Category: meditation

  • Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0

    Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0The Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 the Miracle of Direct Awakening is an upcoming webinar.  If you are new to meditation or interested in taking your practice to the next level this is for you. This Is Presented by Evolving Wisdom at no charge.

    Craig Hamilton is a spiritual teacher and a highly respected meditation teacher. Craig will share the surprising truth he’s learned in his decades of meditation teaching and research–and the unexpected discovery that is challenging all of our assumptions about spiritual transformation

    Too many meditation can be boring. For others they cannot find enough time to do the practice.  Through his research and work, Craig has developed a way of meditating that enables you to tap directly into  awakened consciousness every time you practice.


    Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 Webinar Why Attend?

    Even if you think you have your meditation practice where you want it this event will reveal some powerful information to transform your current practice.

    If you are new to meditation this is exactly where you want to be so you can start your meditation practice correctly and in the most powerful way.

    This powerful transformational methodology will be shared with you at no charge in a 90-minute global online seminar.

    Craig Hamilton The Practice of Direct Awakening

    If you have experienced of spiritual awakening you know how exhilarating it is.

    However many have not had these experience. If they have they have been fairly short-lived.  This leaves people wanting to feel this again but are not sure how to achieve it.

    Thisonline seminar with  Craig Hamilton that will help you bridge that gap.

    Instead of spending decades doing “indirect” practices like repeating mantras, watching your breath or being “mindful” in an effort to prepare for a future moment of Enlightenment, you can literally practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment right now.


    Craig Hamilton Meditation Course Review

    Here is an overview of what he is going to share:

    • A simple shift in attention that can open the door to wisdom and creativity
    • The most common obstacles to deep meditation
    • the one key that enables you to bypass the obstacles
    • How to ensure that meditation is never boring but always a journey of awakening to higher possibilities and potentials
    • Why short periods of meditation can be more effective than long sessions and how to make every moment of meditation a moment of awakening
    • How to bring your spiritual practice off the meditation into your daily life through the use of “engaged inquiry” practices throughout your day

    The Craig Hamilton Meditation 2.0 will change your practice forever. To register at no charge you can go HERE.  If you cannot make the time of the event as long as you register you will receive the recording.

  • The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    The M Word Meditation The M Word Meditation  Emily Fletcher event is free.  For a limited time you can attend this Mindvalley Masterclass to learn Meditation for Super Performance. Whether you are currently practicing or new to this Emily explains things in an easy to understand way.

    We have covered meditation before because it is so beneficial. You have probably heard by now the benefits of meditation but may be running into issues. There are many problems people have when comes to this practice. Not enough time to do it. Not being able to reach a relaxed threshold. Or even boredom


    If you fall into any of those categories or want to learn how to meditate in the most effective way then you may want to take a listen to Emily. The full title of this masterclass is How to Level Up Your Meditation to Become a Superstar at Work & Life.  Although this event is only 90 minutes long it is packed with useful information.

    The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    During M Your Way to the top you will learn many things such as:

    • The myths about meditation such as focus
    • Learn the truth about how to clear your mind for full benefits
    • Discover the truth about breathing during your practice
    • 3 special things about meditation that you may not be aware of that increase the richness of your life

    Emily Fletcher at one point was not an instructor.  She worked on Broadway doing many shows night after night.  These took a toll on her and she often felt she was going to have a breakdown.  Then she discovered meditation.  She stopped everything she was doing and went to India to study the practice.

    M Your Way to the Top

    During The M-Word Emily Fletcher event she doesn’t just teach you how to meditate. You actually are taught how to use meditation to get better at life. If you ever wished it was fun to meditate or wished it added more hours to your day instead of taking from it then this is one event not to be missed.

    Meditation is no longer just a tool for spirituality. Meditation can help you achieve amazing things. Not only the health benefits and inner peace (although those are wonderful) but much more.  During the event Emily will go into the other numerous ways that embracing this practice can change your life.

    Not only the practice but her techniques.  The way she turns what seems to be for many a time sucker into something you enjoy each day. By you will also get to learn about The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher course.  This a 33-day journey to instill a meditation framework into your life.  A new approach to this beneficial practice that’s fresh and fun.  Find out more about Meditation for Super Performance HERE.

  • Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation

    Bob Stahl Mindfulness MeditationThere is a Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation training event coming up that is complimentary and online.  This event is entitled Mindfulness for Healing: Transform Your Experience of Stress, Illness & Pain for Greater Comfort, Ease & Joy. Most of us have heard of Mindfulness Mediation but many are still unclear of what it is or how it can benefit one’s mind and body.

    What is Mindfulness Meditation?

    This practice is designed to bring your awareness to the present moment.  Being present at all times is one of the best things we can do for ourselves however with today’s world it can be so very difficult.  Bob Stahl will go much deeper into what this type of meditation is and tell you exactly what it is not.

    What are the Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation?

    The benefits of this type of meditation practice are very powerful and can promote great healing of the body and mind.  This practice actually changes your brain a good way, by learning to stay present you can thwart of things like worry, stress, and some studies show that is can protect your brain from mental illness.  Additional Benefits Include:

    • Improving the way you hear sound
    • It helps the brain even when you are not actively practicing it
    • It makes your calmer and therefore more compassionate and helpful to others
    • You can sleep better and ease pain by transforming the way you see and feel it
    • Some studies show that it can help you fight off viruses etc. by supporting your immune system It can help with losing weight
    • You can have greater sense of happiness and peace
    • Plus much more

    One thing during this Bob Stahl Mindfulness training that will be shared is the big difference between healing yourself and being cured. We love this aspect because there is a big difference but so many may view them as the same.

    Why Attend the Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation Training?

    There are many reasons to attend this Shift Network Event, for ease of reading here they are:

    • Bob has founded seven mindfulness-based stress reduction programs so he is considered an expert and someone well worth learning from
    • You will learn mindfulness meditation techniques to help you transform your stress, pain or illness
    • You will discover what is mindful breathing, how it can help, and how to do it
    • Mindfulness meditation can be quite a complex process but Bob Stahl explains it in an easy-to-understand way
    • To get a free mini training from Bob is quite the opportunity
    • Discover the research supporting the all the benefits of this practice
    • Plus much more

    Mindfulness meditation can benefit your life in so many ways so if you have been curious about it this is an event not to be missed.  Also if you have never heard of this practice but suffer from ailments, stress, worry, or just want a life of greater wellbeing and ease then you can learn more about this Bob Stahl Mindfulness Meditation training event presented by the Shift Network by going to the main site here.

  • Brainwave Entrainment What Is It?

    what is brainwave entrainmentThis short what is brainwave entrainment overview was prompted by a few messages we received about a past post we wrote entitled Zen12 meditation review. Some wanted to know what exactly what this was as well a few other questions. In this article we will cover what it is, the science behind it and how you can benefit from it.

    What is Brainwave Entrainment?

    Brainwave entrainment is a method to guide you into a specific state of mind using sounds, lights, and an electrical activity. It is an area of science that has been studied for years and is also known as neural entrainment. To make it quite easy to understand in regards to using an mp3 or audio it is like copying a file, the audio has the frequencies of a certain state such as Delta or beta and by listening to an audio your mind copies that state. Right now, you’re alert and conscious, and so you’re most likely operating in the beta range when you’re asleep at night, you’re in the delta range. An example of coping would be in the article we wrote about zen12, their free download contains frequencies of deep meditation and by gaining access to it you can experience those to help guide you into a deeper state. Now there is much more science to this area which you are free to research on your own but we will not cover all of it as we are not scientists.

    Does Brainwave Entrainment Work

    While people still debate over the effectiveness of it we still have to say yes it does. You can go ahead and read through all the differing opinions but the best answer to this question it to really try it yourself. When you do give it a full month and you will see just as we did that the long term benefits of less stress, better health, more balance, and more.

    Brainwave Entrainment for meditation

    We can only speak for the ones we have tried and of course they are all different. In this case we will stick with the one that prompted this article which is the Zen12 meditation free download. This is a 12 minute meditation mp3 that contains the frequencies required to reach a deep state of meditation so instead of taking 45-60 minutes a day you can gain the benefits in a much quicker time. Now we are not saying that meditating for an hour is unnecessary but for those who have trouble with calling the mind and body this is a great option. Not only that but you also get to try it and answer the question of what is  brainwave entrainment for yourself and noting the benefits you gain.

    In the future we will create a full list of all the different audios that we have tried and reviewed so make sure to check back with us.

