Category: law of attraction

  • What Are the 24 Abundance Blocks?

    What Are the 24 Abundance BlocksIf you are wondering what are the 24 Blocks here is some great news. There is an Unlimited Abundance Christie Marie Sheldon event coming up that will reveal common Abundance blocks, how to find them and what to do about them. This event is online and completely complementary but for the sake of your time we will give a short overview of what you can expect from the event.

    When it comes to removing blocks there is no one better to help you than Christie Marie Sheldon. Christie is an energy healer and is considered one of the top experts in abundance and manifesting. During the Unlimited Abundance Live event Christie no only share with you the blocks she has discovered but also enlighten you to much more. The event is 90 minutes of pure content divided into six different sections

    • How Energy Clearing Works
    • Abundance Blocks And Why They’re Holding You Back From Wealth
    • Super easy manifesting formula + how to create your own reality
    • How Much Are Your’s Costing You?
    • How to open yourself to receiving more + tales of unlimited abundance
    • Plus you will get to participate in an energy clearing session with Christie Marie Sheldon
    • And More

    What are The 24 Abundance Blocks? While you can know what they are if you do not know how to release blocks to manifestation they will not help you, however here are a few of them:

    1     Clearing Resistance
    2     Clearing doubt and fear
    3      Clearing the fear of change
    4     Clearing money zapping decisions
    5     Clearing fear of growth
    6     Clearing fear of success
    7     Clearing fear of rejection
    8     Clearing fear of numbers
    9     Clearing indecision
    10    Clearing feeling stuck

    While these are only ten of the Christie Marie Abundance Blocks the rest will be available on the free training. It is important if you are seriously considering changing the state of you financial life that you know what to do with these blocks that is why the Christie decided to hold another Unlimited Abundance live event. Once you understand what abundance blocks are and what they are doing to your financial life, only then can you learn the abundance block clearing technique. Also what Christie shares with you during the event is priceless, the group energy clearing session, the correct way to master the “I AM” formula, the secret to money that you think you know, and actual Unlimited Abundance reviews from people who have had not only great monetary success but also extra manifesting success all by putting into practice Christies teachings.

    If you believe there hidden Abundance Blocks holding your career, finances and personal life back more than likely there are and event if you don’t believe in energy healing or blocks by attending this event you will find that blocks are holding you back and you did not even know it. By joining energy coach Christie Marie Sheldon for this live event you can only walk away with positive changes. To attend the Unlimited Abundance Live Special training and find out the rest of what are the 24 abundance blocks you can go HERE



  • Manifestation Miracle Review


    If you have been looking for a Manifestation Miracle review, you no longer have to search through endless articles or sift through peoples different opinions. Heather Matthews creator of the system is now offering many complimentary gifts that give you a solid foundation of what her methods are all about. There are several different things offered such as a quiz, a Breakthrough Kit, an eBook, and audios. In this article we will briefly touch on the different items available and what they contained.

    For anyone not familiar with Heather Matthews she is one of several who are considered one of the top Law of Attraction experts around. She is the creator of the Manifestation Miracle system and created it with techniques she discovered after overcoming obstacles in her own life, she has inspired many not only with her story but also by assisting numerous people with the system. Testimonials range from people, who manifested more money, attracted positive soulmate relations, to people living their dream life all together. For the sake of making this a shorter article we will highlight the different gifts that she is giving away because they themselves have enough content for you to be fully informed.

    The Heather Matthews Quiz is a great place to start it is only one minute long and it is a life success quiz. The quiz is customized for you and it reveals your energetic blocks that are holding you back from attracting love, prosperity, health or anything else you may have tried to manifest with the Law of Attraction with little results. The quiz is accompanied by a video that explains how you can unlock abundance in whatever area of life you desire. Now the quiz itself may not be enough for you to establish a full Manifestation Miracle Review of your own but it is worth taking and allows you to take advantage of another free gift.

    Another is the Breakthrough Kit it has a report, a short video, and an mp3 audio. The report although short does go in depth about how you can attract more and what the missing link to the law of attraction is. The Manifestation Miracle free audio download is short as well only about five minutes long, but those five minutes is filled with brain entrainment technology combined with law of attraction abundance affirmations that guides you quickly into a deep state of meditation. This miracle manifestation meditation is so powerful that you will begin to manifest easier without struggle or frustration and you can use it over and over again, like we do, which increases your ability to attract.

