Category: law of attraction

  • How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down

    How To Bounce Back when Life Knocks you DownIf you have not read How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down here is some good news. Sonia Ricotti Unsinkable author is now offering a new pdf download at no charge.  This book is called Bounce Back Big .

    This is just one of a few free resources Sonia offering. The eBook is known as the Miracle Blueprint to Turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams.   Within it you will hear Sonia’s story of how she overcome tremendous difficulties and created her dream life.

    Life challenges come and go.  For some they stick around and for others everything comes crashing down all at once. Sonia sees this in people’s lives, she has felt what it is life, and she has set out to tell you there is a way to recover and have your best life yet.

    How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down

    This book made her a number 1 bestselling author and Sonia is also the author of the Law of Attraction Plain and Simple.  You can buy both of these but before you do you will want see what she is offering now.

    If you have been struggling up to now you know already that something is not working. The things you are doing have not been serving you.  It is time to make a change.  The eBook and other free resources that Sonia is giving away will shed light on why you may be struggling and what you can do about it.

    The book goes with the webinar so will want to read that first.  During the webinar she follows up with more information that is covered in the PDF. Plus you will also get to learn about the Unsinkable Bounce Back Program.

    Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs

    Along with her Bounce Back Big eBook there is another she is also giving away. This book is called Eliminate your Limiting Beliefs. This shows you areas that maybe holding you back from the wealth you want.  It also shows you how to change the area you may be struggling with to increase your money flow.


    Unsinkable Super Conference

    Along with the eBook and the blueprint she is also having her famous conference. This event is highly attended every time she has it and it has excellent reviews.  The amount of free information Sonia gives in enough to jumpstart your new year and your new you. That being said during the webinar you get to learn about her Unsinkable program.

    If you have heard of the program before and have been looking for a quality review the webinar will give you one.  After your read the book and blueprint, you can feel that Sonia cares, and when you hear her during the webinar you will know that the program works.

    No matter where you are in life, what you have going on, or where you want to be the Bounce Back Big eBook, Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs ebook, and Super Conference will give you the tools to change everything and show you How to Bounce Back when Life Knocks you Down.



  • Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason

    bob doyle wealth beyond reasonThe Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason program is now offering a free webinar and eBook.  The eBook is entitled Bridging The Abundance Gap: 3 Simple Steps To Get Unstuck And Unlock Your Dreams.  It is best to grab the book first before you attend the webinar.

    Bob Doyle Secret Cast member is well known in the Law of Attraction arena. Whether you know about this law and want to no more. Or you may have heard of it and are unsure what it is, this event is designed for both.

    This event is one a few great ones that we will be covering to start your new year off right.  All the webinars and free resources we cover are free.  If you want to learn and grow, but want don’t want to break the bank doing it the Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason program is a must.


    How To Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life Today

    During this webinar Bob will be sharing things that were not necessarily covered in the movie the Secret.  In fact, if you have read or seen the movie and still struggle with the Law of Attraction then you will enjoy this.

    Does the Law of Attraction really work? We get this question often.  The answer is yes, but we find that the way people think about this law seems to be the trouble.  The view it as some “out there” magic that either does not really exist or only a few know how to harness it. That is not the case.

    The law of attraction is not like a toaster, you don’t just put the bread in and they poof you get what you want, toast.  It is more like a dish where you must take care in all the steps.  Each ingredient added with care, temperature exactly right and so on.


    Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason webinar

    When these free books and events come up we highly recommend attending them.  If you are interested in this subject you do not have to break the bank learning more.  Plus it is best to learn from those who are well versed and what better way to do that than free.

    Bob Doyle will explain more about this law during the webinar. More importantly why it is not working for you and how you can get it to work.  You will gain a plethora of knowledge by just grabbing the Bridging the Abundance Gap eBook. On top of that you get to learn from Bob at no charge, what a great way to start the year!

    Throughout the upcoming weeks we will be covering events that are complimentary.  If you want your life to change start now.  It can and will change if you dedicate just a bit of time to expanding your growth.

    If you would like to learn more or attend the Wealth Beyond Reason program you can go here.

