Category: Brain Training

  • Raikov Effect Review -Does it Work

    raikov effect reviewThe Raikov Effect Review includes information about the product and tells you if the Raikov Effect really works to increase your own natural genius levels. This overview covers what the product is, where it comes from, and answers the question does it really work.

    When covering this brain retraining products we always note that everyone is different.  While most mind enhancing products do work for many there are always a select few that it does not.  This many times comes from improper use of the program.


    If you are considering trying the Raikov Effect make sure you use it as directed. Many people get excited, purchase a product use it a few times and do not see the results they desire. With any retrain your brain programs you must be willing to put in the time to change.

    Think of it this way, you were note born with the fear of heights, you learned it.  For that reason, it will take time to unlearn it and download new information into you brain.

    Who is Vladimir Raikov?

    Dr. Vladimir Raikov was a Russian neuropsychologist, during his experiments with his students he saw a repeating pattern.  This patterned when triggered would change people into more intelligent, in fact, highly intelligent individuals.

    Raikov’s technique involved putting his students into hypnotic trance.  They taken back to when they were younger where learning is prime.  They then would be guided into associating with someone to become good at music  or mastering an instrument.

    Deep Trance Identification

    Dr. Raikov’s Method was called deep trance identification.  This used hypnosis as a learning process by having the subject would experience the world of another. For example, the subject could actually mode the behaviors, beliefs, and so on of anyone.

    While some consider deep trance identification as a new hypnotic process, others have used this method, with great results.

    The Raikov Effect Review

    With above being said now onto the review. The Raikov Effect is a way to simulate this process from your own home. The company has created a way for an individual to use an MP3 to install beliefs, attitudes, and skills of what they desire.

    The actual site has a plethora of choices when it comes to the MP3s.  you can choose greater confidence, self-mastery, deep thinking, and many, many more. You choose the one you want and just follow along with the program.

    The program is designed to increase or install in you the patterns you want in any specific area of your life.

    Does it Really Work?

    When you use this properly you can install new beliefs, behaviors, skills and abilities.  The key is to use it as the program suggests.  You cannot expect the changes to occur without repetition. Just as you learned to be anxious, unmotivated, etc. you can learn to be the opposite.

    The company gives you a full year to try the product so if you use it properly you should see some dramatic results.  Although the Raikov Effect review gives you the basis of the program, the proof is in the change you see.  You can learn more by watching this video and gaining access to a further review.


  • Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter Kit

    Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter KitThe Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter kit is available for download. Andy does this at no charge because of the great success of his work.  He also understands that many are skeptical and rightly so. There are so many “change your thoughts” books, programs and tools, it is easy to become a little leery.

    If you don’t know Andy he is the creator of this program as well as the Saltori Structured thinking system.  Both of these share information you may have heard before but in an entirely new way. This is one of his specialties. He takes knowledge and explains it in a way you can actually get it to work.

    Andy offers a few kits all of which you can get at no charge.  In this short review we will cover the newest kit as well as additional training.

    Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter Kit

    As mentioned there are a few no cost downloads he offers.  The newest is the Bug Free Mind Mental Strength kit.

    It is a 6 part kit where any breaks down how to unlock mental strength hidden within your mind.  Again this information, at least some of it has been things you may have heard of before. The way he explains it however is much different and direct.

    It shows you how you can improve not just one area of your life at a time, but if increase your mental strength and thereby improve all areas.

    Your mindset is what he explains in this kit and how to get the most out of all his free Mental Strength training.

    Why get the Mental Strength Fast Start Kit?

    First off it is free training and if you are looking for a shift in life this kit is a must.  If you are looking to have an easier journey through life, or excel in any area of life then what he will teach you about how to use your mind will blow you away.

    Secondly, one thing you will come to understand is that whenever you’ve improved anything in any area of your life It is because  you have worked on your mindset in that area. In other words you increased your focus, and you improved your results.

    This download shows you how to can do that without letting any of the other areas of your life suffer. You will also discover how to:

    • effortlessly increase your mental strength How to make life easier
    • achieve more with less effort
    • Discover the secrets to your minds hidden power
    • Become Mentally Strong in your weakest area of life.
    • get everything you ever wanted from life
    • Plus more

    The Andy Shaw Bug Free Mind Starter Kit and all his trainings are well worthwhile.  From being able to shift your focus to increasing your balance in life this structured thinking system works. It is a wealth of information that easy to understand and easy to apply.  Along with this kit you will learn about other Bug Free Mind trainings as well.

  • Subliminal 360 Review – Does It Work?