    The manifestation miracle book is a pdf download and it is entitled Manifest Money & Success and the book comes with an audio as well, we will not go into the audio because it is like the above in the kit.   Finally with the free gifts there is the Manifestation Miracle meditation audios there are actually three different audios that you will receive which are Wiring Your Mind For More Money, Living Your Best Life , and Abundant Health. They have level 2 binaural beats and guided positive affirmations for abundance affirmations designed to manifest more money, your dream life and great health.

    Your negative beliefs that you have tried to overcome with the law of attraction have actually sunk in to your inner programming leaving your expectations low and making it extremely difficult to have positive vibrational output. You may have already known that but with the several free samples you can get you will learn how to overcome those deep beliefs that allow block to your natural abundance. Now with the quiz, breakthrough kit, book, and guided meditation audios you can not only learn how to overcome your blockages but have enough material to make your own Manifestation Miracle Review.

    Coming soon A full overview of the system

  • Law Of Attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit

    Law of attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit

    There is a new one time Law of Attraction of Attraction Natalie Ledwell event coming up that is complimentary and online. This is presented by Mind Movies and is entitled LOA LIVE – The Ultimate Transformation Summit.   This free interactive online event streamed in high definition and not only has Natalie but other speakers as well.

    The LOA Live Ultimate Transformation summit is being called a one of a kind event. Along with Natalie Ledwell there are several other Law of Attraction experts that will be teaching and interacting during this event. These co-hosts are Law of Attraction practitioner Dr. Joe Vitale, John Assaraf Winning the Game of Money creator and Sonia Ricotti Unsinkable author. This Mind Movies law of attraction event is all day and is a onetime event so if you are thinking of attending now is the time to register because these speakers will be deliver their most powerful training yet. Some things you will learn during this summit are how to stop blocks that are standing in the way of what you desire, how to rid yourself of emptiness and find your true purpose, as well as techniques for anyone who has had difficulty using LOA in their life

    If you have ever attended any law of attraction seminars you are already aware of how beneficial they can be to assist anyone with better manifesting. The Law of Attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit contains some of the most proficient manifestors around that can use LOA to work in every single area of their life, simply because they all know the missing link to the law of attraction. Now with this free mind movies training they will share with you their secrets as well as who you why and how you have struggled in the past with loa to bring about kind of success, wealth, happiness and abundance into your life that you desire.

    By harnessing the power of the Law correctly you can begin to not only attract what you desire but also gain Courage and Confidence, achieve financial success, Find your purpose, and have great relationship Success with friends, family, and almost anyone you come in contact with. This law of attraction full live seminar does not come around very often and hardly ever comes along at no charge; however there is reason that they are having this event. If you have ever read any Mind Movies reviews or a Natalie Ledwell review and have found mixed opinions, now you no longer have to rely on others experiences to know if this training is right for you.

    Natalie created this event not only to help people with their difficulty with the Law of Attraction but also to give you a taste of what she teaches. Plus she has included a few of the best masters of the Law of Attraction within this event that you can learn from and discover how and what they teach. By attending the event you get a full day of free knowledge and a solid idea of what Natalie, Sonia Ricotti, Joe Vitale, and John Assaraf’s teaching methods and techniques. As we have mentioned before on this blog taking advantage of the free gifts, webinars etc., is key to deciding what method of self-improvement techniques are right for you.

    To attend the law of attraction Natalie Ledwell Summit LOA LIVE – The Ultimate Transformation Summit you can go HERE afterwards we would love to hear what you thought of it in the comments below.


  • Law Of Attraction Hypnosis Free Download

    Now available is a Law of Attraction Hypnosis Free Download from Karl Moore Hypnosis Live creator. Whether you are a full believer in LOA or you have always wondered does the Law of Attraction Hypnosis work, then this is one free download you are going to want to take advantage of. In this review I will just cover LOA and hypnosis and how it could benefit you.

    The Law of attraction is all about belief, you attract what you think. If you are a skeptic about this law, you can either stop reading now or go straight to the download and see what it is all about. The problem with this law is getting your thoughts to remain consistent with what you want to manifest. In the Secret law of attraction movie and book, they make it sound easy, a for a few it is, for the majority it is not, that’s where free law of attraction hypnosis downloads come in. Hypnosis, is not some crazy thing, where the hypnotist or the audio will have control over you, it is simply getting you to a state of mind where you can change the beliefs or ideas which were created by you or someone else at some point in your life.

