Category: Personal Development

  • Is Fatigue Standing In Your Way Of Manifesting?

    You ask, you believe, but you are not receiving.  You still have days where you are in a rotten mood or are not seeing even a glimmer of manifestation of your desires.  You get frustrated and perhaps you start to believe you are just a victim of circumstance.

    Although it is said that if you ask it is always given, that does not mean it will manifest in your life experience.  One main reason for a delay or no manifestation at all is the feeling of fatigue.

    Fatigue can turn your thoughts right around to the negative side and the next thing you know you are much further from what you were asking for in the first place.  Also, if you are asking for something in the state of fatigue you are asking from a negative standpoint, therefore only negative can come.

    Before asking or giving up you must take notice of your mindset and your level of energy. If you lack energy you are providing that lack within your asking of whatever you want to enter your life experience.  Also, if you lack energy it is much easier to notice the negatives such as what you don’t have because your mind is not fully alert.

    By taking an inventory of your mindset and level of energy before making any decisions or asking for anything, you will enable your manifesting ability.  A good thing to remember is that if your energy level is not up to par, it is a temporary feeling and that more energy is on its way.

    Sometimes, if your mood is so bad due to fatigue you cannot even muster up those resistance releasing thoughts.  If you find yourself running that empty on energy it is time to go to sleep.

    I say go to sleep lightly however.  If it is bedtime by all means go to sleep for the night.  If it is not and you are just lying down for energy enhancement, then set the alarm.  Sleeping through your life to cope is never an answer, however a good 30 minute power nap can change your energy level and in turn your mindset.

  • How to Make Your Reality As Good As Your Dreams

    If you possess the luxury of dreaming you realize that at times your dreams can be wonderful.  Many times they are so good you would rather stay asleep to enjoy the feelings in those dreams.  Of course there are those dreams you care not to remember but there are those luscious dreams you may recall all day.

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the same sensations and feelings you have in those great dreams in your everyday life?  Imagine if you could pull those feelings out of your mind and carry them with you throughout the day.  Surprisingly enough, you can.

    There is a way, that if practiced daily, you can master the art of making your dream sensations a reality.

    The first step is using a dream journal.  I know you have probably heard of a dream journal before, but let me tell you why it is so important.  In your dreams, you may have seen people that you have positive sensations with, that you should have with others in reality.  You may see places that you feel so wonderful about and then wake up not as happy with your current reality.

    That is where the dream journal comes in.  You need to remember these people and places and the sensations associated with them to be able to pull them into your reality.

    The second step consists of spending at a minimum of 15 minutes a day alone with your dream journal.  Reread the dream you had the night before and evoke those feelings you had.  However, this time, put the people or places that are currently in your life with those feelings.

    This step will take some practice.  It may not be easy at first to associate a feeling you had in your dream with one person and project it onto another, but with practice it can be accomplished.

    The third and final step consists again of evoking those feelings at night while lying down to go to sleep.  Evoke the feelings and add the people in places that you wish you had these feelings with.

    If you practiced this daily for just a week you will begin to notice changes in your attitude upon awakening.  You will begin to pull those wonderful feelings out of your dreams and they will become a part of your everyday life experience.

  • Napoleon Hills “Six Ways to Turn Desires Into Gold”

    In the second chapter of Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” entitled Desire (how fitting) Hill lays out a foundation for anyone to achieve the amount of wealth they desire.

    It is important to note that this does not have to be just about monetary wealth, although that is the meaning of Hill’s 6 steps.  One can apply these steps to any area of their life.  Whether it is health, finances, family, etc.  These steps work if, and this is the part that many miss, they are continually practiced.

    That being said here are Hills six steps:

    1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness.)

    2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing.”)

    3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

    4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put his plan into action.

    5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

    6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read—see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.

    All six steps must be practiced daily as noted in step six.  Saying them aloud promotes a sense of conviction to your mind.

    Another point to note about the steps is that they are exact.  You do not vaguely say I want to be rich.  You have to be specific in your desires and have that definite plan.

