Category: EFT

  • Annual Tapping World Summit

    annual tapping world summitThe Annual Tapping World Summit is here. We promote this Nick Ortner Tapping Solution event every year.  In the review below we explain what and what you can expect from the event.

    This Summit covers the Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT.  EFT is a process of tapping on meridian points for any issue you desire. From anxiety to health conditions we have found the EFT is very effective.

    The Tapping Solution and Nick Ortner have been sharing this modality with the world for years through books and events like this.  This event only comes once a year so if you have any desires in life or want to change things this is one online event we cover that you will want to attend.


    World Tapping Summit

    This event goes for 10 days, it is free to attend, and is pure content.  You will not be attending this event and finding a bunch of sales pitches.  However, you do have the option to own this year’s recordings if you choose to do so.

    In preparation for the summit there is a series of videos available.  The first is with Nick Ortner where he answers the question what is EFT Tapping. He also walks you through the entire process.  This video alone will show you how effective this process is.

    The next video is Louise Hay Tapping and Affirmations for your “Inner Work”.  In this video Nick interviews her and she explains why she believes the tapping technique is so important and how to combine affirmations, along with Tapping, to maximize your results.

    The third has Jessica Ortner Tapping Meditations.  She guides you through three calming processes.


    Annual Tapping World Summit Schedule

    Each day for 10 days you get access to a virtual room.  This room contains different presentations where you get to learn about EFT from experts and get to tap along with them.

    This year some of the speakers include Kris Carr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, and many more. Here is a bit of the Tapping Summit 2017 Schedule:

    • The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self
    • Tapping Into Body Confidence: The Key to Unlocking Your Weight Loss Struggle
    • Open Up to Your Own Magnificence: The Secrets to Feeling Strong and Confident
    • The Abundance Code: How to Create Financial and Emotional Freedom
    • Money Issues: Tapping to Overcome and Prevent Financial Strain in Your Relationship
    • Making Peace with The Past: From Resentment and Regret, to Forgiveness and Freedom
    • Breaking Free From Any Physical Pain, One Tap at a Time
    • Mind-Body Medicine: Tapping to Overcome an Autoimmune Disorder
    • From Diagnosis to Hope: Releasing the Tension and Stress of a Health Challenge
    • Learning to Navigate Life’s Disappointments: Tapping to Get Unstuck and Take Back Your Enthusiasm
    • The Power at Your Fingertips: Tapping for a Restful Night’s Sleep

    There are more presentations and speakers during the 9th Annual Tapping world Summit we have just covered a few.  At the point of writing this there are a few videos as mentioned that you can have access to.  Once you watch the first you will be able to watch the rest and be notified about the date and time of the summit.

  • Tapping World Summit

    tapping world summit The Nick Ortner Tapping World Summit begins soon and if you have never attended the event before it is a must. If you are unfamiliar with the technique is EFT, or tapping, this is just the event to learn about it. If you are aware  of this method you already know that the summit is always filled with wonderful speakers and information that can literally change your life quickly.

    Learn More Here

    This is the 12th annual event and over 500,000 people attended last year alone. If you have spent a lot of time in this self-improvement arena you know that there is a ton of “change your life” stuff out there.

    However Much of it is theoretical, processes and ideas that sound good, buy many times they do produce results for many people.Here at Desire and Belief we are about sharing the free that give results. One of the most powerful that delivers  tremendous results is EFT Tapping.

    Tapping World Summit

    This event is a full 10 days of life-altering presentations from a full panel of experts such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louis Hay, Kris Carr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, Jennifer McLean, Cheryl Richardson, Arielle Ford, Joe Vitale and many other. There are so many reasons you will want to attend this event and here are a few:

    • The EFT Tapping Summit is not just an event but an online experience. It is very different than those you may have attended before. You don’t go away with theories but actually practices that actually leave you feeling better right away.
    • You will leave behind stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.
    • You will not just hear about removing emotion blocks but you will actually cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.
    • After the even you will have left behind childhood traumas.
    • This event is 100% content so don’t expect any sales pitches during these presentations, because you won’t get any
    • There are 23 presentations, which you can listen to in their entirety, are 100% content only.
    • World Tapping Summit has proven track record of getting people results during the 10-days of the event.
    • You will learn techniques that has been scientifically proven to get results and is supported by the world’s leading personal development experts, medical doctors, and psychologists.
    • Plus much more

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by attending this event. You do have to Sign up for it and if you don’t like the event , just unsubscribe from the event. If you want to see what some of the experts in the fields  have to say about the Nick Ortner Tapping World Summit simply go to the main page here.

