Category: law of attraction

  • Vision Board Workshop

    vision board workshop vision boards that workThere is a Vision Board Workshop coming up entitled Vision Board That Works this event is presented by The Abundance Project with host Adhis Boucha. During this free webinar you will learn how to create a vision board that really works and that will allow you to manifest your dreams within weeks to months instead of years.

    What Is A Vision Board

    If you read the book “The Secret”, watched the film, or know anything about the law of attraction you have probably heard of a vision board. For anyone not familiar with it, it is a board or picture you create with the images of all the things you want to manifest in your life. If you desire to attract the love of your life you would put pictures of happy couples and love quotes, if you want more money you would put pictures of cash and sayings like “I am financially wealthy”, and so on. The problem with these boards is that so many people have created them and have seen little to no results.

    Learn More Here

    During the Vision Board Workshop Adhis Boucha shares with you why some people have so little success and how to make one that will work effectively and quickly. She will enlighten you to the twelve common vision board mistakes that stop people’s dreams from manifesting and reaffirm that they are not cut out for success and that vision boards do work. Manifesting with this method in fact does work and works well when you learn the correct steps to creating and attracting. If you have made a vision board before and feel like you either were not meant to have what you desired or began to believe that the board idea just did not work then this is a must attend.

    Adhis Boucha will explain that when you choose goals and dreams you can realistically manifest it will begin happen quickly making room for the more “unrealistic” for lack of a better work to come into your life as well. You will discover that if you can eliminate your inner critic’s doubts (she shows you how with a powerful daily manifestation) you can attract the right people in the right time as well as other wonderful things, and opportunities into your life. One large reason people say Vision board did not work for me is because that they cannot seem to Experience each vision as if it were already happening, Adhis will show you how.

    Another issue that people run into is how many pictures do you put on a vision board, Adhis with share with you the right amount to be effective so you do not overwhelm your mind a halt your dreams from coming true. By mastering the power of the law of attraction by creating vision boards you can Dissolve tension in relationships, remove success blocks and limiting beliefs, remove self-doubt, improve confidence, and have what you truly desire flow into your life.

    After attending the Vision Board WorkShop you will walk away with:

    Supercharged beliefs and confidence

    Radical shifts in relationships

    More abundance, health, love, respect

    And you will finally learn how to make a vision board that really works

    Go to The Abundance Project Site to learn more or to register






  • Mary Morrissey Videos

    mary morrissey videos

    There is a brand new series of Mary Morrissey videos that are available at no charge. If you have not heard of Mary you may have heard of the Dreambuilder program and have been curious about it. Either way this new series will enlighten you to not only the program and Mary’s teachings but some very valuable information that you are probably not aware of.

    As we have mentioned on this site often taking advantage of the free personal development tools and personal growth resources is a wonderful, risk free way to shift your life in the direction you desire. Mary Morrissey Life Mastery Institute founder is a best-selling author and highly sought after transformational coach. Her Dreambuilder Live events and other courses and trainings are highly attended due to the amount of life changing content and new information she shares. If you have ever read any reviews or attended one of her events you already know that she is highly regarded, if not these videos with show exactly why she is so popular.

    The Mary Morrissey videos are in a series of three, you can get access to the first one right   now and when the other two are available you will receive those as well. In this first video Mary shares that right now whether you know it or not the Universe is sending you two powerful signals that are designed to help guide you toward a life you love. For most they do not recognize these signals because they are not aware they are signals at all, by learning what these signs are you can change your life to a place of happiness, abundance and much more. Along with sharing the signals from the universe you may be missing Mary will also enlighten you to a very powerful question. This question is one you can ask yourself and by doing so you and connect with your higher self and find your true purpose.

    Now for those who may have heard things like this before, remember this site is about the complimentary resources that when gathered together make a powerful personal growth arsenal for you to transform your life. Mary Morrissey has made these videos free for a reason, she could compile all this information into a book or download, but is sharing it so you can not only learn powerful techniques but also discover what she is all about.  So keep an open mind and watch these mini trainings and make your own decision on Mary and here methods, keep in mind that what you discover must be put into practice for you to make an educated decision. As a side you will also learn about the Dreambuilder live 2015 webcast that she is hosting along with some very insightful guests.

    To watch the first of the Mary Morrissey videos and discover the two universal signals you may be ignoring and the one powerful question to supercharge your life you can go HERE

  • Does Mind Movies Matrix Work

    does mind movies matrix workMany wonder does mind movies matrix work well now you have to keep scouring the internet for reviews because there is a new Natalie Ledwell Masterclass coming up which is a new addition to the Mindvalley Masterclass course library. The full title of this event is Advanced Techniques To Automate Your Abundance and if you are not familiar with Mindvalley or Natalie you don’t need to be this event is complimentary and online so you can attend it to learn more. The purpose of this article is simply to let you know what you can learn and achieve by attending the webinar.

