Category: mindset

  • Life Is Out Of Control

    Life Is Out Of ControlFeeling Like life is out of control is a thought or feeling that many have at some point. Finances may be back, health issues arise, relationships fail, and other life issues pop up and many times when it rains it pours. When you feel this way first thing to remember is that you are not alone and although that thought may not help you we have something that will. It is an upcoming webinar that is free of charge and designed specifically to get your life back on track, there is also a book that the webinar builds on which we wrote about entitled Bounce Back Big in 2016 and you can still get access to that.

    Many times when life when you are trying to overcome difficult times it may seem like everywhere you turn there are no answers. One thing builds upon another until you cannot take anymore, depression may set in and hope seems to fade away, but before you give up there are a few things to consider:

    • This is probably not the first time you have had a life issue and you are still standing
    • Many other people in the world have similar problems and some of them have them even worse
    • There are ways to help yourself out the constant thought of my life is spinning out of control you just need the right teacher and that is where this webinar comes it.

    My Life is Out Of Control

    Sonia Ricotti Be Unsinkable author understands what it is like when your world comes crashing down. She went through a period of very tough times which you will be able to hear about when you attend her event. The event is entitled “The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back Quickly (and Higher Than Ever) When Life Knocks You Down” and as mentioned it is 100% complimentary. When you attend this webinar you will learn about life challenges and how to overcome them with Sonia’s techniques, methods, insights, and tools that she used when she was struggling. Today she is quite successful and will show you how you can take your life that seems to be falling apart, recover, and become better than you were before.

    When life challenges come around you may feel like nothing will help, but we ask that you hold on and give the free eBook and webinar a go. You will find new ways that you never thought of before in regards to getting your life back on track. Sonia’s useful 10-fold maverick goal-setting method and her 3 step system will show you how you rid yourself of all the stress you are going through and being to bring joy and happiness into your life no matter what your current circumstances are. She will also reveal other techniques that will stop the idea in your mind that your life is out of control and show you how you can literally take what you have going on retrain and reframe it into a wonderful life. You can register for the event HERE and if you missed the eBook you can read about it and get it HERE.

  • Living an Unsinkable Life

    Living an Unsinkable LifeThe Living an Unsinkable Life EBook by Sonia Ricotti is a gift you can add to your personal growth arsenal. This book have been revamped and is available for immediate download for a limited time. This is a life-changing gift and many call it the miracle blueprint.

    Sonia Ricotti is well known for her trainings, webinars and the Unsinkable program. Plus, she has helped many people create successful lives beyond what they ever thought possible.

    You may be thinking how can someone so successful help me change my life?

    Well, Sonia is no stranger to life issues. At one point in her life she was hit with everything you can imagine from health to finances and more.

    She took what was handed to her and turned it all around and today she is more successful than ever.

    No matter what you may personally be going through the nuggets that she shares will inspire you. Also, it gives you some information on how to overcome life obstacles.

    Get It Here

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    Within this book you will learn quite a bit of information that will allow you to see your situation differently. Plus, tips from Sonia on how you can come back from whatever you are facing. Some of the things she shares are:

    • How you can retrain and reprogram your brain not just for success but for peace, inner harmony, and peace.
    • She will share with you the very popular and effective Sonia Ricotti Blueprint. This blueprint will guide you to creating and manifest your dream life
    • How to address the main critical thing to increase your success this in and in all the years to come
    • How to really manifest miracles in your life quickly and easily
    • Plus much more

    This eBook is the precursor to the Sonia Ricotti webinar .The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down. After you download the book you will also be eligible to attend the free webinar.

    During this webcast she will expand upon what you learn in the book. With the eBook and the webinar you will have gain powerful insights to change your life.

    To get your free copy of Living an Unsinkable Life to turn your life Around FAST and achieve your wildest dreams you can access it here.

  • Money New Year’s Resolutions

    Money New Year’s ResolutionsMoney New Year’s Resolutions are one of the top goals people make along with losing weight. Some want to make more; others want to save more, and so on. Before you go making those 2016 resolutions, take a moment and thing about why you are not where you want to be financially. Do you know the reason? Are there a bunch of “I needs” or “there is not enough” thoughts going through your mind? If so you may want to remedy those before you make all the plans to accomplish your financial goals.

    If you make a list of all the monetary goals you want to accomplish in 2016 but are unsure of how to reach that goal you are not alone. Many people desire to increase their income or have more financial stability each year only to have the end of the year come around and they are in the same place they were in January. When this happens it leaves people feeling as if there is no hope, no way, or it is completely impossible to accomplish their goals whether it is money or anything else. There is some good news to this that may make all of your 2016 money making ideas and desires manifest and that is discovering why you lacking abundance.

