Category: Inspirational

  • The Power of Now Review

    I must be on a review kick, but Echkart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now” was such a great personal development read that I could not go without putting out a review.

    “The Power of Now a Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle really drives home the fact that life can be a misery when you are focused too much on the past and/or the future. Tolle discusses how this type of focus takes away from the only moment that truly “is” and that moment is now.

    There are ten main chapters in Tolle’s book and they are as follows:

    You Are Not Your Mind
    Consciousness: The Way Out Of Pain
    Moving Deeply Into The Now
    Mind Strategies For Avoiding The Now
    The State Of Presence
    The Inner Body
    Portals Into The Unmanifested
    Enlightened Relationships
    Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
    The Meaning Of Surrender

    Each chapter offers profound insight into coming into the now, how we avoid it, and how to stay there. The basic premise of the book is that now is the only real time there is. All anxiety, worry, etc. comes from thoughts that are past and present.

    In the book, it talks about how the human mind spends much of its time in the past or present and most often neglects the future. Tolle offers great knowledge in how to deal with the issue of not being in the now and, if practiced, I believe being in the now may relieve much stress for many.

    This book can be read through in one sitting but is definitely one that you will want to refer to again and again. Perhaps even read two to three more times. I would highly recommend “The Power of Now” to anyone looking to improve, expand, or enhance their life.

  • Living in the Now

    I have not written here for awhile and felt compelled to write this post because of the reason I have not blogged here lately. I have been very sick and realized even more then I did before how important your time is and where your mind should be.

    During my illness, I read Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” and it could not have come at a better time. While sick I realized how important each second is because you may not see the next. I say that not to sound grim but just the reality of we never know when our time will come.

    Living in the now, is not an easy process, at least not for me. In Tolle’s book, he describes living in the now as somewhat easy to achieve but I have been having problems doing so. We are so busy thinking about the future and past that, often, we miss the precious now. I will put this idea in relation to my recent illness.

    While being sick (which I still am a bit) I found it hard not to think about if I would get better. It was from fear that I could not live in the now. The fear of not knowing what was going to happen to me or if I would get better.

    I was also stuck in past thoughts, such as remembering my hospitalization and knowing I did not want to return there. Fear in itself kept me paralyzed from enjoying the moments I had now.

    If you take a good look at what you are thinking about most of the day, it will usually include either past or present thoughts. The now is perfect as Tolle describes and the brief glimpses I get when I realize the now it is so very true.

    Some people may have an easier time than others connecting with the now but for me it takes practice and at times monitoring my thoughts. I fully recommend reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and welcome any advice from the reader’s how well they have been able to stay present in the now.


    By Nick Ralls

    I see love everywhere… I know that there is nowhere where love is not…and I know that I need to keep my heart open even when it can be tempting to close it. Each time the door to my heart has been closed, love has been knocking strongly so that it opens again.

    LOVE is everywhere.

    And so love does not pass us by.

    Therefore, love is not missing from this life and not that life.

    And love always enters our life… and love also always comes back to us when we feel it has left or is missing.

    In other words, it is absolute truth and not rocket science to understand that love is always present in our life.

    It is just that sometimes we are so fixated with feelings of isolation, disconnection, hurt, sorrow and fear that we do not grasp the love that is in our reach.

    It is a sort of blindness.

    We just do not see what so often is right under our nose.

    Love is the glue that holds together the universe… it is the meaning of life and the reason why planet earth came into existence in the first place.

    All other reasons, scientific, rational or irrational, are illusions created by the ego mind which drags us all screaming and kicking into a veritable hell of disunity and loneliness.

    So is there anywhere where love is not?

    Of course not.

    It is only deluded and fearful thinking that ever tries to deny that love is not pivotal to our experience and our way of living.

    Whenever our mind, through hurt, resentment, anger or a feeling of being rejected or misunderstood, breaks from the connection with all that is, was and ever will be, love is still not far away.

    It will become our saviour.

    It will become our healer

    It will become our reason to carry on down our own yellow brick road which will return us to that place from where we came… and which we might know clearly, perhaps for the first time.

    When we close our hearts, we might feel that we are shutting love out for fear of being hurt again or hurt again and again but love is struggling and pushing to re enter our lives.

    You never keep love down.

    You can never really push love away.

    It is like a boomerang.. each time you throw it it will be wanting and willing to return to your hands.

    And it does.

    So whenever we feel that we are not loved, unpopular, will never find a soul mate, will always be alone, will always be at the end of meaningless or unfulfilled relationships we need to work out what are the patterns of our past that are causing us this mental obstruction.

    Of course, we are not excluded from love.

    Of course, love will not escape us when it does not escape others.

    And of course we all deserve love and if we think we are not good enough for love then this is again a product of our bad conditioning and the sort of beliefs we still carry around us.

    Each of us has our own love story.

    Sometimes, we are just not in it.

    We need to start seeing love everywhere… we can see it in ourselves… we can see it in others through their acts of kindness and compassion… we can see it in nature.. we can see it in beauty all around us… we can see it in smiles.. we can see it in our conversations… in our connections.. and in those around us who are just crying out for us to make contact or make communication in their lives.

    Sometimes we are just so transfixed on the door that has closed… the heart that has been shut off or hearts even… that we do not see those who are reaching out to us, those who want us so much and those who are opening their doors and inviting us in.

    We cannot open another’s heart… either to the world or to ourselves.

    But we can open our own heart and let in loving people, loving experiences and take loving choices.

    What happens when we knock on the door of love?

