Category: Personal Development

  • Living In the Miracle Zone – Your Year of Miracles

    Living In the Miracle ZoneLiving in the miracle zone is when one goes from day to day struggles to happiness and success. This term was created by Your Year in Miracles Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman.

    If you did not get to attend the Your Year in Miracles event you can still watch the replay.  You can also get a free eBook download.    This program is about taking your life from where it is at now and moving it into a place where miracles easily flow into your life.

    Living in the Miracle zone is another one of the free special we are covering to start your year off right. If you want to be done with living a life of struggle, Or know that there’s more for you but it’s just outside your reach you. Then you may want to take advantage of the free webinar and eBook.

    The 3 Secrets to a Life Filled with Miracles Webinar

    As mentioned this replay is still available. During it you get to both Marci and Debra’s story. You will learn how to take your transformation to the next level and start having miracles show up in your life.

    Living In the Miracle Zone

    The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You from Living a Miraculous Life eBook is available for free download.  When you grab this book you will also be able to watch the webinar replay as well as learn about the program.

    The book shows you how to create an opening so your desires can flow to you.  Within it you will learn the 4 mistakes that stop miracles from coming into your life and how you can stop making them.

    2018 Your Year of Miracles program

    In this program Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman will guide you so that you are living in the Miracle zone.  You will be able to look back at the past year and see how everything has changed for the better.

    With this this powerful online program you will be mentored every step of the way to mastering the process of drawing miracles to you. Here are some of the things you will be able to attain with the program:

    • Greater financial abundance
    • Deeper, more fulfilling relationships
    • Profound self-love and self-confidence
    • Clearer connection to Spirit
    • Increased energy and vitality
    • Greater satisfaction in their work
    • Lost dreams reawakened and fulfilled

    By taking advantage of this training you can do things you have always wanted to and completely change your life. Whether you want to have the courage to leave a job, make more money or meet the mate of your dreams. Marci and Debra’s knowledge, tools and guidance will show you how living in the Miracle Zone every day of your life is easier than you imagine.

    Think of what you want is it love, weight loss, a dream vacation?  If so watch the webinar replay or grab the Your Year in Miracles eBook. You will learn how you can stop blocking those dreams for good. Plus discover how to bringing in your true desires.

  • It’s National Tick Tock Day

    National Tick Tock DayNational Tick Tock Day is December 29. This day is to remind you that the year is almost over and anything you wanted done you should take care of now.  If there is something you wanted to be achieved this year you only have 2 days left!

    As this is a time to finish things up, we also believe it is a time to set your resolutions and intentions for the New Year.  What do you want to accomplish next year? Is there anything you wanted to achieve this year but still have not gotten there?  If so take the last two days of this year to finish up your business and plan for the New Year.

    How to celebrate National Tick Tock Day

    If you want to take advantage of this unofficial holiday there are many things you can do.  We have created a short list of ideas to celebrate this day to the fullest:

    1. Take stock of what you did not get done this year. When doing this try not to look at your goal with regret or guilt.
    2. Take that unaccomplished dream and revamp it for the New Year. Did you want to increase your financial bottom line? Did you hope to shed a few pounds? Whatever it is take that goal and change your approach.
    3. Take a quiet moment to reflect on your life where it stands today. Are you happy with it? Are there areas you wish to improve? Do you find that while some areas are wonderful others are suffering?  Make a list of all the areas you wish were better and brainstorm on how you can find balance.

    How to Achieve Your Goals in the New Year

    If you are someone who has given up goal setting because you get frustrated by not accomplishing anything. Take this day to rethink that.  Did you really fail?  Perhaps your approach was not the right one for you.

    There are many different ways to set and achieve your dreams.  Goal setting techniques are not a one size fits all.  Perhaps you may want to look at your old way of mind mapping your dreams and seek out a new one.

    Some different ways of reaching your desires include:

    • Brain retraining
    • Different Goal Setting strategies
    • Hypnosis
    • Financial Programs
    • Stress Management programs and techniques

    If you want things in life and have trouble getting them, then your thought process may need to be addressed.  There is nothing wrong with you because many people have great difficulty setting and achieving their goals.

    The good news is you can change your mind.  It doesn’t matter how old you are or how many years you have been trying.  Take  National Tick Tock day to see if a new method or approach to your dreams are in order.  If so seek out a new type of goal setting method, personal growth program, or self-improvement techniques.

    From Desire and Belief to You have an insightful day and a Happy New Year!



