Category: mindset

  • Winning The Game Of Fear Review

    winning the game of fear review

    In this short Winning The Game Of Fear Review, we will cover just a bit about this John Assaraf Brain Retraining system, a long overview is not need because you can attend a free webinar that gives you an idea of what and how Assaraf teaches, and make the decision if it is right for you. If you want to go straight to the event and skip the review you can do so HERE

    Fear is probably one of the number one things that hold people from the success of the life that they desire. Fear of failure. Fear of success, Fear of speaking, Fear of being alone or any other one that has control over you can literally drive you to a screeching halt. Even if feel that you are confident and successful which you may very well be, most everyone has something deep inside that scares them. It is completely normal and has been a part of the human dynamic from the prehistoric days when a fear kept people alive.

    If you have ever read a John Assaraf Winning the Game of Fear review you might find that there are mixed opinions, and for good reason, fear. The fear to change is so very strong, and sometimes no matter how strong the desire is to stop being afraid of life, it may still hold you back. For example you may be reading this and may be thinking “yes I should attend the Winning the Game of fear free event” and then you find something else to do, or it you forget to schedule it in, etc. Whether you know it or not that is on a subconscious level a fear or lack of desire to be fully free.

    The same can be said if you have this John Assaraf brain training program, if you get it and don’t use it religiously (which is often done), then no change will occur, which leads to negative reviews. You did become afraid of things overnight there you will not be free from fear overnight, but you can be very quickly with proper brain training. Winning the Game of Fear will show you that all Fear lives in the same area in your brain and sets off triggers and alarms inside you the same ways.   With the new neuroscience studies which most of Assarafs training are based on, you will discover that successful brain retraining can break feelings of fear, doubt, self-esteem and the habits and patterns you have created over the years.

    During this John Assaraf webinar you will learn life-changing, solutions and process that will show you how you can how to stop being afraid of life quickly. You will discover that this training is not about how to deal With Fear; it is about getting it Out Of Your Life For Good.   This broadcast is also different than many you may have looked at or attended in the past it is all scientific evidence-based content instead of just Motivational happy thoughts and philosophy which do not help you with The Deep, Underlying Fears, Feelings and Thoughts that plague you and stop you from trying something outside of your comfort zone!

    Although this is a short John Assaraf Winning the game of Fear review it is enough to let you know how the time will be spent during the event. By attending this NeuroGym event you will attain all the knowledge you need to stop fear and anxiety for good.

  • Sometimes Your Brain Doesn’t Work 🙂

    brain dead

    When you want to attract things in your life, you have to direct your thoughts in the direction of what those desires are.

    At times it may feel as if your brain is not up to par, you could perhaps be tired, or just thoughtless.  This can be a dangerous thing if you are trying to attract the right things in your life.

    Indifference to things is worse then hate, sadness, or any negative emotion.  You are in a state of not caring and wandering thoughts.  How are you going to attract the things you want if you couldn’t care less about anything?  You won’t!

    There are some ways to generate what you want into your life even in times where your feelings are gone.  These require effort in positive manner to achieve your thoughts for creation.

    This task of changing you mind from indifference to positively active should not be considered a chore.  It has to be a welcome acceptance of self-improvement and excitement. The task itself is simple if you do not view it as something you “have” to do.

    In order to shift your mind from indifference to positive thoughts you must evoke emotion.  In the beginning it does not matter whether it is positive or negative emotion, as long as you are feeling something.

    We prefer positive emotion, however if you evoke negative emotions, you may always acknowledge the fact that they are not what you want and shift them over to what you do want.

    To evoke these emotions pick a memory or a future goal, how does it make you feel and if so how?  Once you find one that evokes strong emotion focus on the thought and the feeling associated with it.

    If it is positive stick with it, hold on to it and think about it.  This is the quickest way to bring your mind back into alignment with what you want.

    If it is a negative emotion or thought, pick what is negative about it and shift it to the positive and focus on that.

    By evoking any emotion at all you can pull yourself out of indifference and into a thought pattern that can bring about your wildest desires.

  • Conversational Hypnosis

    Throughout the years of practicing hypnosis I have gotten one question often. My clients have asked me how to use hypnosis in everyday life.

    Some people have the knack for speaking, writing, etc. hypnotically. There are many books on the subject, however the reality is that using hypnosis in everyday life is automatic once you master it. Using hypnosis techniques in your daily life can become part of your personality if you so desire.

    Before I go any further, I want to clarify that using hypnotic techniques are not evil or manipulating. They are a way to establish great rapport with and individual based on how they think.

    Since I do not have a page dedicated to him, I would like to introduce Steve G. Jones he’s a world renowned, super-educated hypnotherapist. Steve is an expert on how to use hypnosis in both everyday life and therapeutically. After all, that’s just about the only thing Steve has done with his life, professionally speaking, for the last 24 years.

