Category: Brain Training

  • Can You Have It All In Life

    Can You Have It All In LifeCan You have it all in life, in you have been in the personal growth study for some time this thought may have crossed your mind. When talking about reality, reality is what is held in each individuals mind, since each person’s reality is different than the answer to the question is yes you can have it all but we need to go a bit further on this.

    A perfect relationship, the ideal weight, excellent health and wealth are many things people want and they are in everyone’s reach. When we say that each person’s reality is based on their own beliefs there are a few exceptions so we want to clear those up to be proactive. You may not be able to travel to Pluto or stay underwater for 10 hours with no gear but if your desire it to create a life by design that is let us say physically possible then yes you really can have it all. This may seem a bit funny that we mentioned the above but if you read some of our comments you would understand.

    Can You Have It All In Life

    • Again the answer is yes, but that does not help anyone if they do not know how to have it all in life. Now if you have found this article more than likely you are lacking in some area or perhaps even all areas of your life. If this is the case there are a few things you can do:
    • Look at where your life is in all areas not just one, look at finances, relationships, your personal skills and emotional balance and so on
    • Note which areas are going well and which are not
    • Take note of what you think on a daily basis about the areas that are lack. What are your thoughts, what are you telling yourself?
    • Finally, look back briefly at where the thoughts and negative things you are saying to yourself came from. We say briefly because there is really no need to go back long, the present it what will create the future, but for some getting an idea of where their beliefs came from helps a great deal

    After you have done the above it is time to do a bit of thought and belief reconstruction there are slow ways to do this and quicker ways. For the purpose of this article we will cover the quicker ways that show you how to have it all in life. The quickest way is retraining your brain and one of our favorites are the Neurogym Programs which include Win the Game:

    • Money
    • Weight Loss
    • Fear
    • Having It All

    The first 3 programs come with a full free webinar to explain to you what and how you can have more money, lose weight, and eliminate fear. The Can you have it all in life is a free video series, you can attend all of these complimentary webinars and watch the videos or you can pick and choose to fit your needs. Now if you do not feel the above is what you want to improve or change in your life then you will want to attend the Brainathon 2016 which is also a free webinar offered by Neurogym. This event shows you how your thoughts and past experiences have put you where you are today and how you can change it.

    You can choose a webinar HERE

    You can Watch The Video Series HERE



  • Neurogym John Assaraf Reviews

    Neurogym John Assaraf ReviewsWhat kills us about people reading all the Neurogym John Assaraf reviews is that all of his products are for brain retraining. This is not like buying a microwave cooker or a toaster, brain training for success requires effort on the individual’s part. The great thing about it is that you do not need to put as much effort into it as you do with other programs such as weight loss, therapy, and so on. We have sifted through both the positive and negative input that people have left around the net and would like to address some of the issues.

    There are at this time 3 main Neurogym programs:

    • Win The Game of Money – Shatter Your Financial Glass Ceiling – Everything you think about money is guaranteed to change when you allow this program to uproot your current “money story” and replace it with a prosperous and powerful mindset of financial stability and freedom.
    • Weight Loss – Scientific Secrets for You to Lose the Weight You Hate – This is not a diet or an exercise program, it retrains your mind to release negative body-image beliefs and promote weight loss.
    • Increase Confidence – Believe in yourself – This program helps you turn that fear into fuel. So you can have unshakeable confidence in your abilities.

    Neurogym John Assaraf Reviews

    We have read many claim they did not work, others claim it did but not as much as they would like, and some loved the program they chose and noticed dramatic change. Here we will address the John Assaraf Scam complaints:

    • Each of these programs come with a free intro webinar, these webinars are quite lengthy and give you some great information about why you cannot lose weight, earn the income you desire or break free from your fears. After listening to each of these in full you will know if the program is for you or not, these free webcasts are reviews in themselves.
    • These are all programs that require time, not a lot of time a day but time none the less. For example with winning the Game of Fear you listen to a session for 30 to 40 minutes for 10 days and that is just the first of several different segments. Some reviewers said they listened for 2 weeks with no change, it is a 40 plus day program! You may not notice full change in just two weeks, we have said this before and we will say it again if you want to release your fears lose weight or make more money and choose modalities like brain training, hypnosis, etc you must dedicate the little amount of time a day to get the benefits.

    Neurogym Scam Alert?

