Category: mind technology

  • Winning The Game Of Money Brain Training System

    winning the game of money brain training system

    If you have been considering the winning the game of money brain training system but are still unsure about it, now there is a free John Assaraf Mindvalley Masterclass. If you have never heard of John or the system below is just a short overview, you can attend the class online and at no charge and make your own review of it.

    John Assaraf is an entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of the PraxisNow a brain retraining company. He was part of the cast of the movie the secret and is a New York Times best-selling books, John Assaraf Having It All and The Answer. This Win the Inner game of Money free event is going to be the biggest ever done with over 80,000 people expected to attend. During is he’s going to reveal some of the major principles of this science as well as a unique brain-retraining system that’s based on years of research on positive psychology, brain science and cutting-edge technology.

    The Mindvalley Masterclass is entitled Win The Inner Game Of money and it is packed with money making strategies, insights, and new ways of thinking that’ll instantly re-wire your brain and help you reach success. If you have ever read John Assaraf Or Mindvalley Academy reviews you will find this event to be some of the best training yet. He literally walks you through how he created a million dollar passion as well as gives you the tools to do it as well.

    During the John Assaraf seminar you will learn things like:

    • A guided Neuro Retraining Meditation
    • New insights from the world of Neuroscience which can grow your income
    • Discover How to increase financial success by quickly retraining your brain with new habits & beliefs.
    • Learn about the #1 highest vibration frequency in the known universe.
    • Learn about the Winning the Game Of money Brain training System in full
    • Plus Much More

    It is quite rare to get this kind of training and information at no charge so for that reason alone this Mindvalley class is worth attending. Also, the Neuro Retraining Meditation is guided and combines brainwave entrainment, creative visualization, NLP, hypnosis, subliminal, and more. This a meditation for prosperity and abundance backed by the latest science which will reprogram some of your deepest subconscious money beliefs very quickly. Plus the new scientific study that he will share about the highest vibration frequency assists you with your ability to manifest your desires and you’ll get a chance to experience this vibration during the J class.

    To attend the John Assaraf webinar at no charge and learn about the Winning the Game of Money Brain training System simply go HERE.

  • Mind Movies Matrix Review

    Click to Learn the Unexpected Secret To Success in a Shocking Video
    For those of you who may wonder what the Mind Movies Matrix is I am going to right just a little review so you can see if it is something for you. However, if you are having trouble manifesting your desires it is definitely something you are going to want to take a peek at.

    If you want to skip the review and go to the free video go here

    Mind Movies Matrix is like a virtual dream board and if dream or wish boards have not worked for you in the past this may help.  Mind Movies created by Ryan Higgins itself was created because everyone knows it is difficult enough to control the mind sometimes so with a movie is would be much easier.

    People watch movies all the time and can get deeply involved in them, even imagine and feel what it is like for the characters, the matrix works with the same ideas in mind.

    The Mind Movie Matrix has engineered movies and also involves brain entrainment, wonderful music, and subliminal messages. All put together to help you reach your dreams even faster than you are now, or for anyone who has not.

    If you can imagine your dreams in the slightest on your own, imagine actually watching your dreams.  People have a tendency to be visual and that is why this works so well.  If the matrix is not right for you perhaps the movies will be.

    If you are having trouble manifesting money, manifesting love, abundance, or your desires you should check out the free video that gives you more of an idea of what the Mind Movies matrix has to offer.  It takes a little time, it is free, and it allows you to make sure if it right for you.


  • Is Hypnosis Real?

    A lot of people who begin their research into hypnosis often ask the question “Is hypnosis real?” This is a very valid question, and is not one that should be dismissed.

    The answer is of course that hypnosis is very real, but with hypnosis being an unregulated industry, there are a number of so called “gurus” and “hypnotists” who really don’t have a level of training that is consistent with more professional hypnotists.

    This can of course lead people to believe, after one or two failed attempts with hypnosis, that hypnosis doesn’t work. The reason hypnosis fails is never because hypnosis doesn’t work on the person. Everyone can be hypnotized, despite what some hypnotists may say. It simply comes down to the skill of the hypnotist concerned.

    Recent research into hypnosis has shown that people can be broken into two “suggestibility” types. These include physical and emotional suggestibility. One easy way to think of it is that emotional suggestibility is more common to people who are introvert, whilst physical suggestibility is more common to people who are introvert.

    Hypnosis has come a long way within the past thirty years. What was once a field that was used merely as a way to treat psychological ailments and for entertainment, has now become a field that can be used to persuade people to do many, many things.

    Traditionally, hypnosis was used very directly, and it is still used in this manner today by many hypnotists. The fact of the matter however, is that only physical suggestibles respond to direct suggestions. Emotional suggestibles respond to indirect suggestions, and it wasn’t until the time of Dr. Milton Erickson that a new discreet form of hypnosis began to emerge.

    Erickson devised ways to use hypnosis in discreet settings, in a way that co-operated with a person, as opposed to a way that worked against them. Erickson allowed the apparent 50% of the population that “couldn’t be hypnotized” to be hypnotized. So when people ask “Is hypnosis real?” just remember that it may be due to a failed experience by a hypnotist who wasn’t aware of this new suggestibility typing.

    In order for someone to be hypnotized, their suggestibility typing must first be identified. Once this is done, inducing someone into a state of hypnosis becomes a very easy process.

    So as you can see, the answer to the question “Is hypnosis real?” is a definite “yes”, however it comes down to the skill of the hypnotist concerned as to whether or not hypnosis will be effective on you, now whether or not “is hypnosis real”.

  • Patrick K. Porters Relaxation Stress Reduction Program

    As you already know stress can do a number on your mind and body. In fact according to the American Physiological Association 2005 Facts on Stress:

    43% of Adults suffer adverse effects from stress

    Over 66% of all doctors visits to family doctor are for stress related symptoms.

    64% American Adults are looking for ways to reduce stress

    Stress has been directly linked to six leading causes of death. Heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.

    Are you having trouble dealing with your stress? No matter what you try, do you still feel it?

    There are many ways to deal with stress, but the one way that I have always felt massive relief from was mind technology or hypnosis.

    As a hypnotist, I have seen the results of stress reduction often. My mentor Dr. Patrick Porter has now developed a stress free program you can get online.

    For those of you who do not know Dr. Porter, he is an award-winning author, consultant, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. With 24 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry.

    Some of the benefits of Dr. Porters Stress Free Program are becoming more productive; feeling calmer, improve your sense of well-being and much more.

    With Dr. Porters Program you get 5 audios:

    Experience Dreamtime and
    Achieve Your Goals
    Putting Future Events Into Perspective
    Reducing Uncertainty And Doubt
    Eliminate Negative Thinking
    Making Peace With Your Past

    You also get an Insomnia Bonus:
    Sleep Deep and Awaken Recharged

    You get it all at a 50 percent savings! Simply go to Patrick K. Porters Stress Reduction Program site and review it for yourself.