    Subliminal 360 Review This Subliminal 360 Review is from someone who actually has the software. This is an honest review where I will explain what it does, how it works, how it has worked for me, and yes it is a scam or not.

    I have known the benefits of subliminal messages for quite some time.  The training of the subconscious mind is a wonderful way to undo negative beliefs and habits.  Most of the time I have found Hypnosis and other methods beneficial, but I had the software and thought I would give it a shot.

    Skip my opinion and get the free test drive here

    Subliminal 360 Software

    The software is easy to install.  If you have ever installed any program before you will not have any problem.  After installation you get to see all the different messages available. There are a lot!  From overcoming hypochondria to developing a success mindset you will find one to fit your needs. Plus you have the option to create your own messages for your personal desires.

    You can pick up to 5 different messages that flash in random order. So if you want to lose weight you can pick that message, along with reduce stress, etc. I loved this because my subconscious mind was being reprogrammed on different issues at one time.

    Although I had read someones Subliminal 360 Review Before installing the software I was still a bit concerned.  I did not want any additional programs to slow down my system.  To my surprise it did not slow it down or make my browsing any slower.  Overall I would rate the software a 10 with it being easy to install, use, and not disrupting what you are doing.

    Does Subliminal 360 Work or Is it a Scam?

    Overall I say a great big yes, here’s why.  I knew going into it that subliminal messages do work quickly but that does not mean overnight.  I was prepared to see results in 3 to 6 months. My thought was it took years to create the bad habits so why would it not take at least a little time to undo them.

    Again I was pleasantly surprised. I started to notice small differences in about 7 days.  I was a bit more organized and much more relaxed.  Within the weeks to come I noticed even more changes.

    One of the sessions I picked had to do with fear. Within the first week I noticed I was more confident. Within the first month I noticed my normal anxieties of certain situations were much less and some non-existent.

    Subliminal 360 Review

    With what I have experienced this is not a scam and I believe those who say it is are expecting overnight results or are not using it enough.  When you get the software use it daily and note your results on a weekly basis. When you set time aside to notice how your week went you will see that your behaviors have changed.

    In addition to this review I plan to make a video to show you a bit of how the software works.  In the meantime I hope this helps.  Feel free to use the contact form or comment below with questions. You can also grab the free subliminal message downloads offered and take a tour of the software yourself by going to the Inspire3 website.

  • Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf

    The Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf is an event where Assaraf an a panel of guest’s show you how to train your brain. The event is free of charge when you register, you’re also going to get a bonus pre-training from John.

    What do neuroscientists know about your finances? Surprisingly a lot. There’s a belief pattern that will ATTRACT wealth, and others that will repel it. If you’ve fallen victim to the 11 Money Mindset Myths, there’s a chance you may be repelling.


    Success means different things to different people. While some want wealth others want perfect health.  These techniques work for any area of your life no matter what your idea or desire for success is. Once you watch the video and sign up for the 5ht annual Brain a Thon you will be notified when the following videos are available:

    • A short video where Sharon Pearson reveals 3 Key Mindset Shifts that completely changed her. She was stuck in self-sabotage and when she used these mind shifts her life change drastically and for the better.
    • In the Dr. Daniel Friedland video you will learn one technique that reduces stress, anxiety and overwhelm in 10 seconds. You can better handle your emotions and what comes your way in life.
    • In the Dr. Srini Pillay video he will share a few simple and easy ways you can examine your own thought patterns, recognize what’s holding you back and reprogram your nonconscious mind to move you closer to success.

    All of the above are just in preparation for the 5th annual Brainathon.  If you have never attended this event in the past it is must.  The information and practical techniques you learn from this live webcast alone are gems.


    Who is the Brain-A-Thon Event For?

    Everyone really.  But if you:

    • Felt stressed and negative thoughts start to flood your mind and would like to be able to control your mental and emotional state whenever you start to feel that way
    • If you want to never had to worry about feelings of stress getting in the way of you achieving your dreams
    • activate more of your inner genius
    • If you truly believe you are capable of accomplishing your goals, but they have not happened yet

    If you can relate to any of the above then this is for you.

    Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf

    Along with John Assaraf there are many experts in the area brain science.  For this event they will each share with you how you can improve your entire life with brain retraining.

    Scientists are discovering new things every day and they work.  If you are a skeptic about these areas this life webcast is a great place to learn more.  Also, if you feel stuck, are not happy, or anything else you wish to change learning from these experts will empower you.

    Thanks to the latest brain science research, a small group of doctors have discovered a few powerful, evidence based techniques you can use to reduce, control and even eliminate stress anxiety, and overwhelm from your mind and body. Now you can learn how to as well at no charge.