    Tired of Reading? Attend Here

    Money New Year’s Resolutions Tips for Success

    There is a complimentary webinar that will show you that no matter how lofty your monetary goals are they can be accomplished. This is not a money making plan or a savings course, it is insight into how your brain works and how this is holding you back from the monetary lifestyle you desires. It is all about retraining your brain for money and is entitled Brain-a-thon with John Assaraf. This online virtual event as mentioned is free of charge and during it you will learn that Earning more income is totally an inside mental game and not an outside game. During the event you will learn why more hard work is not the answer to making more even though that is what you have been taught. It is true that work is required but not the putting in extra hours or burning the midnight oil ideas you may have.

    John Assaraf The Secret cast member has gathered a panel of the world’s top neuroscientists and brain experts to help you shatter your financial glass ceiling. This event will show you if you have any self-doubt, hidden fears or uncertainty, or even old limiting patterns, beliefs or habits, you’ll sabotage your financial success.   When you learn this you will also learn the remedy that requires applying the right brain-training methodologies and technologies which allow you to replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck. Now this webcast is long but after attending you will learn that your Money New Year’s resolutions can be accomplished but in a much different way than you were planning on.

    What is also wonderful about this event is that is can apply to so much more that money so no matter what your new year’s 2016 resolutions are you can apply what you learn during this training to them all.


  • Negative Effects of Holidays

    Negative Effects of Holidays Negative effects of holidays include stress, unhappiness, low self-esteem, bad attitudes, and the list goes on. Now if you are someone who don’t like the holidays for some reason that is not negative that is completely fine, however many don’t like them because of the ill effects they experience. This post was prompted by a recent experience I had and how I decided to remedy it.

    A while back I was helped a member of my family shop for another member, it was a frustrating experience for both of us because the member I was helping was burnt out and seemed tired of it all. One year I brought up and item to buy for a Christmas gift and here was the response I got:

    “Why do we have to do this every year, for everything, why don’t we just write everyone a check and be done with it?”

    I responded calmly and made the purchase however I was beginning to feel negative effects of the holidays due to their response. I felt bad because that person was not happy, no merry enough for me, and then I felt bad because I realized that although I was not as intense I had a similar attitude about the holidays.   I began to realize that I was shopping to “get it done with”, I was wrapping fast to “get it done with”, and I had other things to do than concentrate on these things. Then it dawned on me:

    I was too busy to experience the Joy of Giving!!! WOW! What a wakeup call!

    I began to remember back when I was a child how much I looked forward to each holiday, how fun it was for me and somewhere along the way I lost that joy.

    Negative Effects of Holidays Remedy

    It is said many times when it comes to personal growth, the law of attraction and so on that there is no need to go back, however this time it helped. I made a list of every holiday I could remember that was wonderful for me here is a bit of it:

    • I got my first dog as a Christmas Gift
    • I made my friend a gift that caused her to be so happy and cry with joy
    • I went to see my extended family each year and had a wonderful time

    After I made the list I did something I had not done in years I made a snowman! I won’t say that it fixed everything but I will say that during that time I had a flood of wonderful memories of childhood.

    There are many reasons why some people don’t like the holidays and if you are one of them it may be time to find out why. Is your reason for dislike because you always feel bad or is it that you don’t like them because it is just not your belief to celebrate them? If it is because you experience to much stress, fear, a general sense of discomfort, anxiety, or any negative feeling, then the reason you do not the like the holidays is because of you, too harsh? Here is why I say that:

    You are always responsible for you own feelings as hard as that may be to accept. No one MAKES you feel bad and events don’t MAKE you uncomfortable, it is the way you CHOOSE to react to them that causes the issues.

    If you want to eliminate the negative effects of holidays and you truly want to enjoy them start small:

    1. Make a list of times when you did enjoy the holidays and take time to fully embrace the wonderful feelings that went with it.
    2. If you cannot avoid negative individuals start looking for the small good things about them, it could be as small as you like their shoes
    3. Buy or make a gift with meaning
    4. Volunteer to serve meals or hand out clothing and begin to feel that wonderful joy of giving again.

    You do not have to experience negative effects of the holidays if you begin just letting them be what they are, letting the people you are with be who they are, and most importantly embrace who you are and what you can give, you can use these Holiday Stress Relievers if that is you desire.


