Category: law of attraction

  • The Secret Of Successful Visualizations

    I am a bit behind on this. These are a series of free videos and as I always say make use of the free. They are already on the third so I apologize. You can catch up though! When I first started manifesting, in many ways, it was like learning to ride my first push bike. There was some frustrating stumbling, falling and failure.

    If you’ve been trying as hard as you can to get it right—well, that’s your first problem (the TRY part!) But the second thing is—it’s really so much easier than you think once you understand a few key elements to your manifesting success.

    And I’m happy to tell you none other than the 2 great Bob’s- Bob Proctor and Bob Doyle- have the answers for you! You may remember the 2 Bob’s from The Secret—and from the absolute gold mine of knowledge they share all over the globe.

    Now, Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies sits them down for 2 very revealing chats…

    First, Bob Doyle explains the The Law of Attraction “101”…and how to use it in your life NOW to manifest whatever it is you most desire. This energizing chat simplifies visualization in a way I’ve never seen before!

    Then, Bob Proctor explains exactly where effective visualization begins. He just has such a fantastic way of laying it all out, I’m sure you’ll get a whole new perspective that will actually be very exciting for you.

    In my opinion, this kind of conversation is way overdue when it comes to the essentials and truth about the Law of Attraction and how it all works.

    Because it’s simply not just some flight of fancy or make-believe exercise—the Universal and unchanging laws that make everything happen for you are grounded in science!

    Practice Makes Perfect—How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want

    The biggest mistake most people make with manifesting is throwing in the towel when what you want doesn’t materialize immediately. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated, or even very time consuming.

    It just has to be done regularly like clockwork. When you do that one thing, some really incredible things will start to happen in your life!

    If you’ve got some financial “issues” you’re really going to want to watch this very closely—it could be the key that unlocks the door to your best life yet. So take a look—and get started doing exactly what the two Bob’s say.

    Practice Makes Perfect—How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want

  • The Law of Attraction and Confusion with Religion

    If you were at all like me and grew up with some form of religion in your life, you may have doubts, fears, or worries about the Law of Attraction.  I have many times thought, is the Law of Attraction real and does it offend God?

    I must say that my past structured beliefs in God and religion still have me stuck once in a while and I ask myself the question “Can the Law of Attraction go with God?”  A very interesting question and I am sure I am not the only one who has thought of this.

    When I take that question further, I often wonder if God and the Law of Attraction go together.  Some might consider this blaspheme while others may have considered this in depth.

    Taking a closer look, it is possible that the two could go together.  I am not going to quote Bible verses here, however there is a verse that says something like “ask in faith and it shall be given.”   Could God have given us that freewill to ask for something we want and if you have enough belief or faith it shall come?

    The religious, I imagine, would say no, while I still ponder the question.  For example, I want good health and believe that God can heal and expect that he will, do I then receive healing?  If that is the case, would this line of thinking not be the Law of Attraction, only based on God?

    According to the Abraham- Hicks information, that is not really the case.  There is not necessarily one divine being that orchestrates everything.  However, one must still wonder why could it not be the case?

    This, as I said, causes confusion for many and I would love to hear your viewpoint on this.  Appreciation is extended ahead of time for your opinions.

  • The Law of Attraction Does Not Mean Lack of Responsibility

    The Law of Attraction is of course a very powerful law; however, many may believe that because of this law there is no need for personal responsibility. What I mean by this, is that just because one desires a certain something, it does not mean one can do whatever they want in the present that may hinder that manifestation.

    For example, if someone wanted good health or continued good health, they should not smoke or do drugs in the meantime. They can go ahead and still expect good health and that health may still manifest, however it would be very difficult to fully ask and receive good health while doing such things.

    When one is bombarded with all the information of the dangers of cigarettes, drugs, or whatever it may be, it is difficult not to be effected by that information. The information of the dangers involved may creep into one’s mind while desiring things such as good health and slow down or eliminate the manifestation.

    To look at it a different way, if one was to desire money, and spend frivolously, then feel bad about the money spent, the manifestation is negated. Feeling bad about lost money is not the place one should be in order to receive the money expected.

    So how does one balance the asking and receiving while still doing things they enjoy? The simplest answer is to continue doing the things you enjoy, if they are healthy for you, but not in excess.

    For example, smoking is not good for your body so perhaps you should consider quitting in order to receive the health you desire. With regards to spending, you should spend and get what you want in moderation and if it is affordable. If not affordable, one should imagine that they have purchased it and already have it.

    Personal responsibility is an important factor when using the law of attraction. It must be balanced and evaluated in regards to asking, desiring, or wanting.

  • The Three Main Strategies for Earning Money

    Everybody needs money-it’s a fact of life. The main difference between the successes every individual makes rests largely on the strategies they employ in going about it. In this article, we will talk about the three main strategies for making money and which one is the most effective of all.

    The first strategy on how to earn money is the most widely used of all three-this is when you trade your time for money. Around 96% of all individuals work like this. Most careers available in the market today fall under this category. Unfortunately after a while, it will compromise your quality of life and will ultimately be detrimental to you.

    The next strategy on making money is for you to invest money to earn money. Three percent of all people use this because not everybody has the luxury of having enough money to build wealth through this method.

    Examples of these are businesses wherein you put in finances so you can sell them for a higher price, thus incurring an income. This is a better method of making money; however, problems arise when the individual does not have enough money to invest. If you want to get rich through this avenue, it will take time and a very smart and trustworthy financial adviser to help you build wealth.

    Finally, the third strategy is leveraging yourself in order to earn money. This is by far, the best way to get rich. It is done by increasing your income generating avenues. It is the secret of those who control the majority of the world’s wealth.

    Multiple Sources of Income, or MSI, is the typical way on how to earn money through this strategy. Develop a system where people of specific niches can find you. When they do, direct them to other partner businesses that also cater to their needs. Because this won’t take up much time, you can explore other ways to make more money as well.

    What you have just read is the science of getting rich without sacrificing the quality of life everybody deserves to have. Anybody can do this. You need only to decide that you want it and plan the concrete steps you need to take to achieve your financial goals. What is the amount of money you want to earn? Portion it out into segments which correspond to a source of revenue you can grow.

    To succeed in life, you must not aim for wealth alone, but the enrichment of other people’s standard of living as well. When you help others realize their dreams, your own dreams have a way of coming into fulfillment as well. Make life beautiful and get more than what you wished for-guaranteed.

    Want to find out more about buiding wealth in six minutes a day, then visit Bob Proctor’s site, Six Minutes to Success.