationship with your soul. It is about a new movement in spirituality and by watching this video they will better explain what the new paradigm is. I believe this is a very timely video as more and more people today are realizing their true identity as a soul living in a human body. And the realization opens up a flood of opportunities that didn’t exist before.  By watching this Soulvana review video you can begin to learn how this circle is a vehicle of spiritual growth for months and years to come.


  • Success Signature Jennifer McLean

    success signature jennifer mcleanThe Success Signature Jennifer McLean program is now open. I have taken her Spontaneous Transformation  certification and  Elevate Your Life Course I am pretty excited about this program.  If you have been want to start a business or have one and want to take it to the next level this is for you.

    Jennifer McLean Healing with the Masters creator is also a, Success Coach, healer and multimillionaire wellness entrepreneur.  She is no stranger to healing or business which makes this program very exciting. Over decades of her entrepreneurial career, she had worked with and launched some of the biggest names in healing, automotive, consumer tech, retail and electronics as well as her own company. Now this may sound like a program just designed for business owners but that is not the case.

    No matter where you are in life right now either established in business or want to start one that truly want to help others the Success Signature program is worth looking at. Like most of our events we cover, Jennifer McLean is offering a few things for you at no charge. She does this for a few reasons.  First to introduce you to her style and what she teaches and second so you can create your own review.  With the amount of complimentary information she is giving you, you can make an educated decision on whether his course if for you.

    Success Accelerator Blueprint

    This is one of Jennifer’s new manuals that she is giving away at no charge. Within you will learn about many things including the 5 Success Signature Codes that when activated unleash all possibilities. These codes are not generalized but are unique to you and your life.

    Success Signature Jennifer McLean Webinar Series

    Also as part of the Success Signature review you get access to her complimentary webinar series. Which includes:

    • The Prosperity Formula
    • Keystone That Helped Her Earn Her First Million Bucks
    • How to Receive What You Want Now

    Once your decide to attend one of these trainings you get access to all three. The first Success Signature Jennifer McLean webinar like all of them contain healing, transformation, and activation.  Also during this webinar she shares the codes that every successful entrepreneur has. She will share these with you and so you can unlock your prosperity consciousness and abundance.

    The second webinar Keystone That Helped Her Earn Her First Million Bucks Jennifer is revealing how she used these codes to create her first million.  Once you learn this you can start applying her principles and life lessons to your own business or future one.  This Training is the key to forward momentum, growth, impact and prosperity. In this webinar the title says it all, it is the most powerful one in the series so you do not want to miss it.

    The Success Signature Jennifer McLean program will help you build your business on your terms, in your uniquely brilliant way and generate solid income. You’ll also get access to the whole 5-part process and an Exclusive Success Accelerator Blueprint to immediately ignite your genius into a full-blown, success-from-the-heart business. Plus, she’s even throwing in another exclusive healing-into-success a gift for those who watch the whole webinar.

  • Health Talks Online Summit

    health talks online summitThe Health Talks Online Summit event are very popular.  They cover a myriad of different topics with many expert speakers.  From Fibromyalgia to Essential oils these events provide a wealth of information at no charge.  We will cover the event schedule of upcoming summits and of course keep you posted through are newsletter of the other free events.

    Soul of Healing Summit

    This Summit is taking place soon and you can register for it at no charge.  This event is designed to empower you to use power of your mind, emotions and spirit for self-healing. Some of the topics covered during this event include:

    • How to control your DNA and rewire your brain for optimal health
    • Practices and technologies that you can utilize for self-healing.
    • How to break the emotional-physical pain cycle and heal the emotional root cause of illness
    • Whole person approach to radical self-healing.
    • Scientifically backed, miraculous healing benefits of true energy medicine
    • Overcoming illness through lifestyle practices
    • Soulful approach to medicine and learn the spiritual secrets of health

    Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit

    This Health Talks Online Summit provides you with ways to help you prevent, slow down and even reverse Alzheimer’s and dementia.   During this event you will learn about:

    • How integrative medicine and natural remedies can improve your memory and overall brain function
    • Learn about the latest research and cutting-edge techniques to improve brain function.
    • How to avoid food allergies, inflammation and dementia by eating the right diet and taking the best supplements.
    • Find out what conventional medicine isn’t telling you about Lyme disease, aluminum toxicity and much more
    • Find out how to effectively prevent memory loss, avoid expensive (life-threatening) mistakes and properly detoxify the body without harming yourself in the process.

    Health Talks Online Summit

    The above are just 2 of the many upcoming events.  There is also the Sleep Success Summit and The Essentials Oils Revolution 2 that are coming up soon. We will cover these either here on the site or send you a notification via are newsletter.  The Soul of Healing Summit is starting soon and we are pretty excited about this one.  With the expert speakers they have during this event we are sure to gain some powerful information.

    With all the Health Talks Online Summits they have a wealth of information at no charge. The speakers are all experts in their fields and provide this information to help you live the best life possible.  If you cannot attend all the days of the event they have accommodated that as well. When you register for any of the events they have an encore day as well as an option to own the entire summit!   This makes it easy for each and every one of us to get this life changing information without have search for it.

    When you subscribe to the Personal Growth Newsletter we will send ALL free information about the Health Talks Online Summit events. We will also provide you with many other free webinars and resources so you can pick and choose on what fits your needs best. If you have any questions about these events or anything else feel free to contact us.


  • Shakti Summit

    Shakti SummitThe Shift Network Shakti Summit is free and online. This year there is a line up experts on relationships and spiritual teaches such as Marianne Williamson and Jean Shinoda.  The event is hosted by Lisa Schrader and by attending you can recommend with your natural Feminine essence.

    Shakti Energy is something many women lose touch with.  It is an energy of love, vitality and spiritual wisdom.  When one becomes disconnected from it they disconnect from themselves and those around them. When embraced it is a deep source of power that creates limitless possibilities.  In today’s world, life, self-doubt and cultural messages often separate women from this power.  When this happens there is a significant drop in energy.

    When you have this energy depletion you lose touch with that inner source of life.  Your internal light dims as well as your creativity.  You may feel empty uninspired or isolated.  There is a way to reconnect with your feminine essence. This will put you back on a loving path of abundant joy and sensuality and embrace the true beauty and blessings of your womanhood.

    Shakti Summit

    This event is designed to guide you back to your Shakti. By attending, you become part of a global sisterhood. From young to old you will gather with women who recognize and honor their Shakti as the source of their pleasure and power. The magnificent speakers during this event will be sharing insights and practices to help you tap into your Shakti. No matter where you are in life if you are single or in a relationship you’ll receive deep insights from luminous teachers about practical ways to bring more pleasure into each day.

    You will learn how to let you feminine essence can truly shine in all you do plus discover how to activate your Shakti. You will also discover:

    • How to love fully, with an open heart
    • How Deepen intimacy
    • How to create or attract a profound partnership D
    • Discover the joy of living each moment as sacred
    • Learn to love your body and heal old body-image issues
    • Open to receive and experience more pleasure
    • Tap into more energy and enthusiasm
    • Live out your highest purpose and calling

    After attending the Shakti Summit you will embody wholeness in all areas of your life as you start aligning more fully with your Shakti. You will discover the mysteries of your sensuality, spiritual gifts and feminine heart. By doing so you can become a magnetic source to all you desire.  This happens almost magically because you’re simply more radiantly attractive on all levels.  To learn more about the Shift Network Shakti Summit 2016 or to register at no charge you can go to the main website here.