Category: Personal Development

  • The Power of Now Review

    I must be on a review kick, but Echkart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now” was such a great personal development read that I could not go without putting out a review.

    “The Power of Now a Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle really drives home the fact that life can be a misery when you are focused too much on the past and/or the future. Tolle discusses how this type of focus takes away from the only moment that truly “is” and that moment is now.

    There are ten main chapters in Tolle’s book and they are as follows:

    You Are Not Your Mind
    Consciousness: The Way Out Of Pain
    Moving Deeply Into The Now
    Mind Strategies For Avoiding The Now
    The State Of Presence
    The Inner Body
    Portals Into The Unmanifested
    Enlightened Relationships
    Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
    The Meaning Of Surrender

    Each chapter offers profound insight into coming into the now, how we avoid it, and how to stay there. The basic premise of the book is that now is the only real time there is. All anxiety, worry, etc. comes from thoughts that are past and present.

    In the book, it talks about how the human mind spends much of its time in the past or present and most often neglects the future. Tolle offers great knowledge in how to deal with the issue of not being in the now and, if practiced, I believe being in the now may relieve much stress for many.

    This book can be read through in one sitting but is definitely one that you will want to refer to again and again. Perhaps even read two to three more times. I would highly recommend “The Power of Now” to anyone looking to improve, expand, or enhance their life.

  • The Great Little Book Of Afformations Review

    I know I have written about Noah St. John before and about his Book “The Great Little Book of Afformations.”  However, I don’t believe I have given the book a formal review.  The book has impacted my life so much I decided a review is in order.

    As I have written before I was first introduced to Noah St. John through his book “The Great Little Book of Afformations.” The book made such dramatic changes in the way I think that I have been a fan ever since.

    “The Great Little Book of Afformations” is about learning to afform rather than affirm.  What is afform?  In a nutshell, it is asking yourself powerful questions.  By doing this your mind begins to search for the answer.

    It is very refreshing to afform rather than affirm.  When you make affirmations, as Noah’s book points out, you don’t necessarily believe them, most of the time.  An example would be to affirm that you are thin when in reality you believe you are fat.

    By afforming instead of affirming, your mind can come up with numerous answers to questions, many of them being positive.  Afforming releases resistance because you are now asking questions and searching for answers, rather than frustrating yourself with thoughts you do not believe.

    I would fully recommend Noah St. John’s book “The Great Little Book of Afformations” to anyone trying to improve their lives.  Also, now you can get the first three chapters of Noah’s book FREE by going over to his site which you can find here.

  • Five Steps For Stopping Procrastination

    Have you ever felt bad or had undo amounts of stress and were unsure of the cause? Many people have and if they would look at the tasks they have to do they will often find the answer.

    Procrastinating on anything you need to do will fester inside you whether you are aware of it or not. Many people put off what is uncomfortable or too time consuming to do and the next thing they know they are a pile of stress and depression. Luckily, there are ways to avoid these horrible feelings and one answer is to stop procrastinating.

    Here are 5 keys that one can put into practice to avoid the procrastination killer:

    1. Do It Now! – By getting the dreadful things out of the way, there will be no chance for stress to creep in.

    2. Assign Duties – If there is a task that you do not necessarily need to take care of yourself assign it to another, and as in step 1 do it right away.

    3. Avoid Avoidance – Avoiding a problem or task at hand will prolong your agony so become aware of when you are avoiding.

    4. Picture and Feel Success – Imagine how good you will feel when the job or task is done.

    5. Afform – Using Afformations is probably one of the most powerful ways to avoid procrastination. A few you could use would be “Why am I so on top of everything?” or “Why do I feel so good when I finish a job?”

    Procrastination is deadly. The amounts of stress, strain, and confusion, that it adds to your life is completely unnecessary. Start using these keys and releasing the strain.

  • When You Feel Nothing

    There are times in our lives that we can become indifferent, almost numb. This numbness is not a good thing, and according to many sources is worse then negative emotion. From psychology to the law of attraction negative emotion seems to be a much preferred affect then indifference.

    Indifference, the absence of emotion, is easy to fall into. You’ve had too much, you feel like there is not a bright light at the end of the tunnel, there is no hope. I can relate to such feelings and know that it is very difficult to get yourself out of such a rut.

    Nothing seems to interest you, you have lost all enjoyment in things you like to do. You don’t want to sit, stand, sleep, not sleep, eat, not eat, nothing means anything. As you can tell from the description I have been through it and know that it takes much work to get out of it.

    After saying the word “work” there is a catch. At times enjoying the indifference for a brief period of time can be beneficial. However, one must not stay in that non-feeling mode for to long. Then the work begins.

