Category: mindset

  • Belief Mastery Program

    Belief Mastery Program ReviewThe Lion Goodman Belief Mastery Program is all about clearing and shifting your beliefs.  When it comes to clearing ideas and beliefs from the past there is no one better than Lion Goodman, if you have been struggling to overcome limiting beliefs there is a free live webcast you are not going to want to miss.

    The event is entitled Shifting Your Beliefs: 4 Keys to Clearing What’s in the Way of the Life You Desire, it is presented by the Shift Network and its host is Lion Goodman.  Lion is the creator of the Clear Beliefs process and during this event you will discover more about that process as well as how you past as far back as childhood has imprinted upon your ideas and thoughts that effect your life drastically today.  No matter what areas of your life you may be struggling with from weight loss to relationships to finances the way your beliefs are structured at this point in your life is one of the main reasons you struggle.

    Belief Mastery Program

    To get a good  review you need to do more than read other people’s opinions and that is why this Shift Network live webcast is a must.  Not only do you get a full hour of quality content from Lion Goodman himself but you also get to learn about his program.  By taking his teachings and teaching methods from the event and combining it with what the course is all about you can make an educated decision about his course and if it is right for you. Even if you’re true interest may not be getting a review of the program the information that Lion shares during this educational hour can be applied right away to your life. Some of the things you will discover are:

    • Learn what your belief set point is
    • Recognize how your beliefs actually reinforce themselves
    • Discover how letting go of the beliefs  that are holding you back can open your manifesting ability
    • Establish a new foundation of empowering beliefs
    • Get a full understanding that bad timing or bad luck are not responsible for your current issues
    • Learn about the belief closet process
    • Plus much more

    As you can see the event in itself is worth attending however if you are looking for a Belief Mastery Program review here is a bit of information. The Program is an online virtual course where you will learn how to go further with your belief clearing by learning to replace negative core beliefs that sabotage your life with positive core beliefs that love and support you in all aspects of life.  There is a much more complete explanation during the Shifting Your Beliefs webcast and it is best to hear straight from the mentor what the program is all about.

    If you are reading this after the webcast has aired or you cannot make the time of the event as long as you register for it by going to the Shift Network Course website you will receive a recording of the replay after it has aired.

  • What Is Christ Consciousness

    what is Christ ConsciousnessWhat is Christ Consciousness is a question that comes up quite often, when people hear of it that automatically think of Christianity.  While it is obvious that Christ a Christian figure Christ Consciousness is for everyone.  It was a bit confusing for us at first and quite honestly still is a bit, but it is becoming clearer.

    What is Christ Consciousness?

    The term means different things to different people however the term has become more popular in recent years and to many it means a level of intellect and spiritual and emotional maturity.  To others it means that you can transform human consciousness by using the spiritual blueprint that was part of Christ’s life. Christ being both divine and human his life serves has a map or grid how this type of consciousness is within you.

    Sound confusing?  It’s not however we are not experts and when someone who is well versed in this area explains it, it become much clearer.   Which leads us to Andrew Harvey Mystic, Author, Speaker, and the founder of Sacred Activism Institute.  The Shift Network many event with Harvey, in fact, he is one of the favorite teaches they have. There is an online, free event coming up that will share with you more about this subject in an easy to absorb way.

    How to Achieve Christ Consciousness?

    By attending the Andrew Harvey Christ Consciousness webinar you will not only gain a better understanding of what it is but also how you can achieve it. This event is designed for Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, and spiritual seekers.   And you will learn that Christ consciousness means:

    • Recognition that you can attain it
    • Opening your heart
    • Awakening to divinity
    • Taking a path of sacred action
    • Living it in each moment

    You will also learn How to understand the Christ Consciousness grid map and how transformation to this type of consciousness is available to all. Andrew Harvey Christ Path shares with you how his life has hidden keys to healing and creating a more divine life as well as secrets of transfiguration.  You will also be able to learn about the Christ Path Advanced Intensive that takes you even further into understanding and achieving this consciousness.  If this still sounds a bit confusing not to worry the event coming up is free of charge and Andrew Harvey has a way of taking his complex understanding and relaying it in a clear concise way.

    If you’ve ever been drawn or inspired by the teachings of Christ and strive to live as he did and feel that Christianity or any religion it to rigid then the Andrew Harvey Christ Consciousness event is for you. You will not only discover the answer to what is Christ consciousness but also learn how you can personally achieve it.  Like all Shift Network course events if you have trouble or an issue with the time that this event is scheduled for as long as you register for free you will receive the recording after the event has completed.



  • Ways to Turn Fear into Fuel

    There are many different ways to turn fear into fuel and for so many fear can halt someone right in their tracks.  There is good fear and negative fear and sometimes in the midst of the feeling the reactions can cross wired. In this article we will share what has worked for us and for many as well as cover the basics.

    ways to turn fear into fuel

    What is Good Fear What is Negative Fear?