    Yes, love answers us! It always does.

    So dear and beautiful friend… do open your heart and share what is going on for you on this subject or any subject

  • Never Judge Someone

    I don’t know if the story is true, but the true meaning sure is……………this is beautiful…………keep it going……….

    Never judge someone…

    ‘Some people!’ snorted a man standing behind me in the long line at the grocery store. ‘You would think the manager would pay attention and open another line, ‘said a woman.

    I looked to the front of the line to see what the hold up was and saw a well dressed, young woman, trying to get the machine to accept her credit card. No matter how many times she swiped it, the machine kept rejecting it.

    ‘It’s one of them welfare card things. Damn people need to get a job like everyone else,’ said the man standing behind me.

    The young woman turned around to see who had made the comment.

    It was me,’ he said, pointing to himself.

    The young lady’s face began to change expression. Almost in tears, she dropped the welfare card onto the counter and quickly walked out of the store. Everyone in the checkout line watched as she began running to her car. Never looking back, she got in and drove way.

    After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use food stamps; I had learned never to judge anyone, without knowing the circumstances of their life. This turned out to be the case today.

    Several minutes later a young man walked into the store. He went up to the cashier and asked if she had seen the woman. After describing her, the cashier told him that she had run out of the store, got into her car, and drove away.

    ‘Why would she do that?’ asked the man. Everyone in the line looked around at the fellow who had made the statement. ‘I made a stupid comment about the welfare card she was using. Something I shouldn’t have said. I’m sorry,’ said the man.

    ‘Well, that’s bad, real bad, in fact. Her brother was killed in Afghanistan two years ago. He had three young children and she has taken on that responsibility. She’s twenty years old, single, and now has three children to support,’ he said in a very firm voice.

    ‘I’m really truly sorry. I didn’t know,’ he replied, Shaking both his hands about.

    The young man asked, ‘Are these paid for?’ pointing to the shopping cart full of groceries..

    ‘It wouldn’t take her card’ the clerk told him.

    ‘Do you know where she lives?’ asked the man who had made the comment.

    ‘Yes, she goes to our church.’

    ‘Excuse me,’ he said as he made his way to the front of the line. He pulled out his wallet, took out his credit card and told the cashier, ‘Please use my card. PLEASE!’ The clerk took his credit card and began to ring up the young woman’s groceries.

    Hold on,’ said the gentleman. He walked back to his shopping cart and began loading his own groceries onto the belt to be included. ‘Come on people. We got three kids to help raise!’ he told everyone in line.

    Everyone began to place their groceries onto the fast moving belt. A few customers began bagging the food and placing it into separate carts.. ‘Go back and get two big turkeys,’ yelled a heavyset woman, as she looked at the man.

    ‘NO,’ yelled the man. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The entire store became quiet for several seconds. ‘Four turkeys,’ yelled the man. Everyone began laughing and went back to work.

    When all was said and done, the man paid a total of $1,646.57 for the groceries. He then walked over to the side, pulled out his check book, and began writing a check using the bags of dog food piled near the front of the store for a writing surface. He
    Turned around and handed the check to the young man. ‘She will need a freezer and a few other things as well,’ he told the man.

    The young man looked at the check and said, ‘This is really very generous of you.’

    ‘No, ‘ said the man. ‘Her brother was the generous one.’

    Everyone in the store had been observing the odd commotion and began to clap. And I drove home that day feeling very American.

    We live in the Land of the free, because of the Brave!!

    Remember our Troops of Yesterday and Today!!!

    A great example of why we should be kind and patient. Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.

    May God’s many blessings continue to be with you – ALWAYS!!!



  • 20 Ways To Make Someone Smile


    I received this via email, another one worth sharing and remembering!

    Do you want to put a smile on someone’s face today? Maybe make their day a little better. It won’t cost you a single penny or much time to do just that. And because smiling is contagious, it probably won’t just be one person you make smile today.

    Here are 20 ways to turn that frown upside down.

    1.  Send some flowers to your partner at work.
    2.  Compliment a friend or work colleague on their appearance.
    3.  Donate something to charity.
    4.  Take a friend out to lunch.
    5.  Let someone know you miss them.
    6.  Make a surprise telephone call to your partner at work, just to say hi.
    7.  Hold a door open for someone walking behind you.
    8.  Hug your partner for no reason.
    9.  Leave a joke on a friends answer machine.
    10. Send a card to a friend letting them know what a good friend they are.
    11. Give up your seat on the train to someone when there aren’t any left.
    12. Share your umbrella on a rainy day.
    13. Ask a friend if they need anything while you’re out shopping.
    14. When it’s raining, plan an indoor picnic with your children.
    15. Leave a love letter somewhere where your partner will find it.
    16. Send someone an unusual and unexpected gift like chocolate, flowers or sex toys.
    17. Tell your child you’re proud of them.
    18. Tell someone you thought about them the other day.
    19. Cook a surprise meal for your partner one night, especially if they normally do the cooking.
    20. Tell your partner you love them.

    Did you know it takes only 17 muscles to smile, but 43 to frown. Why waste all that energy frowning when you could just smile.

    Here are 5 more facts about smiling.

    1. Women smile more than men.
    2. Smiling releases endorphins that make us feel better.
    3. We are all born with the ability to smile, it’s not something we learn from others.
    4. A smile is a universal expression of happiness.
    5. A smiling person is thought to be a more pleasant, attractive, sociable, sincere and competent than a non-smiling person.

    Just remember, smiling is the easiest and cheapest way of improving your looks.