  • Get The Universe On Your Side

    get the universe on your sideMany wonder how to get the universe on your side especially when trying to manifest with the Law of Attraction. You have read all the books took all the courses you can think of and are starting to wonder does the Law of Attraction really work. On top of that you see people manifesting what they want in their lives almost instantly and then wonder what you have been doing wrong. If any of this sounds familiar you are not alone and there has been a discovery the “biology” of attraction or anyone who desires to manifest a better life that you can learn about at no charge.

    This is a gift from Katherine Hurst she struggled years with a corporate job and today she leads the largest LOA community. How did she do it? She met a quantum physicist and discovered his biological breakthrough in the Law of Attraction. This show you a new way instead of the old way of manifesting that only works half of the time. So instead of living paycheck to paycheck you can earn more than you do now without feeling guilty or like you don’t deserve it, as well as manifest other things you desire in life. She is sharing some of this information with a free law of attraction toolkit that can download immediately, this kit contains techniques and tools that are unlike the ones you may have heard about before.

    How To Get The Universe On Your Side

    If you are seasoned with the Law you already know it is always on your side however that does not mean manifesting is easy for most. What Katherine shares with you is called your “Intention Point.” It’s a hidden part of your physiology that allows you to harness thousands times more electromagnetic power than your mind can produce alone, in fact is plugs you into an electromagnetism allowing you to manifest easily. This biological breakthrough that will give you a serious edge on your future and whatever you desire to create.

    You may have hear that Mindset is everything and while it may hold truth, there is more to it than that. There are many who have their mindset in the right place but when it comes to staying slimmer, staying motivated, making more money and so on they still struggle to get to the end result. The Universe is able to manifest your dreams as you fulfil your destiny yet for some people, their dream just seems out of their reach. The answer is the one tiny shift in your “Intention Point” to change it all.

    You were not born to go to work, pay bills and die. You’re here for something more and this one simple approach makes seizing opportunities and shattering challenges so much easier. Because doing this one thing tells the Universe you’re read to have everything you’ve ever wanted and to create and with this Law of Attraction Toolkit you will learn how to get the Universe on your side and finally manifest the abundant life you’re destined for.

  • Joe Vitale Secret Mirror

    Joe Vitale Secret Mirror The Joe Vitale Secret Mirror technique is now being shared in a complimentary video. You may know Joe as the one of the stars from the hit Movie the Secret, he is considered one of several Law of Attraction experts and if you have not read his books or heard his teachings you may want to watch this video. As like much of what we share with you this is free and the knowledge he shares is a great addition to your growth folder and in this article we want to cover a few things that we have seen around the web.

    Joe Vitale Secret Mirror Scam- Is It?

    If you type in anyone who has written a book, created products, etc. you are going to find great reviews and some that are not. In this case, we would like to address Joe Vitale and his works which include not only this technique but many other wonderful books, courses, and tools. Some of Joes work includes:


    • The Attractor Factor
    • Hypnotic Writing – As a hypnotist this is a good book and if you are not one and want to improve your writing I (Jenny) recommend it.
    • Zero Limits
    • Spiritual Marketing
    • Plus many, many more


    • Miracles Coaching
    • The Awakening Course
    • And More

    Now what does his previous works have to do with the Secret Mirror technique and it being a scam or not? In short, Joe has been around quite some time and if you really want to sift through all the reviews you can but anyone who is truly a rip off would have been put out of business a long time ago, it is common sense. In regards to this particular program we can go ahead and tell you it is legit but for most that is not enough, that is why you can watch an entire video free and learn what he teaches as well as his style.

    The true test of something such as a product or course being effective is your opinion and yours alone, you never know what other reviewers have done with a product or course. They could have bought it and placed it on their “shelf help” and never looked at it again, watching the video, seeing if it resonates with you and putting the methods and tips into practice is the only answer you will need. Many seek out or search the web for the secret mirror has anyone tried it, which we cannot quite grasp because even if someone did and they left a bad review that does not mean it will not work for you.