    For more information or to attend the Neurogym Brain-A-Thon With John Assaraf you can go here.

  • Photoreading Whole Mind System

    photoreading whole mind systemThe Photoreading whole mind system is a way of mentally photographing printed materials. Paul R Scheele creator of this system and founder of Learning Strategies will be presenting how this works in an upcoming Mindvalley Masterclass.

    There are tons of things to do day to day that sometimes reading does not always fit into the schedule.  It is true that each day we read things but what about reading to develop more intelligence, or for relaxation?  What if there was a way that we could read 2 to 3 times faster without missing a thing and still gaining all the information.

    According to Paul Scheele there is a way and that is learning this technique. But exactly what is photoreading?  Developed by Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies Corporation it is a technique that allow you to read At 25,000 words a minute. Sounds impossible doesn’t it?  It is really not as out there as you may think.  We already know that you can retrain your brain and expand your intelligence.  With this method is allows you to double your learning speed.

    The PhotoReading Whole Mind System

    This course is based on the science of neuro-linguistic programming, neuroplasticity and the latest in accelerated learning technologies. It is taught in different ways by book, self-study course and seminars.  It uses the subconscious mind and not the conscious mind. This allows you to absorb much more information in a shorter period time

    Imagine the possibilities of being able to embrace a wealth of knowledge without taking up anymore of your not. Not only will your intelligence expand, but your ability to learn as well. Not to mention more time doing the things you love, because you are not spending the time reading.

    Now just because you are reading much faster does not mean it takes the enjoyment out of it. You are simply doing it in a different way.  In school we were taught a certain way and lost touch with this ability.  Photoreading is not just for the select few, with practice almost anyone can do it.

    Does PhotoReading Work?

    During the Mindvalley Academy training Paul Scheele will share with you things you can put into practice right away.  You can test his methods for yourself so you are going to want to have a book handy.

    He will explain why traditional learning actually harms us.  Holding us back from excelling in all areas of life from work to new skills.  Along with the two ways you can practice this technique you will also be guided through an exercise. Paul Scheele will take you through this easy process that allows you to double your reading speed.

    This is a complimentary event and again make sure you have a book handy when you attend the masterclass.  To learn more about the PhotoReading Whole Mind System you can go to this website.

  • Brainprints Subliminal Messages

    brainprints subliminal messagesBrainprints subliminal messages is now offering a free prosperity download created by Morry Zelcovitch brainwave entrainment engineer.  If you have read our past posts about subliminals and been wanting to try them or have used them before and want to add to your collection this is one complimentary gift you do not want to miss out on.

    Many wonder are subliminal messages safe just as they wonder if hypnosis and other methods are safe.  The short answer is yes but we will go into a little more detail.  When it comes to the mind anyone can abuse power over it, if a product is designed to improve your prosperity, memory, and so on then using it is safe because the creator has a positive goal intention.  To listen to the Brainprints technology you simply turn it on, relax and listen, however if people are still unsure about the safety of using subliminal messages or any other brainwave entrainment we suggest a few things:

    • Try before you buy- find a free gift such as the Morry Zelcovitch Free Download
    • Listen while you are alert – sit somewhere awake and alert also not while driving and listen, by doing this you can ease your fear because you are making a conscious attempt to hear what the recording is saying and also you do not feel so vulnerable because you are not in a relaxed state.

    Brainprints Subliminal Messages

    As mentioned this is designed for prosperity and although most think automatically that means wealth it is so much more. If you have not heard of Morry is the only certified brainwave entrainment engineer around and he developed this product that contains many of the best self-improvement methods and technologies including hypnosis and more. This technology allows your brain to absorb the subliminal messages like a sponge by penetrating all three hemisphere of your brain- left, right and center. This subliminal mp3 covers of course greatly covers wealth but also prosperity in life such as relationships, health, and an overall more positive life.  With this recording you can rewrite your brain’s blueprint for wealth and prosperity.

    People who have used this so far have has some wonderful results and one great benefit is that although this is geared towards prosperity is also reduces stress and makes you think more positively.  When you get your free download we suggest before you listen to take a few moments to center yourself and before you begin playing it go in with intent.  Such as:

    • Why do you want more prosperity?
    • In what areas of your life do you want it in? Keep in mind again this is geared towards wealth however you can go picture yourself with more than one intent.

    Although the above are not needed to get the Brainprints subliminal messages to work, they work automatically with your mind, it is still always a good idea to visualize what you want before your relax and let the subliminal mp3 do the work. This Morry Zelcovitch free download audio is only for a limited period to give people a personal experience of this amazing life-changing technology so you will want to grab yours straight away.