    With a law of attraction hypnosis mp3, the goal is not to automatically get you whatever you desire, but a process of rewiring your thoughts to a place where it is easy to keep the thing you want to manifest present in your mind and in a positive way. Whether it is weight loss or LOA negative inner thoughts and habits that guide you on a daily basis can be difficult to get rid of. There are just a few steps to master:

    1. Get clear on what you really want
    2. Visualize better
    3. Think more positively
    4. Enjoy an attitude of gratitude.

    As mentioned the above are hard to do consistently, because we forget to keep it up if we don’t experience immediate positive results. With the Law of Attraction Hypnosis Free Download it helps you to automatically change your thinking to a more positive one, and install the beliefs of easy manifestation into your mind. You can literally rewire your brain to visualize more successfully, think positively, and never forget to be grateful.

    Law of Attraction Hypnosis really should have been mentioned in the movie the Secret. The key is not to get frustrated or lose hope that is why you fail to get what you want. Now do keep in mind that this law of attraction hypnosis download will not work if you do not listen to it. Many ask how many times a day should I listen to my hypnosis session. The answer really is as many as you have time for, but twice a day minimum. Not only do you get the results from the actual session but there are other great benefits to hypnosis, such as better sleep and less stress.

    To get the Law of Attraction Free download from Hypnosis Live you can go HERE.

  • Mind Movies Free Download

    mindmoviesfreedownloadWell it has been a while since I have written and this blog is going to get a complete overhaul in design and the whole works, but I wanted to do a quick post about the upcoming launch of Mind Movies 4.0.  Co-founder Natalie Ledwell has put out a series of videos that start today which lead up to the release of 4.0. Plus she is offering a Mind Movies Free Download, which you can read more about below.

    There are many differing opinions out there about the digital vision board software as some call it, but my personal opinion is that it is phenomenal. I believe having an online vision board maker as well as having one in home or office will duplicate your manifesting much fast, but enough of my opinion. The Mind Movie creator is the visualization tool combining music, positive affirmations and inspiring images, allowing you to manifest much quicker. The first of the free videos is a Natalie Ledwell Bob Proctor video. There are a few very cool things about this vid.

    First, if you are aware of Mind Movies software and may have wondered how it was founded and what it took to get it going, Natalie completely opens up on this. She shares story of how she and Glen Ledwell, went from nothing in Australia, to living the life of their dreams in California. It is worth the watch for just hearing her story alone but also this video also contains an interview with Bob Proctor. Bob shares some amazing insights on how to bring success and abundance and he reveals his one secret for mastering manifesting.

    Now here is the really great part, Natalie is offering a Mind Movies Free Download which is 6 premade Mind Movies which cover Courage & Confidence, Loving & Appreciating Myself, Attracting Friends & a Great Social Life, Vibrant Health, Inner Peace, and Wealth Abundance, it is over a 200 dollar value and you can download them just for watching the video. You can click HERE take you the video and get your free gifts and if you have any opinions on the Mind Movies creator I would love to hear them.

  • Raise Your Vibration – Free Report

    This Raise Your Vibration Free report is so powerful and awe-inspiring it will radically transform both you and your reality! You’re about to discover the most swift and elegant way to optimize all areas of your life! This goes so deep it explains the very secret of life itself!

    Go to: Raise Your Vibration – Free Report

    This is like nothing I have come across before. Plus, it’s totally Free! You will learn:

    * How to conjure and transform energy at will!

    * How to effortlessly raise your vibration!

    * Why ANY issue in your life will reflect an issue in your energy system, and what to do about it!

    * How to clear negativity on multiple levels!

    * How to become a glowing magnet to highest successes and magical synchronicities!

    * The art of ‘Energy Alchemy’!

    * The REAL secret behind the law of attraction and what’s going on at a vibrational level!

    * How to attract abundant realities at the level of frequency! * Secrets to high vibrational living and auto-magic flow!

    * How to MAXMIZE  your ‘attractor factor’ in an instant!

    * And much more!

    Go to: Raise Your Vibration – Free Report