    Natalie Ledwell Mind movies founder is also a best-selling author and a Law of attraction expert. She has joined Vishen Lakhiani Mindvalley founder which is a personal growth and success company that has the highest attendance online trainings. The masterclasses that this company has are free for you to join and they have new classes each month with past teachers that include Carol Tuttle, Sonia Choquette, John Assaraf, and many more. This event is a Golden opportunity for every success seeker to learn Advanced Techniques to Automate Your Abundance.

    Those who do wonder does Mind Movies Matrix work have good reason to ask, with so many personal development and self-improvement courses out there it is tough to tell. By attending this webinar you can learn about Natalie Ledwell, what she teaches, as well as learning about the company she co-founded. One thing to point out is that Mindvalley is a very reputable company, and the NEVER promote junk training. Vishen Lakhiani is highly successful who diligently applying the principles of personal growth to create a stellar company in less than ten years.

    Here are some things you will learn by attending this event:

    • A 13-minute NLP also known as Neuro Linguistic Programming exercise to eliminate subconscious money blocks and increasing your ability to attraction success
    • How to achieve absolute happiness in your life while still increasing your abundance whether that be with money, love, health , or any area of your life.
    • Learn a Reality bending technique to give you what you want attract people you desire and more.
    • Discover the negative mental programming that prevent hard working people to earn very little while others succeed so effortlessly
    • Plus more

    There will be much more presented in this event but one major thing to mention is that by attending you can stop reading all the Mind Movies Matrix reviews that are floating all around. When you learn the techniques Natalie Ledwell shares and put them into practice after the masterclass you will see results. This will show you that not only can you change your life with the right resources but if you put the methods into practice you will answer the question does mind movies matrix work for yourself, without relying on other opinions.  As we have written many times on this site be your own reviewer, take the free events, gifts, trainings and so on to get a solid foundation of what the best personal growth teachers are all about.

    To learn more or to register for the Mindvalley Academy Natalie Ledwell Advanced Techniques To Automate Your Abundance masterclass you can go to the main Site

  • Ultimate Success Masterclass


    The Ultimate Success Masterclass was created by Natalie Ledwell Mind Movies founder. To introduce people to her method of releasing money blocks and her techniques for creating true success she offers a free Success Blocker quiz and an a Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs complimentary online workshop. During this training she will help you find your number one money block and help you to understand the process of releasing it to create a more abundant life.

    Ledwell is a researcher of the mind, studying neuroscience, personal growth and psychology, a bestselling author, an as mentioned founder of Mind Movies. She has helped many around the world create a more successful, abundant life with her many programs. Now if you have read an Ultimate Success Masterclass reviews you may see mixed opinions, which is a very common occurrence for any program. However, Natalie has offered her quiz and training event at no charge so that you can absorb her methods and techniques and evaluate your results for yourself.

    When it comes to finances and careers many overspend, procrastinate, overthink, and many more fear based actions. Basing decisions on fear rather than a sense of abundance is self-destructive behavior is actually a direct result of deep-set limiting beliefs that are in our subconscious minds since we were young. USM Natalie Ledwell believes this is the main cause of nearly all financial challenges that an individual faces. After her years of study she created a process to find these hidden beliefs and replace them with powerful beliefs. During the webinar training she will be sharing this step by step process to help liberate attendees for their hidden beliefs.

    By taking the quiz and attending the Mind Movies webinar you will learn the process that will allow you to make the right choices in your career and finances, begin to gravitate towards people, places and situations that our inspiring rather that exhausting, you will begin to automatically release self-doubt and fear and much more. That is however if you take what Natalie teaches you during the webinar and put into practice. If you are expecting to attend the event learn the process try it once and then expect your entire world to change then please pay close attention to the next sentence. You did not just decide one day to have limiting beliefs about money they were established over a period of years therefore it may take a few times of repeating Natalie’s Ledwells process to undo eliminate these beliefs.

    The Ultimate Success Masterclass Natalie Ledwell webinar is well worth attending and you have nothing to lose because the event is entirely free. The same goes for the Success Blocker Quiz, by taking it you can find out what your number one hidden belief about money is. By taking advantage of both these complimentary gifts you can not only discover what may be hold you back but also be able to make your own review about Natalie, her techniques and her way of teaching.

    If you have attended the USM Mind Movies event we would love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.


  • Bounce Back Big In 2023

    Bounce Back Big In 2023There is still plenty of time to bounce back big in 2023 and now Sonia Ricotti has updated her Unsinkable blueprint entitled Bounce Back Big: The Miracle Blueprint to Turn Your Life Around Fast and Achieve Your wildest dreams. In a past post we wrote about the upcoming Sonia Ricotti webinar and if you missed it or have not had a chance to register by taking advantage of this complimentary eBook download you can attend the event as well.

