Category: law of attraction

  • Anxiety and The Law of Attraction

    Anxiety is a very terrifying thing to suffer from.  Anxiety disorders range from general anxiety to social and so on.  People who suffer from anxiety may have mild symptoms while others are completely incapacitated by it.

    There are many self-help books, therapies, and medications to take for anxiety.  However, there is an additional way to help individuals cope with the dreaded anxious feelings.

    The Law of Attraction states that we get more of what we think about.  By focusing on our anxious feelings or even focusing on the fear of becoming anxious, we worsen our symptoms.

    The next time you feel anxious, take notice of your thoughts.  Do you feel dizzy, do you focus on that and then the next thought is that you are going to pass out?   You will notice that the more you focus on the feelings the more like thoughts will come into your mind.

    That being said, how can use the Law of Attraction to cope with anxious feelings?  One technique is using the emotional scale found in Jerry and Ester Hicks book “Ask and It Is Given.”  This emotional scale shows you different feelings and the better feelings you can reach for.

    For example if you feel anxious the feeling you could reach for is to focus on the feeling of guilt. While guilt is not a positive feeling it is less restrictive then the fear you may feel from anxiety.

    The key is not to stay in that feeling of guilt for long.  If you feel guilt about not being able to control you anxiety, at least you have a new focus and it is not on the anxious feelings.

    You should continue to do this with each emotion that is less restrictive and climb the emotional scale.  You can even create your own emotional scale to customize it to your own anxiety needs.

    By creating your own scale you have automatically given yourself a sense of power that you are now beginning find a new way of improving your anxious feelings.

  • Money and The Law of Attraction

    There are many articles, books, seminars, etc. that talk about attracting money with the Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction states that you can have whatever you want in your life experience.  It is apparent that money is needed by many now and with many people reading and learning the techniques to attract money.  So much focus on money in regards to the Law of Attraction leads to one question.  How many of these people are having success?

    The reason I pose such a question is because it seems to be a very popular topic in regards to the Law of Attraction.  With such popularity, could it be that people are focusing on the lack of money when they are dying to learn how to attract it.

    The Law of Attraction is quite clear. Ask, Believe, and Allow it into your life experience.  Does one need a special course to put the same practice into effect with money?  There are many good programs and books out there that go into how to attract money, however there should not be an overwhelming need for them unless individuals are desperate for money.

    A different approach with the Law of Attraction and Money would be to take note of what would you do if you had all the money you needed.  Then what would you want?  With so much focus on attracting money, are you ignoring thoughts in others areas of your life that you desire as well?

    For example, are you ignoring your desire for good health?  Are you so focused on attracting money that you stress and forget to remember that you want health as well?  Without health you could not enjoy the money you want to attract anyway.

    Taking stock of WHY you want the money and what it could do for you and then making those a dominant thought, should attract all that you want.  Focusing on the next great product is not always necessary if you fully understand the Law of Attraction.

    After saying this, I will also say that it is good to invest in your education and if truly find that you are not attracting all that you desire and come across something you FEEL will benefit you by all means purchase away.

  • Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale

    Below is The Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale taken from “Ask and It Is Given” pg. 114

    The Emotional Guidance Scale

    Positive Expectation/Belief

    This is a great tool to reach for a better feeling and bring yourself to the top of the scale!!

  • Is Fatigue Standing In Your Way Of Manifesting?

    You ask, you believe, but you are not receiving.  You still have days where you are in a rotten mood or are not seeing even a glimmer of manifestation of your desires.  You get frustrated and perhaps you start to believe you are just a victim of circumstance.

    Although it is said that if you ask it is always given, that does not mean it will manifest in your life experience.  One main reason for a delay or no manifestation at all is the feeling of fatigue.

    Fatigue can turn your thoughts right around to the negative side and the next thing you know you are much further from what you were asking for in the first place.  Also, if you are asking for something in the state of fatigue you are asking from a negative standpoint, therefore only negative can come.

    Before asking or giving up you must take notice of your mindset and your level of energy. If you lack energy you are providing that lack within your asking of whatever you want to enter your life experience.  Also, if you lack energy it is much easier to notice the negatives such as what you don’t have because your mind is not fully alert.

    By taking an inventory of your mindset and level of energy before making any decisions or asking for anything, you will enable your manifesting ability.  A good thing to remember is that if your energy level is not up to par, it is a temporary feeling and that more energy is on its way.

    Sometimes, if your mood is so bad due to fatigue you cannot even muster up those resistance releasing thoughts.  If you find yourself running that empty on energy it is time to go to sleep.

    I say go to sleep lightly however.  If it is bedtime by all means go to sleep for the night.  If it is not and you are just lying down for energy enhancement, then set the alarm.  Sleeping through your life to cope is never an answer, however a good 30 minute power nap can change your energy level and in turn your mindset.

  • The Law of Attraction and Negative People

    how to deal with difficult people
    This post was prompted by a comment I received on this blog that was negative in context. It was from someone who did not care or seem to believe information on this blog.

    This is a very interesting circumstance considering that the law of attraction states that you attract what comes into your experience. So somewhere, somehow I was attracting negative comments or people according to the law.

    Perhaps when I put myself out there for the world to see, I had some element of fear that others would reject or put down my posts. In my reality, it does not matter what another thinks of this blog. Simply put, if they do not like it, it is not for them and they should not be reading it.

    Another interesting aspect of receiving this comment was that I did not ask for this person’s opinion. The law of attraction teaches that if you are not asked for your opinion, why bother giving it, it is yours. My conclusion to this area is that perhaps leaving any blog open for comments is asking for good and bad comments. Your thoughts?

    My reaction to the comment was of course the most important thing. We cannot control others, but we can control how we react to them. I must say my first reaction was a big laugh, which I think is a good sign, and then I just let the comment go.

    I or no one else can every change another’s beliefs a comment back to this person would have been a very large waste of energy. It amazes me how much anger or negativity a person has. Enough anger to spend their time leaving comments that are unsavory must way heavy on ones energy and lifestyle.

    The conclusion to dealing with negative people should they come your way is simple. It helps to realize it is THEIR opinion and you cannot change it. It also always helps to consider the source of where the negativity is coming from.

  • Abraham: THE VORTEX – Esther & Jerry Hicks

    If you ever have any doubt about why you are not receiving what your asking for remember the vortex:)