Category: mind technology

  • Putting Your Success on Autopilot

    Putting Your Success On AutopilotWhen it comes to putting your success on autopilot there are many different ways to do so. Success is life can be in all areas from finances to relationships but when you align your performance and your mindset you can achieve your desires in all of these areas.  The question how do you get your mindset into a state that will allow you to achieve what you desire without all the struggle you may be experiencing now.

    Let us first take a look at your childhood, we have already covered negative childhood imprinting in another article but let’s go a little deeper. Whether you realize it or not and whether you accept the idea or not your childhood greatly affects your current state.  From the way you were brought up to the many different things you were taught and what others said to you creative deep beliefs that reside in your unconscious mind. While some of these beliefs are wonderful many of them are quite damaging to your self-confidence and self-worth, this damage prevents your ability to reach your dreams, goals, and creating balance in your life.

    Putting Your Success on Autopilot

    There are many difficult ways to do this and much more simple ways to create automated success.  When we say simple we do not mean overnight but quicker than spending year after year reading every book and taking every course available. If you are not familiar with Morry Zelcovitch he is a sought after expert in the area of mind science and also the creator of the Morry Method.  Morry will be a guest speaker in an event that is taking place with host Natalie Ledwell. During this event he and Ledwell will share with you proven solutions to almost any kind of pain, challenge or problem you’re facing right now.

    This information has everything to do with beliefs that are deep in your subconscious mind and to change this in the quicker way you can learn from these experts at no charge.  They will share with you specific subconscious reprogramming techniques that draw on both Morry’s science and Natalie’s powerful personal growth principles. By learning to rid yourself of self-destructive habits, you rid yourself of disempowering beliefs, negativity, and your crippling self-doubt? Many of us have a knowing, deep down inside, that you’re not living up to who you are and what you could be and if you currently or have ever had this feeling this is truly an event not to be missed.

    By putting your success on autopilot not only does your income increase but your abundance in in Productivity, Creativity ,Intuition so flawless, you always make the right decisions, Focus, Empathy and much more.  This is event is quite a rare opportunity and because it is live there will not be a replay of this event like many others have.  If you have a burning desire for more success or to release yourself from negative childhood imprints that have been holding you back for years this is one free event you will want to attend.  After attending pop back here leave us a comment and let us know what you thought of it.


  • Heart Intelligence Training

    Heart Intelligence TrainingThere is a heart intelligence training online event coming up presented by the Shift Network. This event is hosted by Howard Martin and is entitled The HeartMath Solution Breakthrough: How to Reduce Emotional Turbulence, Optimize Your Well-Being and Open to Intuitive Guidance. This event is free to attend and is wonderful for anyone who desires to calm the chaos of life.

    Howard Martin is the Executive Vice President of Heartmath LLC, is co-author of The Heartmath solution and speaks throughout the world on science and it link to heart function. He is also one of the original pioneers who helped Doc Childre found the organization in 1991 and delivers programs to help with health, emotional well-being and intelligence to people worldwide. There is no one better than Howard to speak on the topic of emotional balance and wellbeing in regards to Heart Coherence and now you can hear his teachings, insights, science, and more during this free webinar.

    Heart Intelligence Training

    During this event Howard will share with you the latest and most up to date information focused on activating the power of the heart. By learning this you can move past the business of day to day life that is filled with stress and strain and bypass the negative emotions completely, by doing you so you open yourself up to peace and purpose. If you want to feel happier and more energetic and get out of survival mode and into thriving mode you are not going to want to miss this webcast. By attending this event you will learn:

    • How to get more energy throughout your body by learning to tap into your heart power
    • How to access your hearts wisdom by apply principals that are key
    • A simple practice to jump over and coast by negative reactions
    • Learn to fully activate the energy of your heart
    • Discover heart to heart connection
    • Learn how your emotions influence all of life
    • Learn how to activate your heart intelligence so you can be your true self
    • How to optimize your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy.
    • how to use heart coherence
    • Plus more

    If you own any of the Heartmath products then you already know that the company is and science it solid, if you don’t this is an opportune chance to hear about it. The company offers not only outer products as some many think but inner technologies for transformation. By understanding the heart in the way that Howard Martin explains it you will understand that the scientifically proven methods he shares can help anyone activate vitality and purpose no matter what life circumstances may be. If you cannot make the time of this event as long as you reserve your spot for the Heart Intelligence TrainingThe HeartMath Solution Breakthrough you can get the recording.

    If you have tried any HeartMath Products or attended any events we would love to hear your experience!