    Steve has created an 18 module system to give you almost-absolute control in everyday situations. You can find out more about his program by going to

    There are two limiting factors when it comes to conversational hypnosis with Steve’s program:

    The individual must have an IQ of 90 (which goes for hypnosis, not just conversationally) and the use of conversational hypnosis can be used on one individual at time.

    If you want to get an edge in everyday communication, lead other people towards your goals and you promise to do it ethically… I urge you to find out more about Steve’s program.

    There are others out there if you want to do the search but from this hypnotist’s standpoint, Steve really provides some great information.

  • Stress Reduction Techniques

    Stress Reduction and Acceptance

    There many things in life that you may find cause you stress, however this does not have to be the case. The only reason they are causing you stress is because you are allowing them too.

    This is sometimes hard to accept for many as it is so much easier to blame someone else for the stresses in your life. If you choose to take accountability for your stress then you may become negative about yourself. Doing either of these things may make your life even more stressful, and the next thing you know you are in a spiral of stress, fatigue, and self-doubt.

    Accepting things that come your way will reduce resistance to positive thoughts. It is easy to read but how easy is it to do? Below are some tips to help you on the road to acceptance and to a life of blissful fulfillment.

    1. Realize that in some way whatever you have to accept was attracted into your world so that you could learn from it
    2. Appreciate the stress, for the stress is telling you that you are out of alignment of where you want to be.
    3. Stop and write. Write down everything that is good about the stress, the areas that are good in your life, and the things you appreciate.
    4. Remember that the stress you are experiencing now will more then likely not matter in a week, let alone a day.
    5. Listen to a motivation CD or read an motivation book
    6. Watch a funny movie or show. Laughter to this day is still the best relief.
    7. Exercise, I know many will skip this, but I don’t mean jog a marathon. Do anything, a walk, 20 sit-ups, anything to boost the endorphins
    8. Try aromatherapy, there are many scents that calm the mind and body
    9. Learn self-hypnosis or meditation, both of these will help center and bring you back into balance
    10. When all else fails, refocus your thoughts on anything else that brings you joy or take a power nap. Many times frustration and stress occur when one is tired and needs rest.

    There are, of course, other ways to reduce stress and bring you back into alignment and you need to do what works for you. However, by not accepting the stress as self-induced and recognizing that your thoughts are causing it may prove to be quite detrimental to your life experience.

  • Age Specific Thinking – Psychology Thinking

    When there is tension, frustration, or hate for another in your life, it can wear on you more then it will every effect the other person. The negative feeling build-up can lead to perpetual negative thoughts, mood problems, and even physical illness.

    When someone has done you wrong or is not seeing your point of view, it can be a difficult task for you to change your mindset.

    One helpful trick that has been helping me is using some age based thinking. Not just realizing your age but utilizing age specific thinking.

    What I mean by age specific thinking only takes a second and can greatly change your point of view in moments. Using age specific thinking is not to dwell upon your current age and the negativities you may have associated with it. Age specific thinking is to bring your awareness back to NOW not the insecure age or time where you feel you need to defend or justify to others.

    Practicing age specific thinking is quite simple but needs to be practiced away from as well as during negative situations. By practicing away from negative situations enough, the process should become natural to you so you can handle them when they arise. By practicing during situations you can put the process in motion and see how it is working for you. From there make adjustments to areas that are not working well.

    To practice away from negativity you need about 5 minutes and a reasonably quiet place. Unlike other self-improvement techniques there can be distractions as long as they are minimal.

    To begin the process sit or stand alone in front of a mirror and look at your face. Notice your facial expressions, eyes, and any other features you find pleasing. Begin thinking of phrases to say to yourself, both in your mind and aloud. Some very effective phrases are “ I am 32 now” or I am “ I am 32 years of age.” While speaking and hearing in your mind these phrases keep the focus on your face. You will soon come to realize the real you. Don’t expect to understand that phrase now it will come to you.

    Before or in a negative situation you should also practice the age based thinking. By doing this it will give you a better idea of what phrases are working for you as well as how well the process is working for you. Some key phrases while in a negative situation may be “I am 32 years old and can handle this the best way possible” or I am a 32 year old now and I can manage to handle this calmly and effectively.”

    Many people make the mistake of using negative phrases while using the process in an uncomfortable situation. For example, people use phrases such as “They are 32 years of age and should act like it” or “I am 32 years of age and I act like it why can’t they.” By using these phrases you are making the process about the other person or persons. It is not your business about how they handle themselves, and the goal of age based thinking is to help you. The main person who will ever take care of you is you therefore making it about another will just increase your frustration

    If you find that the process is not working for you as well as you would like a simple way to speed up results is to create your own phrases that are personal and positive to you. You may also increase you alone practice to as many minutes as you see fit. Make it a personal process for you.