  • LifeBook Challenge Jon Butcher

    LifeBook Challenge Jon ButcherThe LifeBook Challenge Jon Butcher Mindvalley Masterclass is here.  This event is wonderful for the new year. Butcher will show you 5 models of reality to achieve wealth, career, love relationships and  health.  If you have been in place in life where you feel you may have tried everything, this is a different type of event.

    Jon Butcher radically shifted his entire life.  While some programs and events we cover focus on one area. This event shows how Butcher shifted every area of his life.  During this Mindvalley Masterclass which is complimentary, he will be sharing with you a wealth of information that you ca put into practice to achieve what your own personal success.

    We cover quite a bit about Mindvalley Academy and for good reason.  The actual events themselves are packed with tons of quality content.  This event will be no different.  Mindvalley is one of the top personal growth companies around. They only have a few classes a month. They do this so each class is high quality and will greatly benefit the listener.

    LifeBook  Challenge Jon Butcher Masterclass

    Jon Butcher Precious Moments Inc chariman of the board has s created extraordinary success, happiness and fulfillment in all 12 areas of his life. And in the Masterclass, he’s going to reveal his LifeBook system that he used to create all of that.

    You will learn:

    • 12 categories of LifeBook
    • How to avoid setting goals because of the emotions that achieving these goals give us and set them so they actually work.
    • Learn how everything you have been taught about goal setting maybe wrong and how you can shift your perspective to a new way to achieve your dreams.
    • Plus much more

    12 Dimensions of Mastery

    You will also learn about the Lifebook 30-Day Challenge. This program is one you can start right at the beginning of the new year. For 30 days, Jon Butcher guide you on a specific idea, to install a particular model of reality or a system of living .At the end of 30-days, you’ll have a single compelling vision of your life.
    Jon Butcher will guide you through 12 Life Categories one by one. Through a mix of content and deep self-reflection, you’ll define exactly what you want in every important area of your life, why you want it and what you need to do to achieve it. You will be doing all of this together with a community of like-minded individuals in the Jon Butcher LIfeBook Lounge.

    This along with few of other free New Year New You webinars will empower you for permanent change.  Now if you have heard this before and believe you have tried everything just attend the free LifeBook Challenge Jon Butcher Mindvalley Masterclass. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  • Life Visioning Process with Michael Bernard Beckwith

    life visioning processThe Life Visioning Process by Michael Beckwith is a way to see your life the way to want it to be.  Not just see it but manifest it.  You can learn the Life Visioning Process in an upcoming Mindvalley Masterclass entitled Discover your Life Purpose.

    Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith went from a dire situation to a life of his own creation.  While this may sound out there went put into practice anyone can have what they want in life.  It does not matter where you are today in regards to finances, health etc.  You can move beyond it and mold your life to a better place.

    This is not to say that things in life that are negative do not happen. Of course they do.  It is also not to say that no matter what you can change the worst of the worst.  Life is a journey and there will be events that come that you may not like.  By learning the Life Visioning exercise you can move to a place where life is for you and not against you.

    Life Visioning Workshop

    This Mindvalley Academy Masterclass is free of charge. You can attend it right online.  Michael Beckwith will cover many things during this one hour webcast.  If you are in a place where you are not content or want more in certain areas of life you won’t want to miss what he has to say.

    Four Stages of Spiritual Development

    During Discovering Your Life purpose you will learn about these 4 stages.  It is critical for you to not only understand what these are but also learn how to use them.  By doing so you will have greater clarity and be able to move forward much quicker.

    Eight Life Structures

    Michael Beckwith will also share with you the Eight Life Structures. These create your life and your experiences.  By knowing these you can identify what areas of life need your attention to improve your experiences.

    Life Visioning Meditation

    You will get the privilege of participating in a Michael Beckwith mediation and prayer. This will move you beyond just this dimension of life.  It will also give you a change to fully love yourself.

    What is the Life Visioning Process?

    During this event you will learn how the universe is not your enemy but is there to lovingly guide you.  You will learn how to fine tune your soul and ascend to new heights of understanding. Most importantly, you will learn what this technique actually is and how it works.

    As we always say gaining knowledge, practices and techniques at no charge it a must.  You can take all the information giving to you and recreate you vision of life.  When you attend you no longer have to rely of reviews but know exactly what the method is. From there you can make the decision of if it is right for you.

    There will be ups and downs, goods and bads.  But when you learn different techniques and views your mind opens up to a new understanding.  This understanding makes the good, the bad, and the ugly easier and you can move through with flow verses resistance.