  • Subliminal Messages Really Work – Do They?

    Subliminal Messages Really WorkHere is some good news if you have been wondering if subliminal messages really work. For a limited time Subliminal Guru is offering two free downloads of your choice ,There are several you can choose from as well but for this article we will focus on the company and how these downloads can work and can help your thoughts and life. So, let’s start at the beginning.

    Get Them Here

    What Are Subliminals?

    To first understand this you need to understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind actually does most of your thinking for you for example when you run into a red light you stop because it is has been programmed into your bran for so long. The conscious mind takes information and evaluates it while the subconscious mind does things in a more automatic fashion. In the case of how to attraction money if you are not where you want to be financially more than likely you have it programmed in that money is scarce, that you will always be poor or some other negative thought about money.

    Now there are two ways these can work which are:

    • Visual
    • Audio

    Visual Subliminal Messages work by flashing messages briefly in front of the eyes while audio has embedded subliminal affirmations inside music, your subconscious mind hears and accepts these positive affirmations and the conscious mind disregards them.

    Subliminal Messages Really Work

    The free subliminal messages you can download will be the true test for you to answer that question but we will share with you how they do work in our opinion. Your deepest thoughts and belief patterns that have been installed into your mind throughout the years and subliminals literally change those thoughts by providing your subconscious mind with newer ways of thinking, and repeating them over and over. Subliminal means below the threshold of consciousness and these messages are exposed to your less than conscious mind while your conscious mind ignores it. By using them they can help change your thought patterns about finances, money, health or any other area of life that you desire.

    By listening to the audios you build new thought patterns from the inside out you simply listen to the MP3 audio which is around 10 minutes long , and let commands change or rewire your subconscious beliefs and habits. At first you will notice subtle changes but then they will become more powerful to the point of other people noticing as well. You can play the mp3s s while you are on your computer or other device, they do not interfere with what you are doing. After listening for just a short time period you will begin to notice things suddenly just changing and for the better! There is more technical information about this area that we will not cover because the find out if subliminal messages really work can only be answered by you, to gain access to the free subliminal guru download you can go to their site HERE. Remember listen to them more than once and give them a fair shot.

  • Money New Year’s Resolutions

    Money New Year’s ResolutionsMoney New Year’s Resolutions are one of the top goals people make along with losing weight. Some want to make more; others want to save more, and so on. Before you go making those 2016 resolutions, take a moment and thing about why you are not where you want to be financially. Do you know the reason? Are there a bunch of “I needs” or “there is not enough” thoughts going through your mind? If so you may want to remedy those before you make all the plans to accomplish your financial goals.

    If you make a list of all the monetary goals you want to accomplish in 2016 but are unsure of how to reach that goal you are not alone. Many people desire to increase their income or have more financial stability each year only to have the end of the year come around and they are in the same place they were in January. When this happens it leaves people feeling as if there is no hope, no way, or it is completely impossible to accomplish their goals whether it is money or anything else. There is some good news to this that may make all of your 2016 money making ideas and desires manifest and that is discovering why you lacking abundance.

    Tired of Reading? Attend Here

    Money New Year’s Resolutions Tips for Success

    There is a complimentary webinar that will show you that no matter how lofty your monetary goals are they can be accomplished. This is not a money making plan or a savings course, it is insight into how your brain works and how this is holding you back from the monetary lifestyle you desires. It is all about retraining your brain for money and is entitled Brain-a-thon with John Assaraf. This online virtual event as mentioned is free of charge and during it you will learn that Earning more income is totally an inside mental game and not an outside game. During the event you will learn why more hard work is not the answer to making more even though that is what you have been taught. It is true that work is required but not the putting in extra hours or burning the midnight oil ideas you may have.

    John Assaraf The Secret cast member has gathered a panel of the world’s top neuroscientists and brain experts to help you shatter your financial glass ceiling. This event will show you if you have any self-doubt, hidden fears or uncertainty, or even old limiting patterns, beliefs or habits, you’ll sabotage your financial success.   When you learn this you will also learn the remedy that requires applying the right brain-training methodologies and technologies which allow you to replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck. Now this webcast is long but after attending you will learn that your Money New Year’s resolutions can be accomplished but in a much different way than you were planning on.

    What is also wonderful about this event is that is can apply to so much more that money so no matter what your new year’s 2016 resolutions are you can apply what you learn during this training to them all.


  • Train Your Brain For Weight Loss


    By learning to train your brain for weight loss you and quickly and easily lose unwanted pounds and keep them off forever. Weight issues are a big problem for many; in fact weight loss programs online searches are some of the highest searches today. While there are many reason people gain weight or have trouble losing weigh in this article we will cover how a weight loss brain retrain program is most likely the best option for many.