    It is hard to say what works for each individual person to break the cycle of indifference. The one common factor that must be done, is finding variety. Finding variety can some from very little things such as a change in a meal to a game that you have not played in years. Spice it up with something new.

    During periods of indifference this can be a very difficult task, so changing what you’re doing often can greatly help. Watch T.V. for 20 minutes, then go for a walk, then read a book, then go shopping. Doing these multiple tasks in a small amount of time will help to shake the looming indifference that is interfering with your life.

    I try not to be a big advocate of naps, although I love to take them. However, many people suffering from indifference can have a whole new outlook after a power nap. Power nap meaning no more then 45 minutes, I know the wonder of the power nap has made a great difference in my life.

    Bottom-line, if you are suffering from indifference, enjoy briefly, start many tasks in short intervals, and never underestimate the power of refreshing yourself with a power nap.

  • The Belief of Depression Can Stand In The Way Of Your Desires

    One common illness that plagues millions is depression.  I have read numerous times how people can “get over” depression by changing their thoughts or beliefs.  While some of this may be true, it may not be entirely true.

    Many believe that depression is only caused by negative thoughts or thinking patterns.  Many also believe that it is not an illness nor does it exist.  It is possible that this is true, but many who are able to change their thoughts still suffer.

    It has also been said that many suffer from depression or any illness due to stress.  Stress is the cause of many illnesses and their recoveries.  While this also may be true, once again what about those who suffer from depression after eliminating stress and doing their best to change there thoughts.

    There is no clear cut answer to this, if there was then no one would have an ounce of depression at any time.  Does depression come first leading to negative thoughts or vice versa?   Once again, this is not easily answered, especially by those who do not suffer from depression.  There is one clear cut truth dealing with depression and that is it is a roadblock for peoples’ desire.

    When the black cloud of depression is hanging over an individual’s head it is hard to even have a clear thought, let alone try to manifest their desires.  So what does one do when depression is so bad that they cannot focus on reaching their full potential or changing their mindset?

    Well this is not a medical opinion, for I am not in anyway qualified to make any such statement.  My first gut reaction is that if the depression is bad enough an individual should seek help.  If that step has already been taken then the following may help you:

    1. Make a list of your desires in those moments where you feel mild relief of your depression.
    2. Make a list of goals, but make them flexible
    3. Establish your core belief system, for example is it God, Universal Laws, etc.  Then begin to study that way of thinking and put it into practice
    4. Make a list of what you did accomplish throughout the day

    Just implementing this short list may lift depression a bit to help someone solidify their desires.  With solid desires locked in place, even when depression hits, these desires will not be forgotten.

  • The Money And Wealth Mindset

    It is a common belief that the world is divided into two groups of people-the ones that have, and the ones that have not. Here’s the important question, where do you think you are in? Do you believe that you are one of those have-not’s and there is no way out of it? What a sad state to be in; fortunately, you don’t have to stay there. You can have an absolutely amazing quality of life-the universe is just waiting to get it to you.

    Do you want to know the secret to get wealth? First things first, what does money mean to you? Note that it is not the general definition we ask but what the personal meaning it is to you. Your perception on the piece of paper will determine your financial success. Money is more than currency-it is an idea.

    So what do you think about prosperity? People who are uncomfortable with this concept tend to live in need and lack of resources. If you think you are not this person carefully check yourself. Are you allowing your present situation dictate the perception you have on your financial status? Are you concentrating more on what you do not have today instead of what you can have tomorrow?

    How regrettable that we have excellent learning institutions in place that teach on almost all important matters yet still have so much need in educating people how to build wealth effectively. Three percent of the population knows the secret to the infallible wealth acquisition and it is this: you need to think rich before you get rich.

    To build wealth you must first believe, indeed, live the truth of prosperity in your mind first. Have a prosperity consciousness that will make every situation an opportunity for you to create abundance. Remember, being broke is an event; it is not who you are. You need to live this, see this and breathe this every day until it becomes it penetrates into your physical reality.

    Alright, you want this-now what can you do about it? Grade yourself on the level of your current prosperity today. Write down your desires and goals and be specific about it. Begin speaking out a prosperity motivation quote every day. What you are doing is training your subconscious mind to act in assistance to bringing the motivation quote into fruition.

    Understand that money needs to be more than what you can buy for yourself-it must be seen in the perspective on how to improve the quality of life in other people. Do not be dishonest and manipulative in your money-making endeavors-you will not be happy; hence true wealth will constantly elude you.

    Begin your journey to a most satisfying life today. Adopt a wealthy mindset and create the world you want to live in. To be rich is easier than you would think-all you need is to make the decision to be one today.

    Looking to find the best information on wealth building in six minutes a day, then visit Bob Proctor’s “Six Minutes to Success” site.