Category: Personal Development

  • Living from a Place of Surrender

    Living from a Place of SurrenderLiving from a Place of Surrender is with Michael A. Singer. The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment is a 3 part mini course you can watch now.

    Have you ever stopped to have a heart-to-heart with your own mind? That inner chatterbox that sometimes feels like your best friend and other times like a troublemaker?


    Well, Michael A. Singer, the genius behind “The Untethered Soul” and “The Surrender Experiment,” has crafted something truly special. This three-part “mini-course” is like a treasure map to understanding the chaos of our minds.

    Living from a Place of Surrender

    Imagine having a soul-to-soul chat with your mind over a cup of tea. That’s the kind of adventure Michael A. Singer invites us on.

    He’s not just any author; he’s a fellow explorer of the mind’s wild terrains. And he’s put together a series of three videos, aptly named “The Mind Can Be a Dangerous Place or a Great Gift,” to help us navigate the twists and turns of our own thoughts.


    Peek into the First Video: Navigating the Mind’s Rollercoaster

    So, what’s the deal with the first video?

    Well, it’s like a friendly lantern guiding us through the sometimes dark alleys of our minds. You know those moments when you try to fix your thoughts by scrolling through social media or binging on your favorite show? Michael digs deep into this relatable struggle, offering insights on finding inner calm amidst life’s whirlwinds.

    The Mind Can Be A Dangerous Place

    The “The Mind Can Be a Dangerous Place or a Great Gift” series is your backstage pass to all three videos. Think of it as a crash course in deciphering the language of your thoughts and discovering the gems hidden within.

    A Glimpse of Video #2: Unveiling Your Inner Magic

    Now, let’s talk about the second video—it’s like opening a treasure chest of wonders!

    Michael promises to take us even deeper into the rabbit hole. Get ready to uncover the intuitive, creative, and  corners of your mind that you were born with.

    It’s a chance to meet the incredible you that often gets lost in the daily shuffle.

    Living from a Place of Surrender

    This series is like having a friendly guide who’s been down this path before. It shows you how to navigate your thoughts, gain fresh perspectives, and tap into the potential that resides within you.

    Michael A. Singer’s teachings remind us to pause, explore, and embrace the magic within our own minds for a more mindful and enchanting journey.


  • Speak and Inspire 30 Day Quest

    Speak and Inspire 30 Day QuestThe Mindvalley Speak and Inspire 30 Day Quest is with Lisa Nichols. You can now learn about it with a new masterclass training. This training is offered at no charge and it is not just a review, it also gives you tips you can put into practice right away.

    This is not just for public speakers, this is for everyone. It is a chance to find your own voice, build your confidence when speaking, and begin to inspire others with your authentic self.  Lisa Nichols was struggling for years and now she is one of the most sought-after speakers.

    There is no one better to learn from than Lisa.  During the event she even shares a bit of her story which is amazing.  Her life experience is part of what made her what she is today.  You will learn that your experiences are truly you power no matter how good or bad they are.


    Speak and Inspire 30 Day Quest

    The actual program you will learn about is on the Mindvalley Academy Quest platform. Its consists of different modules each covering an area to help liberate and strengthen your voice.

    This course will help speakers make more of an impact. It will also help those who want to be more comfortable with speaking and those who want to be an inspiration.

    What Does the Course Cover?

    You will learn from Lisa how to:

    • have bulletproof confidence
    • own your true voice
    • become your authentic self
    • become a master story teller
    • Engage and inspire and audience
    • Plus, much more

    Lisa Nichols Masterclass

    The above is what you will actually learn in the course.  The complimentary training that will introduce you to course covers some of these areas.  However, you will also learn things that you can put into practice as soon as the training is done.

    Lisa will share with you her Valley Formula which put inspiration into every story you tell. You will also learn about the 10 second rule that movies use to capture attention. You can use this rule and the simple power of it is reason to attend alone.

    Finally, you will get to hear Lisa’s Story. This is important because it shows that no matter who you are or where you come from you are an inspiration.  It also shows that no matter how confident you are with engaging others you can learn to become a master speaker.

    4 Secrets to Speak and Inspire

    Everyone suffers from low self confidence once and awhile. Most of us often feel that way when we have to speak in from of others.  That is why taking advantage of this Mindvalley Masterclass is so important.

    The secrets she shares with you are so valuable you can use them Whether you proceed on with the Speak and Inspire 30 Day Quest or not.  you will gain techniques from the training that you can incorporate into your life immediately and begin realize your true value through your own voice.


  • 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles

    The 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles will be shared during a complimentary webinar. This event is hosted by Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman and is part of the Your Year of Miracles program.

    Both Marci and Debra did not start off successful, in fact they had a hard time at one point.  They will share some of their story during this event.  When defining success this not just about money as many think. This is about having success in all areas of your life.


    3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles

    They will share information about living in the Miracle zone.  This zone is an area where you have daily miracles, a way of life that brings balance and success. This event will show you:

    • How to get rid of fear and worry from your life
    • How you can have a career you love while still having monetary success
    • How you can have more fulfilling relationships
    • How you can experience little miracles each day
    • Plus, much more

    The though around miracles for many is that it has to be one large event or a rare one.  Marci and Debra explain that that is not the case.  They delve into how you can rid yourself of limiting beliefs allowing miracles to naturally flow in.