    Good, healthy fear is what protects us, we need this to stay out of danger, for example if you’re in the woods and you see a bear your good fear tells you what to do to stay out of danger.  This type of fear is part of our protection and has been inbred in us from the beginning.

    Negative fear falls into many categories such as phobias and anxiety beyond ones control.  A fear of the dentist, flying on a plane, or even generalized anxiety about people or events would be some examples of this type of terror. This is not to say that these are not just as frightening or important as healthy fear however when this type of fear gets out of control your logical mind takes a vacation and what is left if symptoms of anxiety and more.

    Ways to Turn Fear into Fuel

    When you take what frightens you and rewire it, it can lessen and in many times dissipate. However this is easier said than done but it can be accomplished with practice. Here is how you can turn fear into fuel:

    1. Recognize it and acknowledge it – As you may have read I am taking the Elevate Your Life course with Jennifer McLean. During the last session she spoke of this and explained that when you recognize your fear and notice it is there you not only can dig deeper into what is behind the fear.  You can also lessen the power of fear by simply taking notice of it instead of denying it.
    2. Find out what is behind it- many people have are scared of something but are unsure why. They may fear dogs without ever having a bad experience. When you listen to yourself and really take the time to hear what the fear is saying you can uncover the root and hopefully resolve it.
    3. Retrain your brain– with the new science coming out all the time brain retraining has proven to be quite effective. There are several ways to rewire your mind which include hypnotherapy, EFT, meditation, and other brain retraining techniques.
    4. Breath – Yes you have heard it before but deep breathing works, if you are not finding that it works for you practice it at home several times a day so it becomes natural and look into limbic breathing.
    5. If you are right smack dab in the center of an anxiety attack this exercise has helped me in the past. Let’s say you are sitting in the doctor’s waiting room and you feel it welling up and deep breathing does not seem to be enough. Look around your and use your senses:
    • I see 5 things– a desk that is brown, and wall that is blue, a shirt that is yellow, socks that are plaid, a picture of a tree
    • I hear 4 things – people talking, crinkling of paper, an overhead speaker, and a child crying
    • I smell 3 things- a women’s perfume, cleaning product, and my hand lotion
    • I feel 2 things – material on my pants, leather on my chair
    • I taste 1 thing- the gum in my mouth

    By using all the senses you distract yourself and while other techniques may not work we have found that this one works quite well.

    It you have ways to turn fear into fuel we have not mentioned please share them with us and our reader in the comment below.

  • Paul Scheele Seminar – Super Powers Super You

    super powers super you festThere is a Paul Scheele Seminar entitled Super Powers Super You where he will guide you to access your super powers. This training falls into many areas such as money, relationships, career, habits, emotions, and more.  Your nonconscious mind is extraordinarily powerful and by learning to access it you can rid yourself of limitations and achieve your biggest and best goal.

    Paul Scheele Seminar – Super Powers Super You

    This online video training will give you what you need to concentrate the powers of your nonconscious mind.  You can watch all of these sessions on your computer or device with no tuition charge. If you are Unfamiliar with Paul Scheele he is an expert of the nonconscious mind and his knowledge how to activate it to get astonishing results has helped many. If you have heard of him you may be familiar with PhotoReading, Genius Code, Memory Optimizer, and Future Mapping which are programs that have rave reviews. Just like those this event will be entertaining, impactful, and completely practical.

    The Super Powers Super You Paul Scheele Seminar will liberate you from limiting beliefs and allow you to earn more, fall in love, and have more energy? Be more effective, achieve a breakthrough goal, and get more from life. With this event it is best to come with your desires in mind so you set an intention so you can approach each session with it.  There is a total of 7 different sessions falling into the categories of abundance, relationships, work, habits, body, emotions, and mind.  Here is some of what will be covered in each different video session:

    • How to create prosperity consciousness
    • How to have relationships that work
    • How to have power and effectiveness
    • How to do what you intend to do
    • How to have great physical health
    • How to have abundant energy
    • How to have healthy emotions
    • How to have supportive feelings
      How to get control over your self-talk, and self-sabotaging thoughts
    • Plus much more

     There is also a stellar line up of additional experts that will be joining Paul for this event which include Marci Shimoff, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Hale Dwoskin, and several more. This is how the free Paul Scheele Seminar works, when you register here and you are emailed the information and on the day of the event show up to a special webpage where you can watch the online training. Very simple and well worth your time to learn how to guide your life in the direction you desire.  As we always state take advantage of the free and events by Paul and his company learning strategies are some of the best down to earth, easy to understand and effective trainings around. The Super Powers Super You will completely change the way you think about the fears you have and show you how to look inside and find the abundance and power that is already within you.  You already know you are filled with abundant capabilities and during this online video training you will discover how you can use them to produce unimaginable results.