  • Train Your Brain For Weight Loss


    By learning to train your brain for weight loss you and quickly and easily lose unwanted pounds and keep them off forever. Weight issues are a big problem for many; in fact weight loss programs online searches are some of the highest searches today. While there are many reason people gain weight or have trouble losing weigh in this article we will cover how a weight loss brain retrain program is most likely the best option for many.

    People gain weight for a plethora of reason but most of the time people who gain weight and have trouble losing or keeping it off is largely due to thought patterns and emotions. This of course does not include those who are on medications that cause weight gain however if you do learn to train your brain for weight loss it can help.   Now before we get into the programs and methods available for losing weight we must mention if you are not fully dedicated to sticking with a program for 90 day or more than your true desire is not there and looking any further for this information is worthless. We do not say this to be harsh but one must keep in mind that you did not put the weight on overnight so one should not expect to lose it overnight.

    Hypnosis for weight loss, weight loss brain wave subliminal audios, and many other method are very effective ways to change your brain to lose weight, however one of the best weight loss brain retrain program that you can learn about for free is the Winning the game of weight loss John Assaraf program. We say it is the best for a few reasons, first when deciding on a program to lose weight you must know the method and what is expected from you. John Assaraf offers a free event with a full panel of experts in the field that explain why you are not losing weight and how you can not only lose it but keep it off and not to worry this is not some type of crazy diet or exercise program.

    During the John Assaraf Winning The Game of Weight Loss free event he and the world’s leading brain, diet and fitness experts share with you evidence-based scientific teachings that you can immediately use to help you permanently achieve your weight loss goals. This weight loss brain training event is different than other methods of dropping the pounds so be prepared, because during it you will learn the Neurological Findings the science behind the secret to permanent weight loss and what makes it different from all the tricks out there.

    One big thing that is great about this John Assaraf webinar is that it explains that to lose weight you have to lose the fear and for many whether they know it or not the fear is what is holding you back from shedding the pounds you desire. Another pro about this event is gender neutral so many programs are weight loss programs for women but Winning the Game of weight loss is also weight loss programs for men. Finally, you will also discover that your state of mind is keeping you overweight or at a weight you are uncomfortable with and how you can quickly and easily change that by learning to Train Your Brain For Weight Loss.

    To access the John Assaraf Winning the Game of Weight Loss Free Event you can go HERE

  • Structured Thinking Starter Kit


    There is a new structured thinking starter kit as one of the several Andy Shaw’s a bug free mind starter kit he offers. This complimentary kit is available for immediate download and like our last post entitled Consciousness Raising Techniques Course about Andy’s other free gift Footsteps Through The Mind this kit is jam packed with quality content.

    Andy Shaw is the creator of the Saltori Method for structured thinking and with this mini course you can get a solid foundation of what and how this method works. In short, the structured thinking method is a way to think in small bit size pieces or tiny structures, if you have ever found yourself struggled with problem solving or not attaining your goals, it more than like has to do with your thinking. Most people were taught what to think and not in terms of what one should be doing, by having this way of thinking it causes obstacles and issues we it comes to issues and life achievements. This is not anyone’s fault, there was no manual for parents, or mentors etc. to teach you to think correctly, however there is a way to “think better” to improve every aspect of your life.

    The Structured Thinking Starter kit was as mentioned created by Andy Shaw who is also the creator of a bug free mind, which we have covered on this site before. Inside the kit Andy reveals that without having the structured thinking process in the mind you are put information into a what to think mind and not a how to think mind. This may sound complicated but it is not, and if you have ever taken advantage of a bug free mind free download you already know that Andy has a way of explaining and teaching his methods in a way that is easy for anyone to understand and apply.

    Now if you think you thinking method is fine here are a few questions that will put you to the test, if you answer yes to even one saltori structured thinking can help:

    • Do you want more from life, but without the extra effort?
    • Do you want to let go of life’s unwanted baggage?
    • Does getting smarter sound good to you?
    • Do you want to remove pain and obstacles from your mind?
    • Have you ever had a problem come up and could not find an answer?

    I know we answered yes to more than one of these and if you did taking advantage of the complimentary kit is a great place to start understanding how you can change the above questions as well as improve your overall wellbeing. Inside the Saltori system for structured thinking starter kit you will learn Why most is getting it wrong in regards to thinking, discover how to experience life in vivid detail, How to easily achieve more without trying harder, how to become more successful and much more. These are just some of benefits of the kit plus you get structured thinking training from an expert in the field of brain retraining techniques at no charge.

    You get access to the bug free mind free download Andy Shaw Structured Thinking Starter Kit you can go HERE and once you have gone through it we would love to hear what you think in the comments