    People gain weight for a plethora of reason but most of the time people who gain weight and have trouble losing or keeping it off is largely due to thought patterns and emotions. This of course does not include those who are on medications that cause weight gain however if you do learn to train your brain for weight loss it can help.   Now before we get into the programs and methods available for losing weight we must mention if you are not fully dedicated to sticking with a program for 90 day or more than your true desire is not there and looking any further for this information is worthless. We do not say this to be harsh but one must keep in mind that you did not put the weight on overnight so one should not expect to lose it overnight.

    Hypnosis for weight loss, weight loss brain wave subliminal audios, and many other method are very effective ways to change your brain to lose weight, however one of the best weight loss brain retrain program that you can learn about for free is the Winning the game of weight loss John Assaraf program. We say it is the best for a few reasons, first when deciding on a program to lose weight you must know the method and what is expected from you. John Assaraf offers a free event with a full panel of experts in the field that explain why you are not losing weight and how you can not only lose it but keep it off and not to worry this is not some type of crazy diet or exercise program.

    During the John Assaraf Winning The Game of Weight Loss free event he and the world’s leading brain, diet and fitness experts share with you evidence-based scientific teachings that you can immediately use to help you permanently achieve your weight loss goals. This weight loss brain training event is different than other methods of dropping the pounds so be prepared, because during it you will learn the Neurological Findings the science behind the secret to permanent weight loss and what makes it different from all the tricks out there.

    One big thing that is great about this John Assaraf webinar is that it explains that to lose weight you have to lose the fear and for many whether they know it or not the fear is what is holding you back from shedding the pounds you desire. Another pro about this event is gender neutral so many programs are weight loss programs for women but Winning the Game of weight loss is also weight loss programs for men. Finally, you will also discover that your state of mind is keeping you overweight or at a weight you are uncomfortable with and how you can quickly and easily change that by learning to Train Your Brain For Weight Loss.

    To access the John Assaraf Winning the Game of Weight Loss Free Event you can go HERE

  • Winning The Game Of Fear Review

    winning the game of fear review

    In this short Winning The Game Of Fear Review, we will cover just a bit about this John Assaraf Brain Retraining system, a long overview is not need because you can attend a free webinar that gives you an idea of what and how Assaraf teaches, and make the decision if it is right for you. If you want to go straight to the event and skip the review you can do so HERE

    Fear is probably one of the number one things that hold people from the success of the life that they desire. Fear of failure. Fear of success, Fear of speaking, Fear of being alone or any other one that has control over you can literally drive you to a screeching halt. Even if feel that you are confident and successful which you may very well be, most everyone has something deep inside that scares them. It is completely normal and has been a part of the human dynamic from the prehistoric days when a fear kept people alive.

    If you have ever read a John Assaraf Winning the Game of Fear review you might find that there are mixed opinions, and for good reason, fear. The fear to change is so very strong, and sometimes no matter how strong the desire is to stop being afraid of life, it may still hold you back. For example you may be reading this and may be thinking “yes I should attend the Winning the Game of fear free event” and then you find something else to do, or it you forget to schedule it in, etc. Whether you know it or not that is on a subconscious level a fear or lack of desire to be fully free.

    The same can be said if you have this John Assaraf brain training program, if you get it and don’t use it religiously (which is often done), then no change will occur, which leads to negative reviews. You did become afraid of things overnight there you will not be free from fear overnight, but you can be very quickly with proper brain training. Winning the Game of Fear will show you that all Fear lives in the same area in your brain and sets off triggers and alarms inside you the same ways.   With the new neuroscience studies which most of Assarafs training are based on, you will discover that successful brain retraining can break feelings of fear, doubt, self-esteem and the habits and patterns you have created over the years.

    During this John Assaraf webinar you will learn life-changing, solutions and process that will show you how you can how to stop being afraid of life quickly. You will discover that this training is not about how to deal With Fear; it is about getting it Out Of Your Life For Good.   This broadcast is also different than many you may have looked at or attended in the past it is all scientific evidence-based content instead of just Motivational happy thoughts and philosophy which do not help you with The Deep, Underlying Fears, Feelings and Thoughts that plague you and stop you from trying something outside of your comfort zone!

    Although this is a short John Assaraf Winning the game of Fear review it is enough to let you know how the time will be spent during the event. By attending this NeuroGym event you will attain all the knowledge you need to stop fear and anxiety for good.