    Living in The Miracle Zone

    Miracles do happen everyday and the more we notice them the more they come.  Many times, we do not see these daily events and therefore are not grateful for them.  When we start to observe these, and embrace them a wellspring of what many would call luck flows into our lives.

    There is a certain process that makes it easier to live in this zone. Throughout their years of helping people they have noticed several things that keep miracles at bay.  This webcast along with their complimentary eBook “How to Live a Miraculous Life” reveal the process.

    The Miracle Extravaganza

    Also during this event you will learn about the upcoming event called the Miracle Extravaganza. This event has several speakers including Ocean Robbins, Jennifer McLean, Claire Zammit, Jessica Ortner, Sandra Joseph, John Newton, and Patty Aubrey.

    The Extravaganza may or may not have a replay so I would recommend you attending if you have the time.  The book, the webcast, and the Extravaganza will give you a fresh perspective on the New Year as well as teach you techniques to experience inner peace, balance and success.

    The 3 Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles will cover areas of Intention, Joy, Love, Abundance, Peace along with reasons your dreams may be out of reach.  One of the reasons is that we both consciously and unconsciously keep miracles away.

    You can attend the event as well as pick up the eBook and attend the Miracles Extravaganza Here.

  • Quotes to Remember Louise Hay

    Louise HayLouise Hay passed on August 30 of natural causes at the age of 90. An advocate and a leader in the personal growth and new thought movement, she helped many with her books, seminars, audios, and more. She was one of my favorite people in the development arena.

    Hay was well known for her book You Can Heal Your Life as well as the many other books she authored. She was the founder of Hay house that is a personal growth mecca of well-known authors and speakers.  She will be missed but her works will live on for years to come.

    Many are aware of her Hay House World Summit that helped people around the world at no charge.  She truly gave and In remembrance of her I put together some of my favorite quotes and sayings, I hope you enjoy them.

    Louise Hay Inspirational Quotes

    1. “I say “Out” to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it.”
    2. “No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.”
    3. “I grow spiritually when I accept responsibility for my life.”
    4. “In the infinity of life where I am, All is perfect, whole and complete, I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself. As the Universe sees me — perfect, whole, and complete.”
    5. “Love is never outside ourselves; love is within us.”
    6. “You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world.”
    7. “Be ready for love when it does come. Prepare the field and be ready to nourish love. Be loving, and you will be lovable. Be open and receptive to love.”
    8. “Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.”
    9. “Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”
    10. “We may not know how to forgive, and we many not want to forgive; but the very fact we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing practice.”
    11. “If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”
    12. “Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories”
    13. “Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year.”
    14. “As your understanding of life continues to grow, you can walk upon this planet safe and secure, always moving forward toward your greater good.”
    15. “Love who and what you are and what you do.”

    The above is just a small sample of the wisdom Louise Hay offers us.  Even is death she gives, not only by her works but according to the Hay House website her estate will be going to the Hay Foundation. This foundation gives things like food, shelter, and more for those in need.

  • Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness

    eric edmeades evolution of health and fitnessThe Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness Mindvalley masterclass will give you a good Wildfit program review.  In this article we will cover why you may want to attend this event even if you are not looking for any fitness or health changes.

    Eric Edmeades Wildfit creator came upon this program by his personal experience. He had been ill and fixed all of his issues in quickly in fact in one month. Suspend your disbelief on this one even though it sounds too good to be true.

    Eric actually teaches during this webcast about wild human diet which we are naturally designed for. Now before you run away with the word diet, please keep reading. This is for everyone whether you want better health, want to lose weight or tone your muscles all without exercise.


    A little more about him for those who want to know. He is an entrepreneur, architect, and author. His depth of research into the Human Diet led him to develop the Wildfit challenge.

    Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness

    This event in itself will teach you many things you can put into practice immediately. Of course you will also learn about his Wildfit challenge.  By attending you will learn that this is not a new fad diet.  It’s a true rediscovery of our roots.
    If you decide to try his method you can add extra years to your life .  You will learn how to improve your energy. Strengthen your muscles and change your body shape without exercise, calorie counting or hunger. How is this done?  It is all about altering your relationship with food.

    Wildfit Diet Review

    The human diet Eric shares with you is one that will restore our health, our vitality and our natural lifespan. No matter where you are in terms of health and fitness.

    By attending you will learn:

    • 5 simple hacks
    • What you can do right now to end bad health or lack of vitality
    • Learn about The 6 Human Hungers
    • How to attain a complete body transformation
    • Learn about what we eat and the science behind it
      Uncover shocking revelations about the various diet programs
    • Why the word “diet” is actually making us crave more food and stay unhealthy
    • the Ultimate Human Diet that eliminates obesity
    • Learn about the biological factor that works against most people’s willpower to force people to not eat healthy even though they clearly know they should.
    • learn why a healthy body has nothing to do with exercise
    • Plus much more

    The Wildfit Chanllenge Eric Edmeades

    Eric discovered all of this as a result of years of research on nutritional anthropology, evolutionary biology and the original hunter-gatherer society of the Hadza Bushmen in Tanzania. During this event you will see why mankind originally was a really healthy, strong and vibrant species. This part alone is very interesting.

    No matter where you are, your health is number one, and the Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness is one event everyone will benefit from. You will gain much knowledge and learn about the Wildfit challenge. Having struggled with illness and having to find the right “diet” I highly recommend this event.