  • Zen12 Meditation Review

    zen12 meditation review

    This article will contain a short Zen12 Meditation Review for anyone who is not a familiar with is or what it is.   Many already the know the benefits of meditation which are less stress, greater brain power such as improved memory and sharper thinking, better health, plus many more benefits. By meditating you can not only calm your mind but enhance your life, whether you are a beginner at meditation for someone who is skilled but interested in the 12-minute meditation technique, Zen12 may be exactly what you are looking for.

    The Zen12 program is an entire at home meditation practice that has twelve different levels. With the program you listen to each level for a month, now if it sounds like a lot is isn’t, for most it takes 40 minutes at minimum to get into the deepest, most beneficial state of meditation, with the Zen12 program that is not the case. The program has special brainwave entrainment to get you to the deepest level possible and the time is takes……only 12 minutes, hence the name Zen12, giving you the benefits of one full hour. You are also not assigned to just one type of meditation; there is a plethora of choices available such as sounds of nature and or guided meditation and several others. Using the system is a snap, pick what you want to listen to, plug in your headphones, relax and done.

    But does this meditation really work? Yes it does but luckily the creators don’t want you to just take the word of some random Zen12 meditation review they are offering a complimentary sample. They are letting you download a free meditation brainwave audio to test it out. The free meditation mp3 will be delivered directly to your inbox and you simply download, get in a comfortable position, and relax. After the first time it is used you will notice that any stress or anxiety you had just dissolves, but what is even cooler is that you don’t notice the 12 minute meditation, it is like you are there but not. If that does not make sense it will when you get the download and if you can listen to it in the morning it sets you up for a day of enhanced focus and creativity as well as increases mood and energy levels too.

    If you have tried other meditation programs or downloads this is a great one to add to your collection. For me the Zen12 download made me feel happier and more focused which if you have been on this blog long enough you already know me (we) need that. With this 12 minute guided meditation you get the benefits of Zen meditation and don’t have the stress of worrying about having the time to do it. That is a huge issue for people in this day and age, not having enough time to relax, unwind, and recharge, by listening to this at least once a day (we strongly recommend twice) reap the benefits of deep relaxation.

    Although this was a short Zen12 meditation review, the true test will come from you when you try the complimentary gift HERE. And like our last post make sure that you put the free sample to a full test, use it at least once a day for a few weeks and then evaluate your results.

  • Winning The Game Of Money Brain Training System

    winning the game of money brain training system

    If you have been considering the winning the game of money brain training system but are still unsure about it, now there is a free John Assaraf Mindvalley Masterclass. If you have never heard of John or the system below is just a short overview, you can attend the class online and at no charge and make your own review of it.

    John Assaraf is an entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of the PraxisNow a brain retraining company. He was part of the cast of the movie the secret and is a New York Times best-selling books, John Assaraf Having It All and The Answer. This Win the Inner game of Money free event is going to be the biggest ever done with over 80,000 people expected to attend. During is he’s going to reveal some of the major principles of this science as well as a unique brain-retraining system that’s based on years of research on positive psychology, brain science and cutting-edge technology.

    The Mindvalley Masterclass is entitled Win The Inner Game Of money and it is packed with money making strategies, insights, and new ways of thinking that’ll instantly re-wire your brain and help you reach success. If you have ever read John Assaraf Or Mindvalley Academy reviews you will find this event to be some of the best training yet. He literally walks you through how he created a million dollar passion as well as gives you the tools to do it as well.

    During the John Assaraf seminar you will learn things like:

    • A guided Neuro Retraining Meditation
    • New insights from the world of Neuroscience which can grow your income
    • Discover How to increase financial success by quickly retraining your brain with new habits & beliefs.
    • Learn about the #1 highest vibration frequency in the known universe.
    • Learn about the Winning the Game Of money Brain training System in full
    • Plus Much More

    It is quite rare to get this kind of training and information at no charge so for that reason alone this Mindvalley class is worth attending. Also, the Neuro Retraining Meditation is guided and combines brainwave entrainment, creative visualization, NLP, hypnosis, subliminal, and more. This a meditation for prosperity and abundance backed by the latest science which will reprogram some of your deepest subconscious money beliefs very quickly. Plus the new scientific study that he will share about the highest vibration frequency assists you with your ability to manifest your desires and you’ll get a chance to experience this vibration during the J class.

    To attend the John Assaraf webinar at no charge and learn about the Winning the Game of Money Brain training System simply go HERE.