Author: Desire and Belief

  • Age Specific Thinking – Psychology Thinking

    When there is tension, frustration, or hate for another in your life, it can wear on you more then it will every effect the other person. The negative feeling build-up can lead to perpetual negative thoughts, mood problems, and even physical illness.

    When someone has done you wrong or is not seeing your point of view, it can be a difficult task for you to change your mindset.

    One helpful trick that has been helping me is using some age based thinking. Not just realizing your age but utilizing age specific thinking.

    What I mean by age specific thinking only takes a second and can greatly change your point of view in moments. Using age specific thinking is not to dwell upon your current age and the negativities you may have associated with it. Age specific thinking is to bring your awareness back to NOW not the insecure age or time where you feel you need to defend or justify to others.

    Practicing age specific thinking is quite simple but needs to be practiced away from as well as during negative situations. By practicing away from negative situations enough, the process should become natural to you so you can handle them when they arise. By practicing during situations you can put the process in motion and see how it is working for you. From there make adjustments to areas that are not working well.

    To practice away from negativity you need about 5 minutes and a reasonably quiet place. Unlike other self-improvement techniques there can be distractions as long as they are minimal.

    To begin the process sit or stand alone in front of a mirror and look at your face. Notice your facial expressions, eyes, and any other features you find pleasing. Begin thinking of phrases to say to yourself, both in your mind and aloud. Some very effective phrases are “ I am 32 now” or I am “ I am 32 years of age.” While speaking and hearing in your mind these phrases keep the focus on your face. You will soon come to realize the real you. Don’t expect to understand that phrase now it will come to you.

    Before or in a negative situation you should also practice the age based thinking. By doing this it will give you a better idea of what phrases are working for you as well as how well the process is working for you. Some key phrases while in a negative situation may be “I am 32 years old and can handle this the best way possible” or I am a 32 year old now and I can manage to handle this calmly and effectively.”

    Many people make the mistake of using negative phrases while using the process in an uncomfortable situation. For example, people use phrases such as “They are 32 years of age and should act like it” or “I am 32 years of age and I act like it why can’t they.” By using these phrases you are making the process about the other person or persons. It is not your business about how they handle themselves, and the goal of age based thinking is to help you. The main person who will ever take care of you is you therefore making it about another will just increase your frustration

    If you find that the process is not working for you as well as you would like a simple way to speed up results is to create your own phrases that are personal and positive to you. You may also increase you alone practice to as many minutes as you see fit. Make it a personal process for you.

  • Noah St. Johns Success Clinic

    I discovered Noah St. John after reading his book “The Great Little Book of Afformations” Since the reading of the “Afformations” book I have been enlightened by Noah’s teachings ever since.

    Noah St. John’s site The Success Clinic is jam-packed with great products and courses to help you live a more fulfilling life, no matter what it is you desire. He has recently updated his site and programs and there are even more exciting products and information to help you succeed.

    In the Success Clinic Store you can find many tools. You can also find Noah St. John’s most recent book “The Secret Code to Success” at a very reasonable price. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to better themselves or their life.

    Noah St. John has also put together achievement packs which are specially selected products designed to enrich your experience with The Secret Code of Success. A great compliment to these resources is Noah’s Secret Code to Success Interactive Course.

    The Success Clinic also offers a Platinum Mentorship Club as part of the Elite Afformations Package, including The Great Little Book of Afformations eBook, Bonus eBooklets, Afformations Interviews and Transcripts.

    Noah St. Johns book on Afformations taught me a new way of thinking. A way to release resistant thought in a new way. These are all great tools by Noah and I would recommend every one.

  • Patrick K. Porters Relaxation Stress Reduction Program

    As you already know stress can do a number on your mind and body. In fact according to the American Physiological Association 2005 Facts on Stress:

    43% of Adults suffer adverse effects from stress

    Over 66% of all doctors visits to family doctor are for stress related symptoms.

    64% American Adults are looking for ways to reduce stress

    Stress has been directly linked to six leading causes of death. Heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.

    Are you having trouble dealing with your stress? No matter what you try, do you still feel it?

    There are many ways to deal with stress, but the one way that I have always felt massive relief from was mind technology or hypnosis.

    As a hypnotist, I have seen the results of stress reduction often. My mentor Dr. Patrick Porter has now developed a stress free program you can get online.

    For those of you who do not know Dr. Porter, he is an award-winning author, consultant, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. With 24 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry.

    Some of the benefits of Dr. Porters Stress Free Program are becoming more productive; feeling calmer, improve your sense of well-being and much more.

    With Dr. Porters Program you get 5 audios:

    Experience Dreamtime and
    Achieve Your Goals
    Putting Future Events Into Perspective
    Reducing Uncertainty And Doubt
    Eliminate Negative Thinking
    Making Peace With Your Past

    You also get an Insomnia Bonus:
    Sleep Deep and Awaken Recharged

    You get it all at a 50 percent savings! Simply go to Patrick K. Porters Stress Reduction Program site and review it for yourself.

  • Noah St. John’s ” The Great Little Book of Afformations”

    I first discovered Noah St. John after a traumatic occurrence in my life. I was traveling after the trauma and wanted something inspirational to listen to. I went to the local bookstore in the town I was in and when I was looking through all the books on CD there it was, The Great Little Book of Afformations by Noah St. John.

    Of course, never seeing it before I wondered what it was and said what the heck and bought it. It was the one great purchase. Noah St. John brought a new way of looking at affirmations and why they were not working. At that time I needed a fresh perspective; I was not succeeding with affirmations and could not keep my positive thoughts aligned with the Law of Attraction.

    Noah teaches to ask yourself a question or make and “Afformation” instead of an Affirmation. By asking the question your brain automatically starts looking for the answer.

    As far as The Law of Attraction goes, by using Noah St. Johns Afformations it helps to release resistance. By asking the question your brain is looking for the answer, instead of focusing on the negative thought that brought you there in the first place.

    “The Little Great Book of Afformations” is a must-read for anyone who wants to change their life and their thinking patterns.

  • Bob Proctors- 11 Forgotten Laws

    How can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?

    1. Allow Yourself To Receive

    Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins (or whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.

    2. Be Patient With Yourself

    Receiving takes time.

    Relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the universe, are also governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.

    If you remember this, you will less likely work yourself up into frustration, or worse, push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.

    3. Support and Educate Yourself

    Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours a day (but you’re still stuffing yourself with fried foods and cheesecakes).

    While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!