    Sonia Ricotti became quite well known after her book Unsinkable How To Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks you Down. As of today she has helped thousands around the world overcome many different obstacles and create the life they have been wanting. Now you may have seen articles or posts claiming that this eBook or that webinar is the one thing that can help you, and by now you may be a bit skeptical. That is exactly why Sonia has allowed her Bounce Back Big miracle blueprint and her webinar to be free of charge. She wants you to see what her program is about and how her methods can assist you no matter what you may be going through.


    Bounce Back Big In 2023

    You will hear the Sonia Ricotti story during the webinar, however in short Sonia has had her own trials and worse yet they came one right after another. Inside the unsinkable Sonia Ricotti pdf free download she actually guides you through how to overcome any challenge in life quickly and become better than you were before it. One of the main things we cover on this site is reprograming thoughts or retraining the brain, and there are many ways to do so, in this breakthrough eBook Ricotti shows you reprogram and re-wire your brain to manifest massive success, wealth, peace and happiness not just once but automatically.

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    This is a wonderful gift to take advantage of if you have heard about the Unsinkable Bounce Back System or have been thinking about buying her book. Inside the download you get a great idea of how to overcome life’s biggest obstacles plus it’s a quick read so it does not take up a lot of your time and you will get so much out of it.   After going through the book you will want to attend the Unsinkable “Bounce Back” Webinar Workshop because the eBook is sort of prep for the workshop where she expands about what you have already read.

    Bounce Back Big In 2023

    After reading the entire eBook you will understand the easiest and fastest way to create miracles in your life, how power up your results, how to let go of the suffering and anxiety easily, and how to take what life hands you and use it to create a wonderful life that you deserve and dream about. This is a great chance to discover how to finally release what is no longer serving you to make room for the people, places, and things you want in your life experience.

    To get the free Unsinkable Bounce Back Big in 2023 eBook download you can go HERE

  • Sonia Ricotti Reviews

    Sonia Ricotti ReviewsHave you have been reading all the Sonia Ricotti reviews? Perhaps you’re just looking for a review of what she teaches. Either way there are now several ways to learn what and how she teaches.

    For those unfamiliar with Sonia she is a bestselling author, mentor, and a skilled law of attraction expert. Her books include Unsinkable:How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down and The Sonia Ricotti Law of Attraction Plain and Simple.

    She has helped millions improve their lives to where they desire them to be.  With her resources and event she not only shares with you the 3 step proven formula to bounce back, but much more. This successful formula will help you turn problems in your life to opportunities very quickly.

    Sonia Ricotti Reviews

    This event and resources covered below is a wonderful way to stop sifting through all the Sonia Ricotti Reviews. By gaining access to them you will discover if what she teaches if right for you.

    This event is for everyone however if you are going through tough time right now or unhappy with your current situation this life changing training is a must.

    Now if you are thinking what does she know about hard times well she does and she is no stranger to adversity. In fact, you will get to hear her story. With her own methods she is now living a life of abundance, success, and most importantly happiness.

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    Living an Unsinkable Life is one of her books. It is designed to help you navigate through difficult times with ease.

    This book shares:

    • How to overcome challenges extremely quickly with her proven bounce back system
    • the 3-sentence statement that will boost your confidence and immediately raise your vibration
    • The one thing that most people automatically do when faced with major obstacles that is severely damaging and guarantees failure and suffering, plus how learn how to shift this with a simply method
    • Discover how to allow greatness to flow effortlessly and easily into your life immediately
    • Learn how Manifest miracles into your life by using a simply energetic shift
    • Learn the 10-fold maverick goal-setting method that actually works
    • Plus much more

    Unsinkable Movie The Secret to Bouncing Back

    Once you grab the book you will get access to the Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back Movie. This film has stars such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff.

    Additional Resources

    Besides the above mentioned you can also grab:

    Plus you can attend the online event.

    Sonia Ricotti Reviews – All you need

    Sonia Ricotti is held in high regard by many and is considered one of the top transformational teachers.

    In fact people such as Bob Proctor, Loral Langemeier and many others all recommend her the Unsinkable bounce back program.

    No matter what you are going through whether it be related to finances, emotions, health etc. these can help.

    You will discover how to release the negative and open yourself to the Universe so your desires automatically come to you. You’ll learn all these strategies and tools and you’ll begin using them right away.

    By attending the Super Conference and grabbing yourself a copy of one or all of her resources you can really understand Sonia’s methods. By doing so you can make up your own mind of if they work instead of reading all the Sonia Ricotti reviews.