  • 7 Weeks To Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment

    The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner has a brand new webinar coming up entitled 7 Weeks To Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment.  For those not familiar with The Tapping Solution it involves EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. It has been endorsed by  Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer,  Jack Canfield, Arielle Ford, Dr. Joseph  Mercola, and many others.

    The Upcoming webinar is entirely free of charge and during it you will learn many things such as Tapping for abundance as well as many other areas of  life.  This powerful webinar will take you through a transformative process, where you will figure out exactly what is holding you back financially.

    To Register for the event you can go here or go to the video below and read a further review in the description.



  • Emotional Freedom Technique Book – The Tapping Solution By Nick Ortner

    tapping solutionNick Ortner’s new book that was just released this month called “The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary Approach to Stress-Free Living” has already been on the NY Times best-seller in its first two weeks and has been getting amazing praise (it has a 5-star rating on Amazon).

    You Can Get The Book Here

    I thought I would let all know that you can get launch bonuses when you purchase a copy of the book. I highly recommend getting a copy as it can and will improve your life.

    EFT Tapping or The Emotional Freedom Technique is extremely effective and recommended by experts like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Mark Hyman, Kris Carr, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and many, many others…

    The Tapping solution is the most in-depth book ever written on the subject, and it is only $15, which is very affordable.  It is also considered on of the Best Emotional Freedom Technique Books out there!

    There are two levels of bonuses on the page. You can get things like:

    1 – Access to a Live, Interactive, 4 Part teleclass with author Nick Ortner on “The Tapping Solution for
    Financial Success, Lasting Weight Loss, Fulfilling Relationships and Fast Pain Relief”

    2 – An audio recording of an almost 3 hour long keynote presentation by Dr. Wayne Dyer from a live event called “Wishes Fulfilled: Master the Art of Manifesting”.

    3 – An audio recording of a keynote presentation by Cheryl Richardson and Louise Hay from a live event called “Holding Steady in Times of Change”

    4 – A 4 part teleclass with EFT expert Carol Look called “Overcoming Patterns of Sabotage Once and
    For All.”

    To get the book or learn more simply got HERE


  • EFT Tapping – Free EFT Information

    I am very late on posting this one so my apologies, due to my lateness this is a last chance reminder that if you want to own the entire 13 videos in the series, which include over 8 hours of streaming or downloadable video with experts Nick Ortner, Kris Carr, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Carol Tuttle and Dawson Church, you need to make sure to take action right away.

    EFT Tapping also known as Emotional Freedom technique has been scientifically proven to change the brain, literally re-wiring it, to both eliminate unwanted negative traits, emotions and beliefs and enhance positive ones.

    Many wonder how do you get to have more of what you want and have more emotional fulfillment? The EFT technique was shown, in clinical tests, to reduce negative emotions like stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and FEAR!


    We often have a tendency to ignore our deepest fears. Which makes sense, of course, because why would we want to think or focus on something we fear? We’re innately programmed to avert these fears, ignore them, and push them down. The problem, however, is that when we do that they don’t go away or play less of a role in our lives. If anything, they play a bigger, and oftentimes more unconscious role.

    The good news is that you can finally do something about these fears. With EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique you can finally let them go and change your life in profound ways. Whether it’s a fear of public speaking, fear of heights or any other phobia, fear of standing out, fear of success, fear of failure…the list goes on and on.

    The Tapping World Summit starts in just 3 days which means that this is your last chance to register for this 100% free online event before it starts.  Last year 344,725 people attended this event without paying a dime and received unbelievable value.

    EFT Tapping is a one-of-a-kind technique that creates life-altering results for those who use it.