Books To Break The Negative Thought Cycle

We have all been there trying to keep our thoughts on the positive path.  At times it can be very difficult.

One of the best treatments ( if you can call it that)  to break negative thought patterns is to pick up one of your positive thinking or self-help books and start reading.

If your not a reader like many get a few of the books and find excerpts that pick you up almost every time you read it.  Also, since most books are found in audio form, pop in your favorite and start listening.

Below are some great books to break your negative thoughts instantly:

The Law of Attraction – By Jerry and Esther Hicks

The Great Little Book of Afformations
– By Noah St. John – Noah actually has an entire website dedicated to self-improvement, you can find it here

Think and Grow Rich – By Napleon Hill – you can get it free here

As a Man Thinketh – James Allen –  you can get it free here

The Missing Secret – By Joe Vitale

Although a short list, they are a few of the most powerful books that can change your negative thoughts instantly.

An important key it to take note while you are reading, underline,  etc.  By doing this you have a reference at all times.

Additional tips include:

Making a poster or sign with excerpts that you read and hang it

Repeat the positive things you read from each book aloud- this will stregten your memory of them

Share with others what you have read- sharing has great power and makes you feel instantly helpful and positive

By reading books like these and doing these things daily or at least weekly your mind will begin to change.  The more you do it the easier it will become.