    Many of the current books that teach creation of your desires seem to leave out a plan or definite amount of anything.  That is one among many reasons I like “Think and Grow Rich.”  The more specific you make things, the easier it is to see and expect them.

  • What To Do If You Hate Your Job

    hate your job

    Many people get stuck in the day after day repetition of their job.  For those who do not care for their job, thoughts such as “I hate my job” or “I wish I didn’t have to go to work” may plague their mind.  There may seem like there is no hope for a better future or a different way to make money.

    These thoughts are very difficult to get rid of for many due to the fact that one has to make money to provide.  One becomes stuck in the thought that the “have” to go to work to survive.  These thoughts come with a variety of different feelings, most being negative. Feelings such as dread, despair, hopelessness, and depression become daily occurrences.

    With these feelings and thoughts being at the forefront of the mind, it is easy to see that people can remain stuck in their current position if these feelings are not changed.  The question that remains is how can you change your thoughts or feelings when you “have” to do something.

    The answer is changing the “have” to a different phrase or idea.  Creating a different scenario in your mind about your job will quickly create a different mindset.  You will find with this mindset new opportunities opening up to you and the dreaded job will either become better or another way to make money will come along.

    The easiest way to create such a scenario is to think of why you are going to work in a different way.  The best example, and a reframe that I have used in the past, is to think of your job as a favor.

    Begin to imagine that you are doing your friend a favor by going to work.  In your mind pick out that friend, it may be a spouse, a family member, or a friendly coworker.  Imagine that you go to work each day to help them out, that you do not “have” to go, but out of the kindness of your heart you want to go to assist that person.

    For example, if you picked your spouse as that friend, you can imagine that you are going to work, just to help them with the bills.  During the day, if you run in to situations that are not positive in nature, think of that spouse and remember that you don’t have to be there, you simply want to help your spouse out.

    As simple as this task sounds, many may think that it can not promote any change.  However, the opposite is true.   By changing “have” to “want” you have now released resistance of negativity associated with your job.  You can now allow new, positive changes in your current employment to flow into your life as well as different monetary opportunities.

  • Changing Your Vocabulary For A Positive Change

    The words and phrases we think and use in daily conversations can greatly affect our future.  If speaking in past tense with a sense of regret or longing can put any future dreams on hold.

    When using past tense words and phrases without a feeling of joy attached our dreams for the future can take much more time to achieve.  Looking back has never done much good for anyone.  You cannot change the past and you cannot get it back.

    There is only one real reason to remember the past briefly and that is for learning sake.  If you look at your past for a brief moment and remember something you learned that can shape your future in a positive way, which will more then likely not hinder your future intents.

    Words and phrases that we are so used to using are a habit for many.  The benefit to eliminating them will be an increase in forward thinking and a decrease in negative emotion.  This short list below is an example of phrases that could be easily eliminated from your vocabulary to create a brighter future.

    Used To

    I Didn’t

    I Miss

    I Regret

    I Wish It Would Have

    As you can see by using these phrases and many others creates that sense of loss.  They give a sense that you did not get what you wanted or did not achieve something.  There are many other phrases that one uses on a daily basis that promotes a sense of lose or underachievement all of which can be very damaging to future creation as well as self esteem.

    When one uses these types of words or phrases they feel as if they missed something or that they were not good enough.  A spiral of other negative thoughts will be attached to these and they will keep on coming until your self esteem is in the toilet.

    Correcting these thinking patterns can be relatively easy but one must watch out for one key factor.  That one factor is over monitoring there thoughts.  Over monitoring with cause much more stress and greater negative emotions.

    The best way to correct this pattern is just to catch and reverse.  Do not monitor every thought but when you come upon one that is using negative, past tense phrases simply reverse it to positive, future phrases.

    For example,   “used to” could become “I am” or “didn’t” could become “I will.”  There are many ways to reverse negative phrases and you change them to whatever is most comfortable for you.  After a month of practice your mindset will greatly change.