    No these products are not a scam, it is human nature that People want things to change.  However many do not want to dedicate the time and people by nature want instant gratification. excuses are made such as “I do not have the time to listen” or “Nothing Else has worked” all of us have the time if we just miss that favorite TV program or skip the movie we were going to watch. Now there is a lot more we could say about the Neurogym John Assaraf reviews out there but we have tried them so we will bottom line it:

    If you want to change watch the free webinar, decide if you feel this modality is right for you, and then decide if you will honestly commit to at least one hour a day for a few months for permanent change. The programs work and they work well however If you will not do these things do not get the product. You can view all the programs here as well as learn about the complimentary webinars that are attached.


  • Winning The Game Of Fear – Week 1

    Winning The Game Of FearWe have already writing a Winning the Game of Fear Review which you can read however I am going through the program currently and wanted to keep you updated week by week. This is my first week and actually it is 10 days not 7 which I will explain more about that below but so far a quite enjoyable and relaxing experience. As many people I still have some unresolved fears so I thought the New Year would be a great time to start this and wanted to give you all an overview as well as my progress as the months go on.

    What does Winning the Game of fear consist of?

    While I cannot go into too much detail as I am only in the first round I will give you the best overview from what I know so far.

    The first session has a video and brain retraining for fear session, after you watch the video you move onto the session. You may watch the video again if you like and but you listen to the session for 10 days and that is just the first round. After the ten days you click a radio button and it unlocks the next section, currently I am on day 4 so I have 6 more days to go.

    Now I have gone through John Assaraf Brain training before and I must say I do love what I am experiencing. The first audio is a mix of him talking to you with music and special brain music designed to rewire your neural patterns. I have listened to frequency music before, some I like and some I have very bothered by and the music and tones with this session I am completely fine with.

    How does Brain Retraining Work and How does it Feel?

    As I am not an expert in this field (yet) John does explain it during his complimentary webinar but I can tell you how it feels. You put on headphones and get comfortable but unlike other methods of rewiring the mind and thoughts you pay attention to what is being said. As John Assaraf speaks you there are background tones that at first I was worried about but it is really quite relaxing.

    After the session is finished I felt refreshed and more confident in fact I actually would not recommend listening to it a night because I was pretty awake. I understand why you need to listen to the session for ten days, not only because it takes time to rewire old thinking habits, but because you may not be listening because you are so relaxed. The second time I went through the session I remembered bits and pieces of what John had said and by the 4th time I had a remembered much more.

    Now I already have recommended this product and the free Winning the game of Fear webcast he gives which shares with you how brain training works and this is because I know Johns work. However I do realize that many people like to hear someone’s actual experience, it just makes them more comfortable so I am covering my experience, if you have questions about the first round please do leave a comment below and I will do my best to answer them.

  • Brainwave Entrainment What Is It?

    what is brainwave entrainmentThis short what is brainwave entrainment overview was prompted by a few messages we received about a past post we wrote entitled Zen12 meditation review. Some wanted to know what exactly what this was as well a few other questions. In this article we will cover what it is, the science behind it and how you can benefit from it.

    What is Brainwave Entrainment?

    Brainwave entrainment is a method to guide you into a specific state of mind using sounds, lights, and an electrical activity. It is an area of science that has been studied for years and is also known as neural entrainment. To make it quite easy to understand in regards to using an mp3 or audio it is like copying a file, the audio has the frequencies of a certain state such as Delta or beta and by listening to an audio your mind copies that state. Right now, you’re alert and conscious, and so you’re most likely operating in the beta range when you’re asleep at night, you’re in the delta range. An example of coping would be in the article we wrote about zen12, their free download contains frequencies of deep meditation and by gaining access to it you can experience those to help guide you into a deeper state. Now there is much more science to this area which you are free to research on your own but we will not cover all of it as we are not scientists.

    Does Brainwave Entrainment Work

    While people still debate over the effectiveness of it we still have to say yes it does. You can go ahead and read through all the differing opinions but the best answer to this question it to really try it yourself. When you do give it a full month and you will see just as we did that the long term benefits of less stress, better health, more balance, and more.

    Brainwave Entrainment for meditation

    We can only speak for the ones we have tried and of course they are all different. In this case we will stick with the one that prompted this article which is the Zen12 meditation free download. This is a 12 minute meditation mp3 that contains the frequencies required to reach a deep state of meditation so instead of taking 45-60 minutes a day you can gain the benefits in a much quicker time. Now we are not saying that meditating for an hour is unnecessary but for those who have trouble with calling the mind and body this is a great option. Not only that but you also get to try it and answer the question of what is  brainwave entrainment for yourself and noting the benefits you gain.

    In the future we will create a full list of all the different audios that we have tried and reviewed so make sure to check back with us.