    The video is all about those who are having trouble with the Law of Attraction. He reveals a simple technology many of successful people have turned to for power, wealth, and a lifetime of fulfillment. And is Joe Vitale Successful, yes very, success comes for different people in different ways but there is one thing that those who struggle to manifest their dreams do not know, while a select few seem to have their every desire on demand and he reveals this method in this video. So whether you are struggling with the Law of Attraction or just want to learn more a about the Joe Vitale Secret Mirror technique, watch the video it costs you nothing but a bit of time.


  • National Vision Board Day

    National Vision Board DayJanuary 9 2016 is National Vision Board Day the date changes every year as it is observed on the second Saturday of January. This day is meant for having a vision board party and it began in 2010, if this is late notice for you to gather your friends for a party not to worry, you can still celebrate this day and plan a get together another day this year as well as next years designated day.

    What is A Vision Board?

    A vision board is a board where you put pictures, words, quotes and so on of things you desire to happen in your life. Some people refer to these as Law of Attraction boards because what you place on them are all the events, people, circumstances and so on that you want to attract into your life. Now whether you subscribe to the Law of Attraction or not you can still create a board because by seeing all the positive things you want in life on a daily basis can only bring about good things.

    How to Celebrate National Vision Board Day

    It is still not too late to plan an evening party with friends to create boards together however if you’re not up to last minute plans here are some ways on how to celebrate this day on your own:

    1. Go out an gather your Vision Board supplies that are needed:
    • Poster board or better yet a very pretty bulletin board just make sure it is durable
    • Next create a list of all the things you want on your board meaning anything you want in your life such as happiness, better health, a vacation, new car, and so on.
    • Magazines, newspapers, images and so on that you can place on your board
    1. How to Structure your vision board:

    While there is really no wrong way to create a board this is the way that seems to most effective:

    In the center of the board is a circle that holds either a photo of the person creating the board or whatever is most important to you? Put the different words and images into groups with the same theme. For example, put things related to job or career in one area of the board. First place the images and then place all the quotes, words and phrases, some people use one word while others use full sentences, don’t overthink it just do whatever feels right to you.

    If you have put off creating that board National Vision Board Day is a great time to start. By creating a board and you begin to see it day after day you begin to you visualize. From there your subconscious mind has concrete picture to your desires and that enables you to subconsciously go that direction and create the life that you desire. As time goes on, you are going to want to change your vision board because you will have attracted what you want from certain areas of the board or you may have attracted something that you wanted only to learn that you do not really want it so those items should be removed.

    Whether you have a vision board party or do it on your own start today so in you can begin to see your desire manifest!


    Mind Movies Vision Board







  • Living an Unsinkable Life

    Living an Unsinkable LifeThe Living an Unsinkable Life EBook by Sonia Ricotti is a gift you can add to your personal growth arsenal. This book have been revamped and is available for immediate download for a limited time. This is a life-changing gift and many call it the miracle blueprint.

    Sonia Ricotti is well known for her trainings, webinars and the Unsinkable program. Plus, she has helped many people create successful lives beyond what they ever thought possible.

    You may be thinking how can someone so successful help me change my life?

    Well, Sonia is no stranger to life issues. At one point in her life she was hit with everything you can imagine from health to finances and more.

    She took what was handed to her and turned it all around and today she is more successful than ever.

    No matter what you may personally be going through the nuggets that she shares will inspire you. Also, it gives you some information on how to overcome life obstacles.

    Get It Here

    Living an Unsinkable Life

    Within this book you will learn quite a bit of information that will allow you to see your situation differently. Plus, tips from Sonia on how you can come back from whatever you are facing. Some of the things she shares are:

    • How you can retrain and reprogram your brain not just for success but for peace, inner harmony, and peace.
    • She will share with you the very popular and effective Sonia Ricotti Blueprint. This blueprint will guide you to creating and manifest your dream life
    • How to address the main critical thing to increase your success this in and in all the years to come
    • How to really manifest miracles in your life quickly and easily
    • Plus much more

    This eBook is the precursor to the Sonia Ricotti webinar .The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down. After you download the book you will also be eligible to attend the free webinar.

    During this webcast she will expand upon what you learn in the book. With the eBook and the webinar you will have gain powerful insights to change your life.

    To get your free copy of Living an Unsinkable Life to turn your life Around FAST and achieve your wildest dreams you can access it here.