    To learn more about the Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process Mindvalley Masterclass you can to go to this website.

  • Andrew Holecek Lucid Dreaming

    andrew holcek lucid dreamingThe Andrew Holecek lucid dreaming training is called Exploring Lucid Dreaming. During This event you will learn about Dream Sculpting. Whether you dream this way  or have no idea how to do it this event is sure to give you some great tips.

    Some think of Lucid Dreaming as an “out there” thing. H owever there are many people that do it naturally.  What you may not know is that having this skill can greatly help you in waking life.  Americans currently sleep 6.8 hours on average at night according to a Gallup study. This is  hours a year or many years for a person living up to the age of 75. The opportunity for growth  during this missed hours is tremendous.

    Mindvalley Academy has a training called a Masterclass twice a month they help thousands with key element of their full potential. This new class will introduce you to dream sculpting which can result in you having real, quality lucid dreams every night. World-famous Lucid Dreaming teacher, Andrew Holecek will share with you  an excellent opportunity to work out situations and issues in your daily life.

    Andrew Holecek Lucid Dreaming

    This Dream Sculpting review training will show you the Benefits by turning your sleep into a powerful tool. Have you ever noticed in your dreams that you are not who you are in waking life?  You may be healthier or happier and so on?

    This is because when in the dream state, your reality is who you really are with no limitations.  By noticing this and learning the secrets of lucid dream you open yourself up to a new, powerful experience.

    Your dream state is a higher level that consists of a different vibration. Lucid dreamers are also able to harness their intuition better because, during the dreams, the conscious mind is not in the way.  Intuition is all there is and with this you can get answers you need. Also in the dream state you creativity is at full capacity, when you learn the secrets to lucid dreaming you can tap into this creativity.

    Dream Sculpting – Mastering the Art of Lucid Dreaming

    This Andrew Holecek  Lucid dreaming journey will show you a program based on modern science and Eastern Buddhist traditions. You will learn the fundamentals as well as advanced techniques. You get acquainted with a wide variety of simple yet effective lucid dreaming practices . As well as  induction techniques that cut down your learning curve and gives you results much quicker.

    To learn more about this Mindvalley Lucid Dreaming Masterclass or to attend you can go to the main website.


  • Shamanism Death and Dying

    Shamanism Death and DyingThe Shamanism Death and Dying course is for anyone. Whether you are interested in Shamanism or require new answers to what lies beyond.  Death is a guarantee and one of people’s biggest fears. To have the opportunity to learn a new view of it can be quite liberating.

    While many to don’t think of death on a daily basis or try not to, others are constantly haunted by it.  This affects all areas of life and while living your goal is to live! Robert Moss Shaman offers a fresh perception of the shamanic belief of the afterlife.  Luckily you do not have to jump right into the course. For a limited time you can learn about it by attending a free Shift Network live webcast.

    Before going any further I will share a bit about myself which is something I do not normally do. I used to be paralyzed by the thought of death. I was one who thought about it daily.  Ever ache and pain led me to the thought that I was dying.  Now there were reasons why I adopted that mindset that I will not go into now however one thing that did help me was learning the many different beliefs about the afterlife.

    Shamanic Journeying to the Other Side: Communicate with the Departed & Make Death Your Ally

    This event is one hour long but within that hour Robert Moss will cover a wealth of information.  You will learn advanced Shaman dreaming techniques to journey into other realms. Sound unbelievable? It would too many, that is exactly why you can attend this Robert Moss Dream workshop at no charge. You will learn in depth about Shamanism Death and Dying Approaches.

    Shamanism is something I and the group do not usually cover.  Out of the many things we do it is an area that we are not as well educated in.  That is one of many reasons I will be attending this event.  During you he will share how journeying to the other side can create courage and inspiration for life. You will learn about to heal you past by engaging with the departed and much more.

    Shamanism Death and Dying

    This course may not be for you but you will never know unless you attend the event.  I believe this webinar is good for anyone with:

    • The Fear of death
    • Have Questions about the afterlife
    • Have unhealed relationships with those who have passed on
    • Those who need more zest in life
    • Anyone who has interests in dreams and their meanings
    • And those who desire insight into the souls survival after dying.

    From the afterlife to dreams this workshop will be powerful.  It is coming up soon and if you cannot make the time of the event you will receive a recording afterwards if you register.  To learn about the Robert Moss Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife course and to attend the event you can go to the Shift Network  website.