  • Money New Year’s Resolutions

    Money New Year’s ResolutionsMoney New Year’s Resolutions are one of the top goals people make along with losing weight. Some want to make more; others want to save more, and so on. Before you go making those 2016 resolutions, take a moment and thing about why you are not where you want to be financially. Do you know the reason? Are there a bunch of “I needs” or “there is not enough” thoughts going through your mind? If so you may want to remedy those before you make all the plans to accomplish your financial goals.

    If you make a list of all the monetary goals you want to accomplish in 2016 but are unsure of how to reach that goal you are not alone. Many people desire to increase their income or have more financial stability each year only to have the end of the year come around and they are in the same place they were in January. When this happens it leaves people feeling as if there is no hope, no way, or it is completely impossible to accomplish their goals whether it is money or anything else. There is some good news to this that may make all of your 2016 money making ideas and desires manifest and that is discovering why you lacking abundance.

    Tired of Reading? Attend Here

    Money New Year’s Resolutions Tips for Success

    There is a complimentary webinar that will show you that no matter how lofty your monetary goals are they can be accomplished. This is not a money making plan or a savings course, it is insight into how your brain works and how this is holding you back from the monetary lifestyle you desires. It is all about retraining your brain for money and is entitled Brain-a-thon with John Assaraf. This online virtual event as mentioned is free of charge and during it you will learn that Earning more income is totally an inside mental game and not an outside game. During the event you will learn why more hard work is not the answer to making more even though that is what you have been taught. It is true that work is required but not the putting in extra hours or burning the midnight oil ideas you may have.

    John Assaraf The Secret cast member has gathered a panel of the world’s top neuroscientists and brain experts to help you shatter your financial glass ceiling. This event will show you if you have any self-doubt, hidden fears or uncertainty, or even old limiting patterns, beliefs or habits, you’ll sabotage your financial success.   When you learn this you will also learn the remedy that requires applying the right brain-training methodologies and technologies which allow you to replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck. Now this webcast is long but after attending you will learn that your Money New Year’s resolutions can be accomplished but in a much different way than you were planning on.

    What is also wonderful about this event is that is can apply to so much more that money so no matter what your new year’s 2016 resolutions are you can apply what you learn during this training to them all.


  • John Assaraf Brainathon 2015

    john assaraf brainathon 2015 1

    If you are tired of sifting through all of the Winning the Game of Money reviews, here is some great news. Coming up is the John Assaraf Brainathon 2015 , this is quite a lengthy event around 7 hours but by attending it you can get a full overview of what his brain training program is all about. Many may not want to dedicate that amount of time to learn about it, so below is a review of the Brain-a-Thon live event so you can prepare for it.

    Your brain is a very complex part of the body however we use it recklessly mostly because we do not know how it works and how to make it work optimally.   Every second billions of pieces of information from the outside world are being picked up through your eyes and your non-conscious mind and if you don’t know to process and use that information correctly it can cause damage to your life and finances. This is where the John Assaraf webinar comes in, he has gather 5 experts in the area of the brain, and from field of neuroscience to neuropsychology these experts will explain how to properly manage your mind to manage your wealth.

    When it comes to Winning The Game Of Money reviews you will find different opinions and many times they are for good reason. Individuals who take advantage of John Assaraf products may not have attended the webinar or stayed for the entire duration, or may not have put into practice what is taught in the course. There are many more positive overviews than negative but here is the key to deciding for yourself, if you cannot make it through the ENTIRE webinar than you more than likely will treat the brain training system just the same with half the effort. The experts in attendance will share vital information on the brain and money, as well as much more, here is a bit of whom they are and what they will be covering.

    Dr. Daniel Amen Change your Brain Change your life author will be speaking on what he knows best which is  Change Your Brain, Change Your Income. Sharon Pearson life coach titled segment is From Suicide to $10 Million a Year. Dr. David Kruger will explain and teach you How to Change your Money Story. Dr. Heidi Hanna will teach you how to Eliminate Stress and Worries about Money. Mark Waldman Neuro wisdom will cover how to unshackle the Chains of Your Past: letting go of past failures, traumas or events that are keeping you stuck. Finally Dr. Srini Pillay Harvard Professor will touch on the brain, money, and more. All of this along with John Assaraf will give you a solid foundation of what brain training is and how it can benefit your life and abundance.

    The Brain-a-thon event is extraordinary and if there is one person to hold such an event it is John Assaraf. John understands the mindset, values, and beliefs of the rich, and how one can adapt that in their own lives. You will also during the webinar learn about the winning the game of money 9 level brain re-training system which is another huge reason to attend and for the entire time. By learning what these experts teach and learning about the system, you can make an educated decision the course.

    To attend the John Assaraf Brainathon 2015 event so you can stop reading all the Winning the game of money reviews you can go HERE.