Category: Inspirational

  • Your Higher Power

    your higher power

    Whatever or whomever your higher power may be it must be remembered that it is your greatest strength.  People may try to sway you one way or another on what or whom should be your higher power, but you should still maintain your own belief.

    By staying strong with your higher power you will draw a great number of benefits.  It is your strength, your will, and your path to all your desires.  If one has confusion of what or who their higher power is, then that life of confusion may deliver great mishaps and lead to an attitude of loss.

    Trying to find your higher power amongst your confusion can be a difficult task but can be accomplished.  Your higher power is what feels right to you, it is not what others tell you is right.  It is deep within you and is an inner knowing of what your true beliefs are.  If you are judged by your beliefs by others, then those people should not be in your life experience.   If you feel the need to judge others then it may be that you have not found your true higher power.

    A belief in a higher power is not to be forced upon others but offered if asked.  Individuality in beliefs and lifestyles is imperative for inner peace and harmony.  In most cases, if you are surrounded by negativity or feel the need to spread it, a higher power of peace has not been found.

    If you are solid in your belief in you higher power what are the benefits?  The tapping into its strength and having peace of mind would be most likely.  If one has difficulty with tapping into their higher power there are a few techniques one can use.

    –         Lie down with your eyes closed and ask your higher power for peace, strength or whatever you may need.  Feel the power radiating through your body.  If you do not feel it right away, wait, it will come.

    –         If there is literature about or from your higher power, read it in a place of silence.  Absorb it and don’t stop reading until you understand each word and feel a sense of calm

    –         Listen to motivational cd’s or tapes at home or while driving.  Motivation from what you consider to be you higher power will start and end every day right.

    Finding and drawing from your higher power will put your life back on track quicker then you could ever imagine.  Your belief in your higher power and ability to draw upon it will cause miracles to happen very quickly in your life experience.

    These are just a few tips and I would love to hear more, so if you have any feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

  • Upstream and Downstream Thoughts

    upstream thoughts and downstream thoughts

    One of my favorite discs from Abraham-Hicks is a disc that is accompanied by their book entitled “The Astonishing Power of Emotions” This disk is an excerpt from a Hicks seminar and the explanation and analogy of the information was greatly beneficial to me.

    The disc and well as the book discuss life a stream. The concept is that you go with the flow of the stream whether you like it or not. If the stream is flowing you have no option but to follow the stream.

    The Hicks use the analogy of the stream as life. They explain that when you are with the flow of positive emotions you are going downstream. When you are with the flow of negative thoughts you are going upstream.

    When people are in an actual stream, they would never think of paddling against the current. The Hicks explain that life and emotions are that way as well. When you are feeling bad you are having upstream thoughts. You have deliberately turned your boat upstream and started paddling against the current. When you are having downstream thoughts you feel good and you have allowed the current of the stream to take you to your next destination and you are okay with that.

    A great technique that I have used when I desire something or if I want to feel better is to actually visualize the stream in my mind. Imagine you are in a boat or canoe and see the things to want floating towards you. This use of visual imagery really does release resistance and promote a more positive thinking pattern.

    The Hicks explain that if you just go with the flow of the stream it will take you to what you want. They go on to say that using this analogy is a great way to gauge where you are on the emotional scale. It is easy to know where you are in regards to your desires. If you are feeling bad you are going upstream and away from what you want. If you are feeling good you are going downstream and floating towards you desires.

    Below is a brief video entitled: Abraham On The Stream

  • Near Death Experiences and Source Energy

    While reading a book entitled “Life After Life” by Dr. Raymond A. Moody Jr. I came across a passage that was so enlightening I just had to share it.

    There is much talk when speaking of the Law of Attraction about Source Energy. How we are all source energy and because of that we can ask for what we want and allow it to be given. When I came across this quote from an individual who had a near death experience I thought it related very well. The man explained what it was like when he while near death like this:

    “Things that are not possible now, are then. Your mind is so clear. It’s so nice. My mind just took everything down and worked everything out for me the first time, without having to go through it more than once. After a while everything I was experiencing got to where it meant something to me in some way.”

    This quote amazed me, it is read so much in many of the different Law of Attraction books out there that you only need to ask once and believe that it will come to you.

    In this quote, the man shows that by saying that his mind just worked everything out. He did not have to go over it and over it for it to be clear.

    In many of the Abraham-Hicks books, Abraham speaks of how we, as humans, have the need to go through things that have happened over and over. This passage from the man that almost died shows clearly that when you let your physical body go, things become clear.

    This is a good lesson for anyone who wants to experience full fulfillment now. Knowing that many have had accounts such as this man did near death, teaches us to let go and allow.

    This near death experience of this man shows how wonderful it is to let go. There is really no reason why we with our conscious mind cannot make the decision to let go and allow. If we decide something once, and let the rest work itself out. Imagine how much happier we could be.

  • Inspired Action vs. Hard Work

    Many have the belief that hard work will get you anywhere you want to be. I am not challenging that belief for it is usually true, if you do work “hard” enough you will more then likely get to where you want to be.

    However, the Law of Attraction states that if you ask it shall be given. From this, people concur that all they have to do is want something enough, allow it in and then it is there. Clarification is needed in this area as well. Although it is true that if you ask it shall be given, there is an element of effort that is needed.

    The element is called inspired action, which to some would still be termed work. However, inspired action is something you want to do. You feel good when you are inspired to do something. The term work usually has a negative connotation to it therefore it does not fit with inspired action.

    When setting out to do something that you are inspired to do you feel harmony. You no longer feel stress and tension to get the job done.

    When people stress about work, they feel negative emotions about work, they are in a state of resistance. This state of resistance will hold back whatever they asked for. It may eventually show up but it may take quite some time until it gets to the individual.

    When you are inspired to take action, things that are asked for can arrive much more quickly. You have an idea to achieve or get what you want and you act on it. You feel good when you are taking this action, it brings you joy. Then by this type of action, what you originally wanted manifests itself very quickly.

    To truly get what you are asking for, it must be understood that action is required to get it in many cases. The action however does not need to be painful or negatively charged. If an individual asks, then is inspired to take action, the true manifestation of that action will emerge. If the person asks, stresses and tries very hard with a negative attitude, what you want may show up or might not at all.

  • Abraham-Hicks Setting Your Vibrational Tone

    As some of you may have noticed some of my post were deleted due to a host issue.  Therefore I am posting this Abraham-Hicks video again because I believe it is so powerful.  I am sorry for the repost but for those of you who may have missed it , watch it, and for those of you have seen it enjoy it again!