  • Childhood Affecting Future

    childhood affecting futureThe Childhood affecting future theory is denied by some but accepted by most, it is pretty difficult to deny that your upbringing affects your life. The way you were raised and the people in your life greatly impacts who you are today, although those people in your life probably did not mean to the things they said and did left negative childhood imprints.

    Childhood Affecting Future

    Your upbringing affects you in many ways such as:

    • How successful you are
    • The income you make
    • Your self-esteem and confidence
    • The way you relate and treat others
    • It can even affect your weight!

    Luckily you do not have to live this way for the rest of your life stuck in old patterns and beliefs but there is a wrong way and a right way to go about changing the areas of your life that you desire. First, you do not blame the people in your life they were doing the best they could with the resources they had at hand. Now you may not believe that but if you took the time to look at where they came from you will gain great insights into how they treated you. But let’s not waste time on that right now, first let’s find out what your biggest negative childhood imprint is.

    You see once you can identify your number one subconscious success block you can then take the steps to remedy it. Here are some additional ways on how does your upbringing affect your life:

    • Co-dependent
    • You can become stubborn
    • Have difficulty accepting others and yourself
    • You can become and liar or a teller of tales to protect yourself
    • You always have to have something wrong to focus on
    • You can lack money
    • Have trouble with groups and jobs
    • Plus much more

    So how can you fix this? First find out what is holding you back and you do not need to delve into all the areas of your past to do this. In fact there is one free quiz we know of that not only shows you your number one negative block but also shows you how to overcome it. This Mind Movies Natalie Ledwell quiz is called the mental trap quiz it is short and takes less than a minute but it takes the for main success blocks and give you your main one. Is it scarily accurate and can help you move forward by allowing you to quit looking back.

    Many people want to look back and search and search for who did what to whom and that is why I am the way I am. While this may benefit some it is not the cure all if it was people would not need to go to therapy for years on end. Don’t get us wrong here we believe therapy is beneficial but we also believe that focusing on the present to create a brighter future has to be part of the recipe. If you would like to more about childhood affecting future and take the mental trap quiz you can do so by going to the Mind Movies quiz website.

  • How To Build Your Confidence

    How To Build Your ConfidenceSo many search and seek out how to build your confidence, in fact online it has a very high search volume. Feeling unsure of yourself can affect every area of your life from family to finances, work to health and more. Fear is the number one underlying cause of low self-esteem and no matter what life issues you are facing  if you were to take a look at one of the issues you are facing right now you will more than likely find an underlying fear that it is associated with. Within this article we have compiled several ways to increase your confidence and overall outlook of success.

    Audios for Confidence are one very effective passive way to increase your self-esteem. There are hypnosis, subliminal messages, audio meditation for confidence, binaural beat music, and other downloadable mp3s. Here is a list of the ones we have tried and are free of charge:

    • Subliminals – This site offers 2 free subliminal messages downloads, one of them entitled Rocket your Self Confidence
    • Hypnosis – This site offers you a choice of 1 out of 6 different sessions, when it comes to how to build your confidence we recommend “Feel Happy Now” or “Eliminate Stress”
    • Meditation– This site offers a 12 minute meditation download that will reduce your stress and build your self esteem

    How To Build Your Confidence

    Another way is to check out a Build Self Confidence Program here are several that have free webinars that are designed to explain what their program does and how it works:

    • Neurogym offers a webinar and program to Overcome Fear Build Confidence their program is teaches you to retrain your brain for confidence, you can read the review here.
    • Sonia Ricotti has a webinar that show you How to bounce back when life knocks you down  which explains how you can take whatever issues that are going on in your life and turn them around and become more self-assured and successful

    A Confidence building eBook is a great way to start increasing your self-esteem is a conscious way here are some:

    • Bounce Back Big is Sonia Ricotti newest eBook that is only available for a certain length of time, the insights and tips she shares are amazing
    • The Andy Shaw Saltori Structured Thinking a method of removing all illusions and obstacles from life which include fear, not good enough thoughts, and many other things that contribute to low self esteem. The Saltori Life Breakthrough kit is also offered by Andy and it contains No-Mind Exercise, the 6 Essential Rules to Life Design, How to Make Yourself Happy Anytime, and insights into changing your thought patterns

    Now there are many more how to build your confidence resources but for now we thought all of this will give you a great start. All of these are free of charge and available for immediate download so whether you more confidence at work, in life in general or eliminate low self-esteem these will get on the path quickly. We will be covering more on this topic so stay tuned a happy confidence building!